King's Business - 1948-09

October 24, 1948 HISTORY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 1 Kings 4:21-29; 11:6, 9-11

Religion of Israel, p. 135f., by Dr. W. F. Albright.) Failure In Solomon’s Kingdom (11:6, 9-11) * A stream can rise no higher than its source. King Solomon allowed disobe­ dience to come into his life. The nation was bound to suffer. Solomon loved “ strange women” (11:1), turned to heathen gods, (11:4), and lost his zeal for the true God (11:6). Memory Verse: “ Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psa. 33:12). Following the five books of law in God’s Library, we find twelve history books which tell us about the experi­ ences of the children of Israel. These books are filled with stories of travels, wars, heroes, etc. One of the kings, the wisest of all, was Solomon, a wealthy godly ruler. His kingdom was rich and peaceful. King David, Solomon’s father, had given Solomon plans for a new temple in which the Israelites might worship God. For seven years, thousands of Solo­ mon’s servants worked to build the love­ ly gold-covered temple. All of the ham­ mering, sawing, etc. was done away from the temple so that it might be built without any noise. When the temple was finished, Solo­ mon gathered all of the people for a dedication service. After the holy furni­ ture had been placed in the temple, Solo­ mon told the Israelites how his father had made the plans for God’s house. The king then prayed for God’s blessing upon the new place of worship, and blessed the people. After the people had offered sacrifice unto the Lord, Solomon held a great feast which lasted for four­ teen days. “ And they blessed the king, and went unto their tents joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the Lord had done for David his serv­ ant, and for Israel his people” (1 Ki. 8 : 66 ). The Israelites had found God’s pro­ mise true: “ Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” While there is no truly Christian nation today, those na­ tions that allow freedom of worship, that protect God’s people, the Jews, etc. are blessed even though they permit many things that are displeasing in God’s sight. Only Christian men and women and boys and girls can make a Christian nation. Are you leading others to your Saviour that your nation may have more Christians and receive more of God’s blessing? • YOU CAN HELP: By Watching the expiration date j on your magazine. Making sure your subscription | is paid well in advance so you j will not miss a copy. Writing your name and ad- { dress PLAINLY. Be sure the j address is COMPLETE. Helps for the Children When Solomon Was King 1 Ki. 4:21-8:66

Pointers on the Lesson The period of Israel’s history consid­ ered in this week’s lesson is often called “the golden age of Israel.” The king­ dom had reached its peak in prominence and extent. As yet it was undivided. The enemies had been conquered. The seeds of disintegration had not begun to sprout. God was honored and His bless­ ing was upon the nation. The lesson appears in the second great division of the Scriptures, namely, the historical, the first division being the Pentateuch. Both divisions are historical in charac­ ter and provide the basis for further divine revelation. There are twelve books in the historical section, Joshua to Es­ ther. First Kings is the sixth book in the section; thus it appears at its very heart. Furthermore, it sets forth the glory of its most illustrious king. Note the following things in relation to this history : The Extent of Solomon’s Kingdom (4:21-24) All the smaller kingdoms between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean were subject to him. Solomon’s dominion cov­ ered all this area and he was able to bring peace to all these people. This con­ dition is suggestive of the situation that will prevail one day in all the world when Messiah comes and His will is done from sea to sea. This condition is beau­ tifully described in Psalm 72 and else­ where.

The Nature of the Kingdom (4:25)

It was a kingdom where everyone had opportunity to enjoy safety and com­ fort. Every man sitting under his own vine and fig tree is an oft-recurring illustration for the peace and security which shall prevail. (Compare Mic. 4:4; Zech. 3:10.) It was founded on the prac­ tice still witnessed in modern Syria, of training fruit trees to grow along the walls and stairs of houses, so as to make a shady arbor, beneath which the people might sit and refresh themselves. This is the expression of the ideal which God has for His kingdom and which will be realized one day when His will is done upon earth as in heaven. The Protection of Solomon’s Kingdom (4:26-28) Here we see an evidence of weakness on Solomon’s part, a leaning on the arm of flesh instead of the arm of the Lord. God had plainly instructed the kings of Israel against multiplying horses to themselves for protection (Deut. 17:16). How hard it seems for man to learn to trust God! Archaeology has confirmed the historical accuracy of God’s record at this point. At Megiddo in particular stables have been unearthed estimated to have held some 450 horses and per­ haps 150 chariots. Similar evidences have been found in other places in Pal­ estine and they all date back to Solo­ mon’s time. (See Archaeology and the




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