August 1925
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Lord bearing our sins in His own body on th e tree; th a t, having risen from th e dead, He is now enthroned in heaven, and uniting in His wonderful person th e tend erest sympa thies w ith divine perfection, He is every way qualified to be a suitable, a compassionate and an all-sufficient Saviour. Of th e new creation, th a t in order to be saved, sinners m ust be born again; th a t th e new b irth is a new creation in Christ Jesu s; th a t it is instantaneous and not a process; th a t in th e new b irth the one dead in trespasses and in sins is made a p arta k er of the divine n atu re and receives eternal life, the free gift of God; th a t the new creation is brought about in a manner above our comprehension, not by culture, not by character, nor by th e will of man, b u t wholly and solely by th e power of the Holy Spirit in connection w ith divine tru th , so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the Gospel; th a t its proper evidence appears in th e holy fru its of repentance and faith and newness of life. Of the resurrection and re tu rn of Christ, th a t the cruci fied body of our Lord was raised from th e grave and He ascended into Heaven, and in His present life th ere for us is our High P riest and Advocate; and th a t the Scriptures teach the imm inent, bodily, visible, personal re tu rn of Christ to establish his reign on th e earth, and to judge the living and the dead. Since it is historically, certain th a t these churches and schools before mentioned are th e d irect product of the old faith, were founded and have been in the main supported by Fundam entalists, we believe th a t any ethical conscience would suggest to the liberals of th is hour th a t they w ith draw from the evangelical and T rin itarian fold and build a church upon the basis of th e ir new philosophy, and estab lish th e ir own schools. It is not in th e least likely th a t one of these men, many of whom are both scholars and gentlemen, would argue in favor of forcibly occupying a home bu ilt by another, and by either false pretenses or physical powers compel the rig h tfu l owner to quit it altogether, or to live in it in daily and increasing discomfort. P ro te sta n t churches are the n atu ra l home of evangelical Christianity, h ith erto undeni ably owned and occupied by it. One of Three Courses Prof. J. Gresham Machen, of Princeton Theological Sem inary, has sanely said: “Paganism has made many efforts to disrup t th e Chris tian faith, b u t never a more in sisten t or a more insidious effort th an it is making today. “There are th ree possible attitud es which you may take in the present conflict. In th e first place, you may stand for Christ. T hat is the best. In the second place, you may stand for anti-Christian Modernism. That is next best. In the th ird place, you niay be n eu tral. That, is perhaps worst of all. “The worst sin today is to say th a t you agree w ith the Christian faith and believe in th e Bible, and then make common cause w ith those who deny the basic facts of Christianity. Never was it more obviously tru e th a t he th a t is not w ith Christ is against H im .” Separation Inevitable The time has come when Fundam entalists and Modernists should no longer rem ain in the same fold, for how can two walk together except they be agreed? Therefore we call upon all Fundam entalists of all denom inations to possess th e ir souls w ith holy boldness and challenge every false teacher, w hether he be professor in a denom inational school or state school; w hether he be editor of a religious pub lication or the secretary of a denom inational board; and w hether he be a pastor in a pulpit in th e homeland or a m issionary on th e foreign field. Since a large m ajority of th e members of all th e evan gelical churches are tru e to th e inspired Bible and to the sup ern atu ral Christ, the only begotten Son of God, upqn
whom Christianity is built, as proven by the utterances of these churches and by th e fact th a t n o ;evangelical church has ever endorsed any modernist doctrine, THEREFORE, we earnestly appeal to the believers in all these churches to organize w ithin th e ir respective churches and place th eir church organizations again on record, clearly and unreservedly in support of th e v ital tru th s of Christianity as above set forth. The Coining Revival All the signs of this present hour point to one of two things. E ither an increasing apostasy and falling away to the u tte r breakdown of civilization, or a g reat' sp iritual awakening. Let us pray, hope, believe, expect and look for a g reat revival. We believe it is possible fo r th e world to w itness again m ighty sp iritual awakenings as in the days of our fathers. God remains th e same yesterday, today and forever, and not one jo t or tittle of the Bible has been changed. W. B. RILEY J. FRANK NORRIS KEEP POSTED ON EVOLUTION P rofessor L. S. Keyser, D. D., H amm a D ivinity School, Springfield, Ohio ■ aN view of the present world-wide conflict over the § hypothesis of evolution, I wish to call th e atten- S tion of K. B. read ers to a number of valuable anti- “ evolution works th a t have recently come from the press and th a t deserve wide circulation. All of them deal w ith th e subject from th e scientific viewpoint, and most of them .also indicate its moral and religious bearings. I would especially invite people who are puzzled over the discussion to read these scholarly works. A lfred F airh u rst: “Theistic Evolution” (1919). The S tandard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. $1.25. Alfred F a irh u rst: “A theism in our Universities” (1923). The S tandard Publishing Company; C incinnati, Ohio. $1.50. Professor F a irh u rst also, issued a notable book, entitled “Organic .Evolution Considered,” a number of years ago. Same publishers. George McCready P rice: “ The New Geology: A Text Book for Colleges, T raining Schools, and General R eaders” (192 3’). Pacific P ress Publishing Association, Mountain View, Cal. $3.50. George McCready P r ic e :' “The Phantom of Organic Evo lu tion” (1924 ). Flem ing H. Revell Company, New York and Chicago. $1.50. Harold C. Morton: “The B ankruptcy of Evolution” (1924 ). Marshall B rothers, Lim ited, London, England. 2s. 6d. About 95 cents. Louis T. More: “The Dogma of Evolution’s* (1925). Princeton University Press, P rinceton, N. J. $3.50 net. (Very scientific.) George B arry O’Toole: “The Case Against Evolution” (1925). The Macmillan Company, New York. $3.50. (In many places technically scientific.) (The above books may be secured from Biola Book Room, 536-558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.) WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSON L. W. MUNHALL WM. L. PETTINGILL LEANDER S. KEYSER T. T. SHIELDS P. W. PHILPOTT STEWART P. MacLENNAN CHARLES A. BLANCHARD
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