King's Business - 1925-08

August 1925



opened; th e damsel of divination was liberated; the Philip­ pian ja ile r was saved by means of th e Word preached at Philippi; and th e resu lts were th e kindness of hospitality, the detection of fraud, and th é banishm ent of cruelty (Acts 16 :14 -34 ); special m iracles were brought th rough P au l’s preaching (19:11', 12), and spiritualism and w itchcraft were banished from the lives of many (1 9 :2 0 ); and the reason for all th is is summed up in th e sentence, “ so m ight­ ily grew the Word of God and prevailed.”

g reat joy given to those who received the Word in Samaria (8 :4 -8 ); the eunuch was saved and gladdened ( 8 :3 9 ); th e Holy Spirit was bestowed by means of it upon Cornelius and his friends (1 0 :3 6 -4 4 ); a g reat num ber o f th e Jews turned to the Lord a t Antioch as a resu lt of th e Lord working .by His#W*»rd (11 :19 -21 ), and in spite of persecution the Word still “ grew and multiplied” (12 :24 ) and “ spread abroad” (1 3 :4 9 ); “ signs and wonders” were borne to th e Word of His grace a t Iconium (1 4 :3 ); the h eart of Lydia was



Instal lat ion o f D e an , B. I. O. L. A .

Dr. J. Whitcqmb B rougher, pastor of Temple B aptist Church, Los Angeles, afte r expressing his adherence to th e fundam ental doctrines of evangelical Christianity in no uncertain term s, declared th a t he was confident th a t he could speak for 90 per cent of th e B aptists of the land v/hen he extended the greetings of the denom ination to the Bible In stitu te in its sane program for train ing young people in the v ital tru th s of th e historic faith. He expressed his delight w ith the In stitu te ’s choice of new leadership. The Methodist denom ination was represented by Dr. W illiam A. Brown, pastor of University Methodist Church, Los Angeles. Dr. Brown left no doubt as to his loyalty to the faith of our fath ers and expressed his h earty approval of th e kind of Christian train ing being given by the Bible In stitu te. He asserted th a t thousands of loyal Methodists everywhere could not bu t rejoice in such a work devoted to preparing men and women for the w inning of souls. Mr. H erb ert Booth Smith, pastor of Immanuel Presby­ terian Church, Los Angeles, extended the congratulations of his denom ination. He was particu larly delighted in the choice of Dean Maclnnis, and pointed out th a t the two foun­ ders of the In stitu te, Messrs, H o rto n -a n d Stewart, and its president, Mr. Irvine, had come from Immanuel Presby­ terian Church. Dr. W. E. McCulloch, pastor of the F irs t United Presby­ terian Church of Los Angeles, expressed the belief th a t th e United P resbyterian churches would be practically a un it in endorsing th e Bible In stitu te in its work of defending th e faith and train ing men to preach th e unsearchable riches of Christ. He drew atten tion to the fact th a t th e United P resbyterian Church had contributed the Associate Dean and Dr. E rn est R aitt, the newly appointed Extension Sec­ retary. Dr. McCulloch then, by way of surprise, read a let­ te r from the president of Sterling College authorizing him to confer upon Dr. A tkinson the degree of Doctor of Divin­ ity, th is being the second college thu s to honor Dr. A tkin­ son. Dr. Maclnnis’ brief address follows: Dejar F riend s: We are glad to have you w ith us at this simple service of installation th is afternoon. We hope th a t it has impressed all as indicating th a t th e acceptance of a tru st such as is given to us in the leadership of an in stitu ­ tion like th is means a solemn responsibility. F irst, It is a responsibility to God. We believe th a t we are assum ing th is work in His will and th a t our supreme and final responsibility is to Him. We feel th a t th is work is of Him and th a t He has a very definite purpose in it, and our first duty is to find th a t purpose and to be tru e to it at any and every cost. Second, It is a responsibility to th e past. We most sin­ cerely acknowledge th e love, sympathy and faithfulness of (Continued on page 372)

HE Board of D irectors of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles takes pleasure in presenting to the friends of th e In stitu te th e following brief account •of th e installation of th e new Dean, Dr. John M. Maclnnis, and his Associate, Dr. Ralph A tkinson: A notable and epoch-making day in the history of 'th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles was Sunday, Jun e l'4th. In the morning, the newly chosen Dean delivered th e bacca­ lau reate sermon to a most prom ising g raduating class, and in th e afternoon occurred th e in stallatio n service, when Dean John M. Maclnnis and Associate Dean Ralph A tkinson received th e ir charges and were formally welcomed by a large gathering of. friends, and employees, who pledged th eir h earty support. The w idespread in terest in th e in stal­ lation - exercises was manifested by th e large audience assembled in the main auditorium , a goodly proportion of which was comprised of m inisters and Christian workers of Southern California. Some of th e more prom inent m inis­ ters were seated upon the platform . The combining of providences such as th e homegoing of both Lyman and Milton Stewart, th e decision of Dr. Torrey to give his tim e to evangelistic work, and the resignation of Mr. H orton from the superintendency, threw the In sti­ tu te into a period of transition, “ But prayer was made w ith­ out ceasing o f the church unto God for us,” and th e favor of God seemed to smile u p o n 'th e work in a new way a t the installation service. Dean Maclnnis’ statem en t as to his position and th e policy which, as head of th e institution, it was his purpose to carry out, caused every h ea rt to overflow w ith thanksgiving and hope, and many expressed th e feeling th a t a new day was dawning for th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles and th a t its g reatest accomplishments under the banner of the Cross w ere ju st ahead. A fter the reading of the Scripture lesson by th e Rev. Bob Shuler, Pasto-r of T rin ity Methodist Church South, Los Angeles, th e installation ceremony was conducted impres­ sively by Dr. Angus H. Cameron, late pastor of th e West­ m inster P resbyterian Church of Pasadena, and a ’life-long friend of Dean Maclnnis. The founder of th e In stitu te, Rev. T. C. Horton, now Superintendent Em eritus, spoke a word of cordial greeting and expressed his earnest desire for God’s blessing upon the service of th e new Dean and his Associate Dean, and pledged his prayers in th e ir behalf. Greetings ■ from various denom inations were then expressed by representative m inisters, who were introduced by Mr. J. M. Irvine, P residen t of the Board of Directors. Mr. Irvine first read a Tetter from Dean W illiam MacCor- mack of St. P au l’s Pro-cathedral, Episcopal, Los Angeles, who was unable to attend b u t wished to record his hearty approval of the In stitu te program .

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