NSBE Strategic Articulation - FINAL - Draft in Progress


Member / Stakeholder Engagement: Who are the current/

Focus Area: What type of experience will provide value to the member? Engagement in STEM (Grades 3-5)

Program Description: How is this experience,

Suggested Changes Necessary: What will we change about the current experience or what should we add to provide additional value to the member?

potential personal and professional

currently inspiring and transforming?

connections involved in this experience? What role do they play?

Engagement Program (EP) EP GOAL: 50% of the students participating in the new Awareness programming from select test cities & regions will successfully transition into enrollment into SEEK Camps; and NSBE Jr. program participation will increase in those select city & regions by 25%. a. After 2nd grade, students previously in the K-2 grade pathway will be transitioned to NSBE Jr. and SEEK as they begin in the 3-5 pathway. b. The new, expanded communications program, curricula and tool-kits will now include key enhancements and modifications (i.e. better dialogue/communication between PCI stakeholders and SEEK/NSBE leadership, new curriculum and toolkit supports, and newly developed metrics to support learning, program ežectiveness and accountability. c. Signature PCI programs - SEEK Camps and NSBE Jr. - will be reviewed and where necessary to support better integration within NSBE and the existing program activities. d. There should be a new focus on incentives and support to keep students connected and help them transition into the next age- grade group (i.e. 6-8 grades). Considering the NSBE ecosystem, PCI stakeholders will initially look at the most thriving SEEK cities to advance this new strategy. In a later phase, the remaining (but still maturing) cities can be incorporated into the new strategy with the benefit of early lessons and their potential for sustainability. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Strategic Communication to enable the ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM: Currently, the Pre-Collegiate (PCI) area relies on the following communication tactics - website information, SEEK communication sent out via NSBE magazine, local new features and NSBE SEEK Instagram through NSBE Jr. Advisors. The PCI Strategic Direction workgroup proposes the following: Start Small: New Communication Experiments • Create programmatic tactics to deliberately convert SEEK attendees into NSBE Jr. members; • Further develop the “NSBE Jr. Night” feature in the current SEEK curriculum; • Shift focus to Key Local Area growth vs. National Growth focus; • Explore the development of uniform metrics/dashboard and tracking systems (leveraging Dr. Rochelle Williams). Future Focus Develop the following program elements and student-centric toolkits to strengthen program delivery and systematize communication with the PCI ecosystem and across key stakeholders: • Implementation steps • Best practices • Case studies

WHAT: Provide

NSBE Members:

introduction to NSBE and other STEM related organizations that provide formal programs where students will actively engage in STEM education and mentorship. HOW: Introduce NSBE Jr. program membership and participation in SEEK program. Engagements and partnerships from the above will be via: • Host Schools • Education and Industry Partners • Mentors/ Advisors • Other Schools

Chapter Leadership Chapter members, especially • PCI Chair

Regional Leadership • PCI Chair

National Leadership • PCI Chair

NSBE WHQ Programs department



Host Schools

Education and Industry Partners (i.e. NSF)

Local School District

Black Greek Lettered Organizations (BGLOs)

Project Lead the way or other early STEM initiatives (This can be for all K-12 demographics)

• Evaluation forms • Sample budgets


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