24B — June 23 - July 13, 2017 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic
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Planned $7 million public plaza and memorial construction anticipated to begin this year Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation releases newdetails for Holocaust Memorial Plaza
HILADELPHIA, PA— The Philadelphia Ho- locaust Remembrance Foundation (‘The PHRF’), a non-profit organization dedi- cated to educating the public about the universal lessons of the Holocaust, today unveiled new details and images of the planned Philadelphia Holo- caust Memorial Plaza at the highly-trafficked intersection of 16th St. and Ben Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia. The Plaza, which is funded in large part by donations from busi- ness leaders and residents across the region, is expected to begin construction this year. The update depicts the cen- terpiece of the new Plaza, known as the Six Pillars, which will be erected in mem- ory of the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Each pillar is engraved with a narra- tive that chronicles a motif of the Holocaust, contrasted with an adjacent pillar describing one of America’s core values. The purpose of the Pillars is to show that, through a commit- ment to American democracy and protections, the country can continue to protect against the evils that lead to totalitari- anism and genocide. The Six Pillars contain two sides: one facing Arch St., and the other facing the interior of the Memorial Plaza. Visitors will be able to view six panel pairings, juxtaposing Ameri- can values with motif of the Holocaust: • “Human Equality” vs. “The Master Race” • “American Democracy” vs. “Totalitarianism” P and their parents. Some have roommate matching programs; on-site security; study centers and lounges; eco-friendly op- tions; private transportation to campus or city centers; planned activities and events; fitness centers; outdoor space; pools; fire-pits; and even retail shops. Online payments are typically accepted for ease of payment by parents, and employment options are availble for students to work in exchange for reduced rent. Many apartments come fully furnished, and utilities and cable are built into monthly rent to avoid students having to take on bill-paying responsibilities. Potential Cons. As compared to a convention- al apartment complex, student
those purposes into criteria for assessing alternative designs or solutions, and generating alternative design concepts. RPDM is a strategic thinking approach to provide the ulti- mate level of flexibility through a truly integrated team that is able to take on very challenging and complex building projects. RPDM integrates a matrix of people, systems, business organizational structures and practices. The collaborative process utilizes the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and con- struction. Integrated projects are uniquely distinguished by highly effective collaboration among the owner, designer, constructor that begins early in the project definition and continues through the turnover of the project. Glenn Ebersole, P.E. is the market development manager at High Concrete Group LLC in Denver, PA. n how your multifamily building can qualify for Con Ed funding, contact a Con Ed Market Part- ner. If your building’s budget is the only roadblock standing in the way of fire safety compli- ance, you can get started with a LED feasibility assessment, which will include the savings your building will realize with a LED retrofit. These same savings can be the source of financing for your building’s fire safety compliance upgrade. George Crawford is prin- cipal of Green Partners LLC. n Construction of the new plaza is set to commence this Winter. The project is ground leased from the City of Phila- delphia, and is being funded by generous donations from private citizens and an RACP grant from the State of Penn- sylvania. There are numerous sponsorship opportunities available for individuals or firms looking to play a role in preserving the stories of the Holocaust. n memorialized the Holocaust since 1964, and was the first such public monument in North America.
involvement facilitates deci- sions being made early that reduce unnecessary chang- es during later development stages and also reduces the total life-cycle costs. Some of the benefits derived from early involvement are a higher prob- ability of: • Effective Design • Improved Construction Operations • Less Waste • Greater Customer Satis- faction • Achievement Of Creative Solutions • Effective And Positive Ex- change Of Ideas The RPDM approach ad- dresses problems that may occur in construction at an early point of the project, es- pecially during the project definition phase which defines the project’s purposes to meet the customer’s, stakeholder’s and project’s needs. The project definition answers the question “what,” and the process con- tains three stages: determining project purposes, translating extra funding is the TerraLUX SL series stairwell fixture. This DLC Premium rated fixture is recommended by Brian Ken- nedy of TerraLUX because of its self-contained emergency battery as well as built-in sen- sor to provide bi-level dimming capability. At full capacity - 2500 lumens - the fixture con- sumes 13 ½ watts, when in the dimmed mode, it will only con- sume 5 Watts. This TerraLUX product comes with a ten year manufacturer’s warranty. For more information as to which represent the tragedy of Jews being herded onto trains to labor and death camps; also depicted is the “Thereisenstadt tree,” which was planted by surviving children from the Thereisenstadt concentration camp. At the far western por- tion of the Plaza, the artists’ renderings depict The Forest, a planted grove, which hearkens back to the brave heroes of the resistance movement, who risked their lives to combat the evil forces in their midst. The Plaza will also encom- pass the existing Six Million Jewish Martyrs statue, which
continued from page 10B By George Crawford . . .
Philadelphia Holocaust Memorial Plaza rendering
Six Pillars rendering
• “Natural Rights” vs. “Nuremberg Laws” • “Freedom of Religion” vs. “Religious Persecution” • “Protecting Life and Lib- erty” vs. “Death Camps” • “Liberation” vs. “Bearing Witness” In addition to the Six Pil- lars, the new images show the configuration of the other components of the Plaza, in- cluding the black granite Re- housing will have significantly higher turnover rates, one year being the standard amount of time the same students will oc- cupy a unit. Wear and tear on the premises is typically more substantial, and there may be liability considerations with underage drinking and safety of residents. There is also an increased risk of defaults when students transfer, leave school, or move out for the summer or winter months. Another major consideration for developers is timing. The majority of students secure housing in advance for the up- coming semester or school-year, and move in just prior to the fall semester. Thus, a missed con- struction deadline could mean a whole year of carrying the
membrance Wall, which will create a somber enclosure, encouraging visitors to con- template about the lives lost and the power of hate. Located at the western end of the plaza, theWall will include a recessed Eternal Flame, which will serve as a further reminder of the determination of the global community to never forget. Embedded in the Plaza’s pavement will be train tracks, But even with the risks in- volved, stock in publicly traded student housing companies like American Campus Communi- ties and EdR is up between 35 and 55%, while the Bloomberg North American Apartment Landlords’ index is also up, but only by 12% over the same period. Colliers International reports that last year the U.S. alone saw approximately 397,000 new beds, and over $6.6 billion was invested in student hous- ing, with developers continuing to pursue projects all across the Country. Jessica T. Zolotorofe is an associate with Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC. n buildings with no, or minimal income.
continued from page 11B By Glenn Ebersole . . .
continued from page 5B The current state of Student Housing . . .
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