King's Business - 1925-08

August 1925




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HOW THE EARTH WAS BORN The latest theory Is th a t a sta r an­ ciently passed fairly close to the sun and, by means of gravitation, pulled away a p art of its substance, which finally rounded itself into Mother E arth . In like manner, th e theory holds, the moon was born. Some as­ tronomers believe the w ithdraw al of the moon left thé vast depression which is now th e bed of th e Pacific Ocean. W hat will th e next theory be? — News item. SOME SIGNIFICANT SIGNS Some of th e elite of Des Moines, Iowa, including tw enty of th e social leaders, were summoned before a Federal Grand Ju ry for questioning in connection w ith the charges of liquor law violation, pending against George Fox, asserted salesman for a New York liquor vender. The names were contained in a list found in Fox’s baggage when he was arrested a week ago. He is alleged to have told officials he operated only among the elite, in cities of th e mid- west.4f-Exchange. CHAINING THE CHURCH TUSCOLA (111.)— Robbery has be­ come so prevalent in this community th a t farm ers keep th e ir ch ick en s' in th e cellars, nail down everything port­ able, and the banks are offering $1000 rew ard for every dead bank robber. Even the churches are not immune from the predatory bands coming out of St. Louis. This explains why the piano in the church is securely chained to heavy ring bolts on the floor and securely padlocked. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the church earned th e money to buy the piano by numerous sociables, and they did not fancy the idea of m iscreants probably driving up and carrying off th e ir prize. Hence the heavy chains and the padlock which excite th e curiosity of strang ers who occasionally attend service.—News Item. TOO MANY STARS There a re 'to o many shining stars in the movie firmament for th e General F ederation of Women’s Clubs, and so they have w ithdraw n th e ir represen­ tatives in th e “Hays’ Comm ittee." According to a newspaper report, they reached the conclusion th a t “While th ere had been some im­ provement in the stand ard of motion pictures released, th ere were still many immoral ones which had a depraving effect especially upon the younger people. “F u rth e r, th e federation had little voice in shaping the policy of Mr. Hays’ committee.

“Motion pictures will continue to be a vital subject before the federation, and it is planned to organize the motion-picture council of America at W ashington in an effort to elim inate th e objectionable films, “This movement grew out of a ques­ tionnaire sept to tw enty-three national organizations of men and women in an effort to elim inate duplications in th e various fields of club activity.”-— Exchange. SEIZED OPPORTUNITY The Astor residence on F ifth avenue in New York, which has been one of the show places of Gotham for two generations, has been sold by V incent Astor to a form er sign painter, who worked his way over from Poland some twenty years ago and now wants the site for a $10,000,000 hotel. When he had work he saved money and when he had money he pu t it into city property. He is doing as the Astors have always done, bu t he happened to catch th e tide a t its flood. Now he is one of th e big fellows in a big city. — P ress Dispatch. WHERE EDEN WAS EVOLVED Upon one subject science and the Bible are in complete agreem ent— th a t all th e races of mankind sprang from the same ancestors. I t is also agreed th a t th e Garden of Eden lay “ somewhere in Asia,” but th e exact location has been questioned. Dr. Ales H rdlicka, head of th e National Museum of Anthropology, is now in N orthern India and he claims to have found positive proof th a t the earliest human fam ily lived among the Si- w alik Hills. From th is center of dis­ tribu tion he says hunting tribes spread into different continents, ac­ quired different characteristics, and differentiated into th e races. But an tiqu ity is a vast period in which, afte r all, most things must be taken on faith.— News Item . BEING BORED An em inent surgeon a t a recent convention of scientists asserted th a t a g reat deal of th e radicalism th a t en­ gages th e m entality of th e world is the resu lt of social lethargy. Men and women are bored either w ith idleness or routine and they tu rn to rabid u t­ terance for variety and relief. Indus­ tria l un rest is prompted in the same way. As a m a tte r of fact, wages, hours and w orking conditions are so vastly more advantageous th a n they were in other days th a t the man w ith a job should be satisfied and content. Yet strik es and conflicts come every now and then to distu rb th e indu strial world. Men who have w hat they want or need are more prone to be bored th a n those who are still fighting or working for it.-;—L. A. Times.

EDUCATION’S EVOLUTION The Boston Post recently published the following news item : The H arvard Advocate has been ordered held a t th e Cambridge post- office un til th e W ashington au th o ri­ ties have decided w hether it will come under ban of indecent lite ra tu re and pictures. Like its fellow-publication, the Lampoon, whose circulation by mail has been barred, th e Advocate number is a burlesque, said to be directed at the Dial. A draw ing entitled “Neo-Platonic Love” is said to have been th e chief factor in determ ining the action of thé postoffice authorities. Evidently, the Postoffice D epartm ent has higher ideals th a n the university.— Exchange. “LIBERTY EXISTS IN PROPORTION TO WHOLESOME RESTRAINT” The above declaration by Daniel W ebster is a complete stnswer to the storm of radical criticism and abuse of our Constitution, Courts and system of government. When in 1830 this country was faced by those who chafed under Constitutional restrain ts, and in tern al disruption was . imm inent, W ebster rendered titan ic service in strengthening ¡those defenses. He formed w ith John Marshall and Andrew Jackson th e g reat trium v irate which sustained Constitutional pro­ tection. Today, upon a larg er scale the loyal sentim ent of America is being forced to deal w ith a type of disaffection intensified by the alignm ent of foreign influences. The present upholders of Constitutional government are con­ fronted by an opposition both w ithin and w ithout our own national boun­ daries. Socialism and Communism are in ternational organizations having back of them a united fron t seeking world-wide control. They are strongly organized for the purpose of breaking down law and order in every country. They are concentrating against the United States because they realize th a t here are the strongest restra in ts to th e ir ambitions. - Through careful m isrepresentation appealing to motives which increase th e flames of hate, they are laying the foundations of rebellion ag ain st every­ th ing represented by American prin­ ciples. and ideals. Therein lies the g reatest danger of the present situ a­ tion. The tim e to effectively, deal w ith those who would endanger our national life is before they develop power to execute th e ir designs. • The remedy is clear. It consists solely in loyal Americans ranging themselves solidly against every effort to weaken th e Constitution as the Supreme Law of th e Land. Thus only, lib erty und er th e law will survive.— B etter America Federation.

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