Petersen Pet Hospital - February 2022

AY’S Alley

You, Me, and the Great Outdoors

ntal Disease

is okay. With dental disease, you can’t always see it by looking into your

pet’s mouth— the disease may be below the gum line. By having routine teeth cleanings, Petersen Pet Hospital can conduct X-rays to ensure there are no signs of diseases. To prevent your pet from getting dental disease, it’s recommended to brush their teeth at least once daily. But if you’re like me, I don’t like getting my teeth touched. Luckily, Petersen Pet Hospital can also provide teeth cleaning for your pet. I see my humans clean their teeth all the time, so why not do the same for your furry friends? If you have any questions about dental disease or want to schedule an appointment for a teeth cleaning or annual examination, allow your friends at Petersen Pet Hospital to help you and your pet!

3 Outside Date Night Ideas

Did your significant other leave it up to you to come up with a romantic date idea this Valentine’s Day? Luckily for you, there are tons of date activities that are easy and affordable for you to enjoy with Mother Nature. While the possibilities are endless outside, here are three popular outdoor date ideas!

Watch the sunset.

Sunsets are intuitively romantic: The sun paints the sky in calming reds, pinks, and purples, creating a beautiful backdrop. While watching the sunset, you and your partner can have a romantic picnic with the sky in view. Or you can embrace the scenery with your other half and create memories you both will never forget.

Valentine’s Day has gone to the dogs — literally! Whip up these easy treats in 10 minutes to show your pup some love!

Go stargazing.

If you live in the city, stargazing is a good chance to escape for the night and get away from the light pollution in the city. If you already live in a location where you can easily see the stars, take advantage of the peaceful privacy with your loved one. Maybe you’ll spot a shooting star you can wish upon while you’re out there!

INGREDIENTS • 1 1/2 cups oat flour (or pulverize rolled oats in the food processor)

1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes, shredded

Hit up a drive-in movie.

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1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp dried pomegranate seeds 1 tbsp coconut oil

If you’re looking for a way to be extra comfy while still sitting outside, a drive-in movie is the best destination! The best part about a drive-in is that you can view both new and old movies as well as bring your own snacks and drinks. If the weather permits and if you have a truck, you can load the bed with blankets and pillows and have a cozy night while watching a movie. These date night ideas are perfect for Valentine’s Day, but they don’t have to be limited to just the holiday! You can also consider these for any date that you have with your significant other. Nothing brings couples closer like being together with nature.

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1 cup coconut flour

1 cup plain, nonfat yogurt

1/3 cup strawberries


In a food processor, combine all the ingredients. Pulse until they have reached a desired consistency.


3. Roll the mixture into balls, squeezing tightly as you go. The size will depend on what you think your dog would prefer. 4. Chill in the refrigerator before serving.


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