VanderlindePT_Neck Pain & Stress

Newsletter for Vanderlinde Physical Therapy


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INSIDE: • How Physical Therapy Can Help Neck Pain • Staff Spotlight • Laughter Is The Best Medicine • Clinic News

HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health & Caring for Your Body


activity. If your neck pain starts at the base of your shoulders, traveling upward, it may be stress-related. Causes of Stress-Related Neck Pain While stress alone can trigger neck pain, a few factors can make it worse. Office environments tend to create neck pain problems — as they confine people to chairs, bad posture and little mobility. Driving often, too, can make your chances of stress-related neck pain higher. The U.S. National Library of Medicine suggests contacting a professional if you’re experiencing neck pain. Even if it’s caused by stress, untreated neck pain might later reveal muscle spasms, arthritis, bulging discs or even narrowed spinal nerve openings.

Does your neck hurt? You might be suffering from stress- related pain — also called a tension headache. During anxiety, muscles tense up. As muscle tension tightens, the back, shoulders and neck are affected. The more pressure they cause, the more discomfort you get. Let’s take a closer look at stress-related neck pain. Is My Neck Pain Caused by Stress? Pain worsened by keeping your head in one place — like when you’re driving, or using a computer — is neck pain. While neck pain has a slew of symptoms, its major symptoms, reported by Mayo Clinic, are: • Muscle tightness and spasms • Headaches • Decreased ability to move the head Stress-inducedneck pain isn’t rare. It also isn’t psychological. Many experts think stress-induced neck pain is caused by physical factors — low, but constant, trapezius muscle

Have neck pain that won’t go away? We want to help you! Call us at 561-482-6900

Call Vanderlinde Physical Therapy to talk with your physical therapist today!

3. If further assessment is

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

2. Your therapist will tell you the possible causes of your pain as well as precautions you can take at home.

warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Neck Pain Neck pain, fortunately, can be alleviated with physical therapy. Because neck pain is often caused by activity, different activities can cure it. Sometimes, this “activity” means “no activity.” Before you contact a professional, try reducing your neck movements. Sometimes, simply letting your neck muscles relax is enough. If you don’t see relief within two weeks, contact a professional. Physical therapists can target your pain’s source by examining your symptoms. Then, they can offer exercises that stretch, flex and relax your neck muscles. In time, your neck will become more resilient — giving you the comfort you deserve. Where aftercare treatment is considered, custom-tailored neck exercises will assure your neck stays loose, limber and healthy. If you’re dealing with neck pain, you’re not alone. Call our office today, and schedule an assessment. Even if your neck pain is caused by stress, it still needs attention. We’ll work side by side with your goals, creating the proactive, effective programs you need to achieve mobility once more. Sources

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Staff Spotlight

Did you know? …that laughter is good for your heart? It diminishes stress and boosts the immune system. Even the simple act of smiling has a positive effect on happiness and physical health, helping the heart recover more quickly after stressful events. Smiling and laughter reduce blood pressure and releases serotonin and other natural pain killers. Did you know?

Nicole van Leeuwen PTA

Nicole van Leeuwen, PTA obtained her Physical Therapy Assistant degree from South University. She isamemberof theAmericanPhysical Therapy Association (APTA). Nicole is skilled in manual therapy techniques suchasTriggerPoint, Graston, Cervical SpineManual Traction, Joint Mobilization,

and Myofascial Release. Nicole has a background in Orthopedics, Pediatrics, and Aquatic therapy, providing individualized care to all her patients. She has a sporty mind, and a cheerful disposition which exemplifies her ambition to assist all patients towards a quick recovery. NicoleenjoysMountainBikeRiding, ScubaDiving, Running, andspending time with family and friends.

...that laughter’s positive effects are instantaneous! Once you start laughing, you immediately feel better and pain is perceived as less intense. These effects can last as long as 24 hours so laugh at least once a day!

Staying Motivated To Eat Healthy

Clinic News

1. Set small, measurable goals that will help you get to your overall large goal. 2. Keep a food and exercise journal. This is extremely helpful to track how much you’re eating – sometimes you don’t realize how many small bites here and there add up. You can do a hand-written journal or go digital and log your food/fitness from the computer or your smartphone. 3. Keep processed junk food out of your diet by adding in nutritious whole foods. 4. Skip the pantry and head to the fridge. No one really keeps a lot of processed foods in their fridge because they’re usually self-stable. When looking for an afternoon snack, stick with something from the fridge

(non-fat greek yogurt, fruit, veggies with hummus, edamame, etc.)

5. Try new foods. Eating the same meal every night can get old. Look for new healthy recipes online, in cookbooks or magazines so you don’t get bored with eating healthy. 6. Eat something every 2-3 hours. This keeps your metabolism running and also makes sure you don’t overeat after work. 7. Keep nutritious foods on hand and ready to eat. Preparation is the key to eating healthy! Having fresh vegetables and fruits, lean protein, healthy fats and smart carbs each week is super helpful for staying on track.

Did You Know? We Also Specialize In: • Spinal Stenosis • Rotator Cuff Syndrome • Joint Replacement Rehab • Osteoarthritis • Parkinsons • Balance Problems • Sports Injuries • Manual Therapy • Graston Technique • Trigger Point Technique • Friction Massage Technique Congratulations Casey on the birth of your newbaby! staying-motivated-to-eat-healthy/

Healthy Recipe Vitamin Burst Smoothie


• 1 tsp freshly minced ginger (or more to taste) • Optional: 1-2 tsp raw honey; a handful of fresh baby spinach; 1-2 tbsp almond butter

• 1 cup fresh orange juice • 1/2 cup milk (coconut, almond, or substitute plain or vanilla yogurt) • 1/2 cup frozen strawberries • 1/2 cup mango • 1/2 cup pineapple


Add the ingredients to a blender and blend on high speed until completely smooth, scraping down the blender as needed. Add a drizzle of honey or extra ginger to taste, pour into glasses, and enjoy. Bursting with healing Vitamin C, this hydrating smoothie will increase the infection- fighting ability of your immune system.

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