King's Business - 1925-08

August 1925



sion and were baptized. Among these were th ree majors, two captains, one lieu ten an t, two quarter-m asters, and a num ber of secretaries and non-commissioned officers. Known by T h eir F ru its But, b etter th a n figures, is the change w rought in these men. Captain Cheng joined th e Bible study conference and decided to become a Christian. The most m arked evidence of the new b irth in th is man was his suddenly acquired control over a form erly vicious temper. F o r instance when he overheard a soldier, in th e stable, vilifying the Christians as foolish people, who should all be killed, he only said to him, “Dp you not know th a t in reality th e Christians are the w isest people in the world? If you will go w ith me to h ear the Gospel you Will soon find th a t what I say is tru e .” This treatm en t, instead ■of the cruel punishm ent which he expected on th e discovery th a t he had been over­ heard, so impressed th e man th a t he became a regu lar atten d a n t a t the Church and was soon enrolled as an enquirer. • “W here Two Shall Agree” On ano th er occasion Captain Cheng discovered the plot on th e p a rt of twelve soldiers to desert, w ith th eir rifles, for the purpose of joining the bandits. Cheng immediately repo rted the incident and th e Colonel (not th e Colonel W ang mentioned above) decided th a t all of the twelve should be executed th e following morning. This made tile once h ard -hearted Captain Cheng so unhappy th a t he could not sleep. A t daybreak he' called four Christian soldiers and, explaining the m atter to them, asked them to join him in fasting and prayer. A fter thu s preparing himself, he

interviewed the Colonel who consented to let all b u t the ring-leader off w ith th e ir lives, dism issing them from the arm y however. Cheng pled w ith them to accept th e Lord Jesus and gave them each one dollar to help them to get to th eir homes. Each one of these desperate men had tears in his eyes as he promised to follow the Captain’s advice. How we wish th a t we m ight follow them to th e ir homes. A New C reature There is space to mention ju st one o th er case. Major Liu paid no atten tion to Christianity except to regard it as a foreign religion. He had no t th e least intention of going to church when Colonel Wang asked him to tak e his soldiers to hear th e Gospel, but of course, obeyed, and becoming convicted of sin and convinced th a t the only way of salva­ tion was th rough Jesus Christ, he enrolled as an enquirer and came to th e chapel regularly w ith his soldiers. He was much impressed w ith the fact th a t his soldiers were “madé into new men” by the Gospel and realized Christianity to be the only religion able to save sinful men. A few months ago p art of th is very division was sta­ tioned in Changsha for some weeks and we had th e g reat privilege of meeting .many of these officers and: men. A Sunday afternoon service was started fo r them in the audi­ torium of thé Milton S tew art Hall, bu t unfortunately the w ar clouds again gathered in th e West and they were sent away. The Gospel which saved C ap tain . Cornelius is still “th e power of God unto salvation.”- Please pray for thé sol­ diers of China and specially for the officers and men amongst them who have already confessed th eir faith in the Lord Jesus.

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REVIVAL F IRES IN NORTHERN IRELAND The Rev. J. B. McLean reports th a t th e Evangelistic movement in Belfast, Ireland, led ,by ReV. W. P. Nicholson, has been already greatly owned of God. “The immense crowds th a t g ath er n igh tly to h ear th is famous preacher surely indicate th a t the revi­ val, movement is still in progress. T an intense desire on the p art of thè eommon people to hear th e sim­ ple Gospel message. Never have we been in more earnest prayer-meetings th an those which precede each gath er­ ing, when men and women get down, before God and plead for th e salva­ tion of loved ones, as well as their neighbors. Thep the Gospel meetings are packed to th e doors w ith double rows of seats down th e aisles, and every available corner filled up w ith hundreds of men and women whose h earts are overflowing w ith praise to God. Besides th e Gospel services in the evening the evangelist has given a course of Bible readings on the Christian life. These meetings have been tak en advantage of ■ by all who were free a t th a t hou r and who wished to learn th e secret of being a t th e ir best for God. We earnestly ask ap in terest in th e prayers of Christians everywhere for a fu rth e r awakening; and for a continued blessing on God’s honored serv an t.”—Moody Monthly.

RY is being made rap- in th e historic lands of Bible,— the soil of which trodden by th e feet of

our Lord and th e early disciples, but which is now largely w ithout any Gos­ pel teaching or preaching. The headquarters of th e “ Bible Lands Gospel Mission” is located in a strategic points—having access to th ree continents— Asia, Europe and Africa. The sto ry of th e marvelous conversion of th e founder of the mis­ sion—V artan A tchinakB -from Bolshe­ vism to Christianity, was told in the Jun e number of The K ing’s Business, and is printed in leaflet form , copies of which will be sent upon request.. Before th e war, th e mission was largely supported by the native Chris­ tians, bu t since the w ar these natives have been robbed by the Turks until they are no t now able to finance it. It is also desired to largely extend the work, holding evangelistic services in various large centers such as Aleppo, B eirut, Damascus, Jaffa, etc. Chris­ tian s who desire to make a wise in­ vestm ent of th eir funds can not do b etter th an share in this opportunity.

M iss E jhia N ousratlah A g r a d u a te fro m th e "L eb an o n H ig h S chool a n d B ib le T ra in in g I n s titu te ,” u n d e r th e a u sp ic e s of th e B ib le L an d s G ospel M ission, fo u n d ed b y M r. a n d M rs. -V a rta n A tc h in a k . T h is y o u n g g ir l b e g a n a t once to w o rk fo r h e r L o rd b y s t a r t ­ in g a S u n d ay S chool in a v illa g e w h e re th e G ospel h a d n o t b e fo re b een ta u g h t. Mr. and Mrs. A tchinak will gladly g iv e.inform ation regarding th eir work and can be addressed a t 113 Fulton Street, New York City.

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