August 1925
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Interesting Stories from Real Experience ---------- As told by Bible Institute Workers ------------
E v a n g e l i s t i c
1—- d e p a r t m e n t
and began praying th a t th e girl would come to Los Angeles, visit the Lyceum Club and th ere find the Lord. Not long after, a le tte r came from the friend saying she was coming to make a visit. She was taken to the Lyceum Club and received th e Lord as h er Saviour, and is now living for Him and looking fo r ward to entering the In stitu te as a stud en t some day, if the Lord so directs. - Another young woman found the Lord a t the Club one night. In con versation w ith her afte r th e meeting, the w orker was quoting John 3:16. The young woman looked puzzled, th en a- light broke on her face as she held up the little Gospel which had been given her and said, “Oh, is John 3:16 in th is red book?” When it was found for her she read it eagerly and said, \fll heard th a t long ago bu t it never gripped my h ea rt before. Jesus died for me th a t I m ight live. I see it all now. I am so glad to have th a t little book.” And one more has joined the arm y of those who have found in John 3:16 all they, need to satisfy th e ir souls now and establish th e ir hope for eternity. The Euodia Clubs Surely the h ea rt of our F ath e r was made glad as the girls from four of our forty-five Euodia Clubs m et th is past week for th e ir closing meeting before th e summer vacation. There were g irls, in th e group who realized during th eir year of th e study of God’s Word what it m eant to “ grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” There were girls who. for th e first tim e gave th eir testimonies of how in Euodia the Holy Spirit very definitely and surely made a way into th e ir h earts for th e Sav iour. One of the girls in one class had been brought in by h er chum who had been praying th a t she too m ight know the joy of salvation. A t the close of the meeting th is girl came out into the conference room w ith her chum and stood by so w istfully as th e other girl told of the wonderfuf answer to prayer she had had. H er eyes were so big and hungry looking, so yearning and yet so helpless. F inally she very tim idly asked the teacher to pray for a request of hers. When asked w hether she herself had been praying to the F a th e r for th e request she said, “ I don’t know H im .” So through His Word she was led by the Holy Spirit to also have th e rig h t to ask and re ceive through Christ Jesus. Another girl had been in th e class about a year and a half, and had been so faith fu l in her attendance, coming each week w ith her notebook and Bible. She had seemed so very in te r ested and never failed to take notes, all during the lessons. About two weeks ago she lingered a fte r all the girls had left and said to th e teacher,
“Somehow th e Lord doesn’t seem real to me.” So th e two of them had a prayer time, praying th a t He m ight seem real to th is one who had seemed so interested in H is Word. The next week th is girl came to Euodia and again lingered behind a f te r ' all th e girls had left, and this time, w ith a shining face, informed th e teacher th a t she had never taken Jesus Christ as her own personal Sav iour un til she. was on her knees the week before. So as the girls gave th e ir glowing words of testim ony it could tru ly be said, “The Lord h ath done g reat things for us whereof we are glad.” A t The E leventh Hour One of th e ladies of the Bible Class told us of a little fam ily of six she had tak en into h er home when slie found them in distress. The young fath e r had come out here seeking health. We were invited to the home to ta lk to the husband and wife about accept ing Christ. Upon arriving th e good m otherly soul who was en tertain ing them , took entire charge of th e four little children, and so we had an unin terrup ted tim e w ith the young couple. Soon th e conversation was directed to the question of accepting Christ, and we were careful in th is particu lar case, not to urge too strongly th eir decision a t th a t moment,, lest they should do it from a wrong motive of seeking to please the dear woman who had befriended them . Both assured us th a t they really wanted to' accept Christ as th eir Saviour then and there, and so we kn elt down, and helped them fram e th e ir prayers of accept ance. Then they prom ised to have the fam ily a lta r set up immediately. We left them prom ising to send two Gos pels of John which would contain some Bible studies for them. Several weeks la te r the news came of th e young m an’s death, and the in fo rm an t told us, “He would no t have the Gospel of John out of his hands th e last few days!” A Precious B irthday Gift During the Christmas season I was led to pass on a story to my girls at the Euodia Club about giving our Lord Jesus a g ift for His birthday, saying to them , “W ouldn’t it be ju st lovely, girls, if each one of us could win a soul as a Christmas gift to the L o rd?” A week later a very excited, eager, happy girl came up to me and said, “Oh, I ’ve hardly known how to wait, I ’ve got something so in teresting to tell you. I ’ve got a present for our Lord.” She w ent on to say she had gone home from the class and re peated the sto ry to her little sister aged ten years. A fter she got through h er sister said, “ Can’t I be th a t g ift? ” and then and th e re she told her the way of salvation ju st as she had
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an Stew art. Supt.—‘Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses an d Soul W inning Clubs. One Gospel of John “Come ye afte r Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17.) ' T one of th e Monthly Report Luncheons for workers and friends of th e Bible In sti tute, Mr. Horton gave every one present a Gospel of John. I should like to tell how I dis posed of mine. The Sunday following th e luncheon I noticed two new girls in my Bible. Class. A fter the class was dismissed I said to th e first girl, “And when were you converted?” She told me, and then I p u t the same question to the second girl. She answered, “ I’m not converted, bu t I ’m going to be.” I said to her, “Why not now?” and asked her to take her T estam ent out of her pocket. She inform ed me th a t the Testam ent didn’t belong to her,— someone had loaned it to her. “Well,” I said, I have a Gospel of John rig h t here,” and opening the book explained the way of salvation from it and she accepted Christ. I afterw ard learned th a t she made a full su rrend er of her life to Christ th a t afternoon. Calling on a sick friend la ter in the day, she told me th a t she had prayed th a t I m ight win a soul th a t day! Truly the secret of soulw inning is prayer. There have been th ree con versions of loved ones th is p ast month as a resu lt of th e prayers offered in our neighborhood Bible Classes. One of our ladies became very much burdened for the conversion of her nephew in England, especially as th e b ro th er of the young man had died of cancer, and he was now suffering w ith the same disease and was unsaved. We prayed earnestly th a t th is young man m ight be converted, and suitable tracts were given to the au n t to send to him. He called his grandm other a t two o’clock one morning to come and pray w ith him as he was suffering very much, and then he asked her if she would pray for his soul. He was con verted, and according to th e letter which his aun t received, is bearing a b righ t testimony. Lyceum E te ri Work One of the most blessed featu res of th e Lyceum and E te ri Clubs are th e prayer-circles. In these little groups, meeting ju st before the service, the girls very frank ly and definitely bear one ano ther to the throne w ith th eir p articu lar needs and h ea rt burdens. The girls have many answers to prayer, and come week by week w ith testim ony reg a rd in g answered prayer. A g irl had a. friend in a d istan t city fo r whose salvation she was burdened,
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