King's Business - 1948-09

October 17, 1948 LAW IN THE BIBLE Dent. 6:20-25; Lev. 19:9-14, 17, 18

tians. Some of them were given just for the Jews who lived before the Lord Jesus died and rose again, but most of them are for God’s children of all ages. Today we shall talk about some of God’s rules for living as they, are written in His library. A familiar Old Testament law is, “ Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might.” When the Lord Jesus was asked which was the greatest commandment in the law, the Saviour repeated this law. He said that the second great law was, “ Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Many Old Testament laws made God’s people considerate of their neighbors. When the Israelites brought in their harvest, they were commanded to leave the gleanings for the poor and the stranger. Stealing, dishonesty, gossiping, swearing, and lying were forbidden by God’s laws. God’s people were commanded to mem­ orize His laws, to teach them to their children, to talk of them with one an­ other, and to think of them frequently. If Christians obey the two greatest of God’s laws, they will have no difficulty in obeying God’s other rules for living. Complete love for God and unselfish love for others will make God’s children want to live by His rules.

Pointers on the Lesson A considerable portion of the Bible, in both Testaments, is taken up with laws, rules and regulations to direct the lives of God’s children. Following their exodus from Egypt, God’s redeemed peo­ ple were given many laws and regula­ tions to obey on their way to the Prom­ ised Land and after their entrance there­ in. We come to the New Testament also to find that God’s believing people are given a host of rules to obey in order to live victoriously. For example, a large portion of each of Paul’s Epistles is de­ voted to such rules and exhortations which instruct the Christian as to the way to live a godly life. The Meaning of God’s Laws (Deut: 6:20-25) It is suggested in verse 20 that par­ ents ought to be ready with an intelli­ gent answer when children ask a reason for the divine statutes. All Christians ought to be ready with a reason for the hope that is in them (1 Pet. 3:15). In the instance before us, the redeemed Is­ raelite parent was instructed to tell his child about release from bondage in Egypt (21-23). Furthermore, the child was to be told about the place of bless­ ing (23). Then he was to be told about “these statutes” (24, 25) which God had given His people and why they had been given. They were given for the good of God’s people, for their preservation, their righteousness. Of course, no Israelite ever perfectly kept all the statutes. For this reason God provided an altar in connection with the giving of the law (Ex. 20:24-26). Nevertheless, for a redeemed people, the law has a ministry of instruction (Deut. 4:36), a restraining influence in the matter of evil (Gal. 3 :19); a revelation of the sinfulness of sin (Rom. 5:20); and shows man’s need of trusting the Saviour (Gal. 3:24-25). Examples of God’s Laws (Lev. 19:9-14, 17, 18) 1. Laws respecting the poor (9, 10). These laws regarding the harvest show that God has compassion for the poor. Jesus loved the poor when He was here. AH who follow Him should have that same love and seek ways whereby they can minister to those in less fortunate circumstances. 2. Laws regarding honest dealing (11). In all our dealings with one another, the character of Him who is the truth ought to shine forth. Compare Col. 3:9. 3. Law relating to reverence (12). Every careless or flippant use of God’s name is to be deplored by the Christian. The holy name of God must not be dragged in the dust. 4. Law concerning rights of others (13). The laborer is worthy of his hire and it should not be kept from him. If S E P T E M B E R , 1 9 4 8

a man has done a day’s work the value of that work no longer belongs to the employer. It should be paid the employee as soon as possible. 5. Laws protecting the unfortunate (14). 6. Laws affecting brethren and neigh­ bors (17, 18). In all of these regulations there is clearly to be seen a wise and beneficent purpose. God is concerned about the comfort and happiness of all people. Helps for the Children Bible Rules for Living Deut. 6:4-9; Lev. 19:9-12, 16a; Matt. 22:34-40 Memory Verse: “ Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matt. 22:39). The first five books of the Bible are known as books of law, for they contain rules or laws for living which God gave to His people. Even though these laws were given many hundreds of years ago, they still help us in our living’as Chris­

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