KOMO Seattle Refined Options
Option 1 • $2,300 Sponsored online article Tell your story to an engaged audience with a sponsored article 1 sponsored article written by Seattle Refined staff writer Fixed 728x90 and 300x250 banner ads on article page Facebook Dark post/ promotion.
Option 2 • $4,500 1x on-air segment and online article 3-5 minute segments
Option 3 • $7,000 2x on-air segments and online articles Same as option 2, but the agent receives 2 on-air segments, 2 online articles, 2 Facebook posts, and double the amount of ad impressions!
featuring your Compass listing(s), an overview of yourself Fullscreen billboard with logo (will have to be black/ white) Live streaming of the program Segment lives on
SeattleRefined.com Article or gallery on SeattleRefined.com
including fixed banners 100,000 ROS impressions on SeattleRefined.com Copy of the segment to share on all social, with clients, including in a digital book KOMO production team handles all the filming, the shoot takes about 1.5-2 hours and the team coordinates times/dates that are convenient for you
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