the way for the coming of the King. The house of David, removed from Jerusa lem in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the prophet in the person of Tamar Tephi, thus establishing the present line of descent. The Ten Tribes came from As syria to Europe, thence to the British Isles to he joined to the house of David. God’s Jehovah throne was established in the midst of His kingdom, Modern Israel, or Britain. An ancient King of Ireland was married to a Jewish prin cess from the East and their coronation was on Jacob’s stone, and the royal house of Britain has descended from that union. *“The present King of England, Ed ward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David is the prince descended from King David, the one hundredth generation from King David, born 1076 B.C. His name was at the suggestion of the Marchioness of Waterford, for she said, ‘I believe that he will be Da vid your prince foretold by the prophet, under whom we shall repossess the holy land.’ The royal mother replied, ‘Baby is called David.’ The present King David is on the throne. Ezekiel 37:25. 11. “ According to Daniel 2:44 and Ì5, a Stone is to come from heaven, smite all other kingdoms, become a mountain and fill the whole earth. This Stone kingdom is to stand forever. Israel is to stand forever, Jeremiah 31:35 and 36. Therefore, Great Britain is the Stone Kingdom, the forever Israel. To prove this, there are two emblematic stones, the little stone in Britain’s possession and the big stone, the pyramid of Egypt. This stone in Egypt is the altar of Isaiah 19:19 and 20, God’s Witness. . “ The little stone now occupies the chief seat in the kingdom, the corona tion chair at Westminster Abbey. The Kings of the House of David have been crowned upon this stone. During the past 130 years the Kingdom of Great Britain has expanded into the mountain and the emblematic big stone, the pyra mid, is God’s witness to Great Britain’s claim. “ The Anglo-Israelites decide much by the structure and measurements of the pyramid. They say ‘When the time ar rived for the Kingdom to grow into a mountain, God revealed a mountain of stone as a witness to the Kingdom peo ple. Cutting the pyramid open from north to south, thè diagram of the pas sages gives a chronological history of Israel and Judah.’ There is recorded, that the transfer of the Kingdom ac tivities was from Judah to Israel, be cause the Jews, and not Israel, crucified Christ. Even the very time of Britain’s ultimatum to Germany and the Anglo- Saxon’s entrance into the World War in. 1914, is told by the pyramid measure ments. Midnight August 4 was the be ginning of Jacob’s trouble in fulfillment of Jeremiah 30:7.” These absurdities and distortions of the Word of God really need no further comment, but we will go into their teach ings more fully next month. (Continued Next Month) THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Gentiles, that thou mayest be my sal vation unto the end of the earth.’ -The Church is the priesthood of the nation. “ In 1776 A.D. the Lord divided Israel into two nations, so that God’s promises to both Ephraim and Manasseh might be realized. 7. “When General Allenby, the British soldier, drove the Turks out of Palestine and took possession of that land, the British were the children of Israel from the north and all lands returning to the land given to their fathers by God, in fulfillment of Jeremiah 23:7 and 8. “ During the centuries before this re turn of Israel (the Anglo-Saxons) to Palestine, God had fulfilled Ezekiel 20:33 to 35, bringing scattered Israel with a mighty hand out of countries into the wilderness (Great Britain), and the wilderness was to blossom like a rose,.and be the place prepared of God where Israel should be nourished. And there Israel was to fulfill Deuteronomy 32:13,14, and be the lion lifting himself up with the strength of the unicorn— as a great lion. Numbers 23:22,24; 24:8. 8. “ In this latter day the New Cove nant is first for the Anglo-Saxon Is raelites. As under the Old Covenant, strangers and sojourners can become Is raelites, members of the kingdom nation (Britain) and partaker of its benefits. These partakers are grafted into the Israel stock for kingdom benefits. Every Anglo-Saxon who complies with the law is recovenanted to God. The law has not been set aside, only the form of cir cumcision. The punishment of those re fusing to comply with this law shall be destruction. “ The present failure of Anglo-Saxons and Americans to recognize Great Brit ain as the kingdom of Israel is respon sible for the present misery and suffer ing in the two lands. Israel’s time of punishment foretold in Daniel 4:23 and 32, ‘seven times’ has expired. ‘Seven times’ was a period of 360 weeks, or 2520 years. Adding 2520 years to the time of Judah’s captivity, about 600 B.C., we come to about 1920 A.D. One of the chief speakers for the Anglo- Israelites declares the Lord will come for His Church September 16th, of the year (1936). 9. “ Only Spirit-filled Christians will be saved from the great time of trouble. The rest of the Church and all Israel (Britons) will survive until Jesus’ feet stand on the Mount of Olives to save His people from destruction, in fulfill ment of Zechariah 14:1 to 3. (Howard I B. Rand’). The wise virgins of Matthew 25 are the Spirit-filled Church members who will be raptured. These will know in advance the arrival of thg day of their removal. This will include only a few. 10. “ (Rev. Wm. P. Goard.) The throne of David has come down to Great Bri tain through a clear line of descent and, therefore, the fulfillment of God’s prom ise that David’s throne would endure forever. Great Britain and America, Ephraim and Manasseh, (who are to render willing obedience) are preparing
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