ture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16). Each part of God’s Word can be a blessing to Christians if they read it carefully and prayerfully. The Psalmist said, “ 0 how I love thy law! it is my meditation all the day.” Then He tells us some of the things which God’s Word does for His children. It makes them wiser than their enemies and their teachers; it causes them to understand God’s will; it helps them to keep from sinning; it makes them obe dient to God’s commandments. It is a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path. Paul, in his letter to Timothy, said, “ Study to show thyself approved [pleas ing] unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” As we study God’s Word, let us pray that the Holy Spirit will help us to rightly divide it that we may be pleasing to our Lord and unashamed of His Word before others. —— -*• i v u u ou rn tru o tn u u ii with GOSPEL MAGIC OBJECT LESSONS A Great New Series for Your Fall Program MAGICAL SCRIPTURETTES F IV E T H R IL L IN G LE 88 0 N S (including Out Of This World, Gospel Bands, Salvation's Great Question, Fish ers Of Men, Way of the World.) F IV E M AG IC T R IC K S-— (Aqua Beado, Afghan Bands, Spirit Slates, Phantom Fish, Viz-Escape.) E A SY A N D T H R IL L IN G TO U SE! Only $2.50. M A G IC A L G O SPELETTES— 10 Lessons, Simple Magic Effect . . . . $1.00 M A G IC A L SE R M O N E T T E S —8 Lessons, 8 Professional Tricks . . . . $5.00 (Send stamped, addressed I envelope for FREE lesson) VISUAL TRUTH LABORATORIES (R. J. Smith) 1174 S. Harvey Ave., Oak Park, Illinois ECCLESIASTICAL OCTOPUS Incomparably, the best treatise yet produced on the Federal Coun cil of the C h u r c h of Christ in America. A carefully worded, splendidly documented book that should be in the library of every religious leader in America. Cloth bound— $2.00 Paper— $1.25, postpaid Dealers Protected ORDER NOW FELLOWSHIP PRESS 9 P a r k S t r e e t R o s t o n 8 , M a s s . B&G CONSTRUCTION CORP. Homes • Apts. • Stores 11201 West Washington Blvd. Culver City. Calil. Phone: TExas 0-3816
Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A . K e n t , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A llison A rrowood .
Lesson material is based upon outlines o f the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.
October 3, 1948 A LIBRARY OF RELIGIOUS LITERATURE Psa. 119:97-105; John 20:30, 31; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17
of Scripture. In the Old Testament there was a continual looking forward to His coming that He might be the Deliverer that men so much need. In the New Testament we look upon Him who has come and who will come again. God wants the world to believe upon His Son. Unless we see Christ all through the Scriptures, our spiritual vision is dim indeed. The Practical Effect of God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) This is a wonderful passage showing what God’s Word will do in the life of a man who will let it operate. First of all, it is made clear that the Bible has its origin with God. This being so, it is able to do all that is suggested in these two verses. It is able to teach a man aright (doctrine). It is able to reprove him when he goes astray (reproof). It can correct him so that he will not want to keep on in his sinful ways (correc tion). It is fully able to train him as a faithful child so that he will grow to maturity in the Christian life (instruc tion). And the Word in all these ways seeks to fully fit the believer for a ra diant life of good works in the world (37). Helps for the Children Our Bible Psa. 119:97-105; 2 Tim. 3:14, 15-17 Memory Verse: “ Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only” (Jas. 1:22). If you have a library in your city or in your school, perhaps you have no ticed that all of the books about one subject are placed together so that they will be easy to find. There are books' of stories, geography, history, plays, poems, letters, etc. God’s Word, the Bible, is a library of sixty-six books, including all of the kinds of reading which you may find in your library. This .quarter we are going to learn about the different kinds of books in God’s library. As we commence this study, let us remember that, “All scrip-
Pointers on the Lesson The Bible is one book having but one ultimate author, even the Holy Spirit of God. It is also a library of sixty-six different books having approximately forty human authors, made up of var ious types of literature: law, history, prophecy, poetry, drama, story, biogra phy, parables, letters and so on. The pur pose of this quarter’s lessons is to study some of these different types of Biblical literature that we may become better acquainted with the divine library. This week’s lesson is preparatory to the les sons which follow. Some wonderful things about the Book of Books are brought to our attention in the passages selected for our study. The Ministry of God’s Word (Psa. 119:97-105) God’s Word begets love in the hearts of those who meditate upon it (v. 97). It makes men wise so that they are able to overcome their enemies (w . 98-100). There is nothing comparable to a knowl edge of God’s Word in fitting men to resist the devil and his emissaries in the world. Then, too; we see from verse 101 that there is a vital connection between the Word and holy living. The Word is like honey to the yielded soul (v. 103) for it is the expression of the will of God which when obeyed always brings sweetness to the inward life of man. Understanding comes through the en trance of the Word into the heart (v. 104). The folly of every false way is made clear. Finally, in this passage we see that God’s Word is the guiding light for man’s pilgrim journey (v. 105). No one ever goes wrong following that light. The Purpose of God’s Word (John 20:30, 31) Many reasons are suggested in the Bible as to why it was given to men. The outstanding purpose is set forth in these words before us, namely, that men might see Jesus Christ as God’s Son, believe upon Him, and thus receive di vine life. This is the one great burden
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