use every legitimate tool in order to do His work and further His cause. All three booklets may be obtained at the Biola Bookroom. Weilcome to a New Class A GAIN it is our privilege to open wide the doors of the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles to a large incoming class of hand-picked young men and women. The history of Biola now in cludes more than two-score years of the record of God’s faithfulness, and His demonstrated ability to preserve and to use this institution which has for its first aim the teaching of the Bible. As we go into our forty-first year, we accept these new students with a sense, first of thanksgiving to God, and then of our solemn responsibility to train them for Him. We pray that God will give us the wisdom and strength necessary to prepare these young people fully in the imperishable truth of Scripture. To this end we reiterate our historic position that we believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible Word of God, and that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and the world’s Saviour, and that it is our duty and privilege to so fill the minds of our students with a knowledge of this Word and a love for the lost that they will go forth to the ends of the earth carrying the story which is able to make men wise unto salvation. We call Christian people the world around to remember the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in their prayers. ' Preach the Word f I 'HREE out of the 27 books of the A New Testament are labeled pasto rals. They are so called because Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, addressed them to two of his younger friends, Tim othy and Titus, who were pastors. In these short but vital letters is found ex ceedingly valuable advice for pastors all down the centuries. Among the admoni tions given is a terse suggestion that we “preach the Word.” The original term used in the New Testament is karusso which means to cry out, herald, or exhort. It is as if the message so burned in one’s heart that it must be expressed with passion ate feeling and godly fervor. This is the work of a pastor, but the pastor is to cry out the Word, that is, his ser mons are to be made up of Scripture, not about the Scripture, but the very Word of God itself. At this point lies the secret of preaching' successfully. Godly men, with rare insight into the truth of God, have declared that expos itory preaching is the thing. If one de sires the blessing of God to come upon his congregation, his method of preaching must be to take the Word itself and “ expose” his people to it. Of necessity, this must rule out many beautifully- turned and highly-polished s e rm o n s which tickle the ears of the listener. But if there is substituted instead the preaching of the Word of God, it will accomplish God’s purpose!
cently and this has become the basis of our ability to succor the world’s starv ing people. It would be foolish, of course, to look in the matter-of-fact-reports from the Department of Agriculture for any rec ognition of God’s part in these bountiful bushels, but do not forget for an instant that these harvests do not come by chance, but instead constitute a tremen dous mark of God’s favor to America. There isn’t any doubt but that God is supplying us in order that we may help others, for the cry of hungry stomachs as well as hungry hearts the world over reaches the ears of a compassionate God. Let America then continue to have an open heart toward the world’s under privileged, and let us take all these bounties as a gift to us from God, and let us unselfishly bestow them far and wide. Meanwhile let the Christian peo ple of America remember that this is also a God-given opportunity to take the spiritual bread of life as well to needy souls. Give Attention to Reading I T IS not always the ponderous tomes that are most beneficial universally. Very often small booklets, such as the late Dr. C. I. Scofield’s “Rightly Divid ing the Word of Truth,” have been a blessing beyond measure as an aid in the understanding of spiritual truth. In Southern California lives Max Zim- mermann, a man who has spent many years in personal spiritual dealing with the sick and needy in the huge Los An geles County General Hospital. He has just published a handbook for personal workers. This 40-page pocket-size “Soul Winner’s Guide” should prove to be a most valuable aid to all those who de sire to be used of the Lord in winning others to Christ. It presents forty com mon excuses that the unsaved give, and answers to them from Scriptures, ar ranged in an easy-to-find thumb index. Surely this guide ought to result in leading thousands of souls to Christ. Another simple booklet is entitled, “ The Good News by Mark,” in which Frances Noble Phair, long a worker with boys and girls, has taken the stories of the second Gospel and put them in lan guage so simple that, without sacrificing any spiritual content, even the youngest may easily understand. Today is a day when all those who love Christ should
Answering the Upward Call The staff of The King's Business, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and the Church of the Open Door extend deepest Christian sympathy to Mrs. Bruechert, Managing Editor of The King’s Busi ness, in the recent loss of her husband, the Rev. I. P. Bruechert. Mr. Bruechert went to be with the Lord Sunday morning, August 1, at his home. He had risen early for a season of prayer and Bible study and from this time of devotion, with an opened Bible on •his knee, he responded to the com mand, “ Be ready in the morning, and come up” (Ex. 34:2), slipping quietly into the presence of the Lord he loved. A graduate of the Omaha Theological Seminary, Mr. Bruechert held pastorates in Iowa and Nebraska before becoming Minister of Visitation, and Assistant to Dr. Louis T. Talbot, pastor of the Church of the Open Door, the position which he held at the time of his death. Mr. Bruechert will be remembered by our readers as the contributor of “ Help ful Hints for Soul Winners,” a series of messages on personal evangelism, a serv ice in which he himself was signally blessed, winning scores of souls to the Saviour and encouraging many believers to a closer walk with Him. The preparedness of this stalwart, de voted Christian to be called unexpectedly from earthly service to face his Heaven ly King challenges every heart with the fact that anyone may be summoned in like fashion at any time. To be ready is an exhortation each one of us should heed. Bountiful Bushels O VER the broad acres of our great land the tasseled corn again is wav ing and the golden grain is ripening. Estimates from the Department of Agri culture predict another amazing crop of nearly 3% billion bushels of corn and 1% billion bushels of wheat. This year’s harvest may prove to be the greatest one that we have ever known, which is all the more remarkable because it is the tenth in consecutive order of a series of ever-increasing harvests. During the years of the past war, our land brought forth abundantly, which fact was a tremendous aid to victory. Since the close of the war, America’s acres have continued to produce magnifi-
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