King's Business - 1925-08



August 1925

11 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers ( H o m i l e t i c a l H e l p s )

THE BELIEVER ’S DEATH 1. Passage th rough a valley, Psa. 23: 4. 2. Peaceful homegoing, Psa. 37:37. 3. Promotion to higher sphere, Prov. 14:32. 4. Presence w ith th e Lord, 2 Cor. 5:8. 5. P erp etu al gain, Phil. 1:21. • 6. P o rtal of victory, 1 Cor. 15:54-57. 7. Precious in God’s sight, Psa. 116: 15. —K. L. B. THE LORD IS GOOD Nahum 1 :7 . The Lord is good, then try Him. The Lord is good in salva­ tion. P salm 3 4 :8 . The Lord is good, then tru s t Him. The Lord is good in sorrow. P salm 100:5. The Lord is good; then th a n k Him. The Lord is good in supply. P salm 145:7, 9. The Lord is good, then tell of Him. The Lord .is good in satisfaction.-EM . B. I. Monthly. BEWARE LEST::— 1.—Your h e a rt b e hard ened in u n ­ belief. Acts 13: 38-41; Isa. 29:13-16; Hab. 1 :4 ; Luke 8:18; Luke 11:35. , 2.^--You are spoiled by m an’s ph il­ osophy. Col. 2:8ff; (cf. Acts 8:10, 6; Matt. 10:17; 7 :1 5 ). Fables: 1 Tim. 1 :4 ; Tit. 1:14. 3.—You become un stab le and lose your hope. 2 Pet. 3:14-17; 2 P e t.-1: 19;; (cf.H eb . 2 :1 ; Mark 13:9-23, 33). . 4 .-—You fo rg et God in prosperity. Deut. 6; 12:8, 11; Luke 12:15. — The Christian. GOD’S “NEVERS” 1. “I never knew you” (Matt. 7: 23). 2. ‘‘The fire th a t never shall be quenched” (Mark 9 :4 3 ). 3. “He th a t cometh to Me shall never hung er; and he th a t believeth on Me shall never th irst” (John 6 :3 5 ). 4. “My sheep . . . shall never per­ ish ” (John 10 :28 ). 5- “Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die” (John 11 :26 ). 6. “ I will never leave ,thee nor io i- sake thee” (Heb. 13 :6 ), 7. “ If ye do these things, ye shall never fall” (2 Pet. 1 :1 0 ). : —nThe Christian. “ETERNAL” IN HEBREWS 1. Thy throne. . . is forever and ever (ch. 1 :8 ). 2. Thou a rt a P riest for ever (ch. 5: 6; 7 :2 1 ). 3. E tern al salvation (ch. 5 :9 ). 4. E tern al judgm ent (ch. 6:2)-. 5. E tern al life (ch. 7:16, 25). 6. Perfected for evermore (ch.7128). 7. E tern al redemption (ch. 9 :1 2 ). 8'. The E tern al Spirit (ch. 9 :1 4 ). 9. E tern al inheritance (ch. 9 :1 5 ). 10. E tern al sacrifice (ch. 10 :12 ). 11. Perfected for ever (ch. 10 :14 ).

12. Jesus Christ the same for ever (ch. 1 3 :8 ). 13. The everlasting covenant (ch. 13: 20).— Sel. CHRIST’S COMING IN 2 THESSALONIANS 1. V indicator of th e Tried (1 :4 -7 ). 2. P un ish er of the Godless (1 :7 -9 ). 3. Glorifier of the Saints (1 :10 -12 ). 4. G atherer of His Own (2 :1 ). 5. Destroyer of th e Man of Sin (2 :8 ). 6. Completor of Salvation (2 :1 3 ). 7. P a tie n t One, Satisfied (3 :5 , R. V .). THE GOOD SHEPHERD 1. H e Seeks th e Sheep. Isa. 53:6; Psa. 119:176; Luke 15:1-7; 19:10; Ezek. 34:11-16. 2. He Gave H is Life for th e Sheep. John 10:11, 15, 17, 18; Mark 10: 45. 3. He Gives H is Life to th e Sheep. John 10:27-30. 4. He Knows H is Sheep. John 10:4, 14, 27. 5. He Keeps H is Sheep. John 10:28- 30; Jud e 24; John 17:11, 12. 6. He P rovides fo r H is Sheep. John 10:9; Psa. 2 3 :l-6 /;;,Matt. 6:26-34; John 14:2, 3. 7. He W ill Enfold All H is Sheep. John 10:16; 17:24; 1 Thess. 4:13-18. —Wesleyan Methodist. F IVE FAMILIAR FACTS F o r Believers I. L ifted Up—H is Power (1 Sam. 2: 8 ) . 1. F rom th e dust and th e dunghill to th e dignity of princes. 2. “Out of death into life” (John 5 :2 4 ). II. Led F o rth— His Presence (Psa. 107 :7 ). 1. F rom Egypt (world) to Canaan, th e “ b etter country.” 2! “ Bring many souls to glory.” in . Loaded Daily—H is Provision (Psa. 68 :19 ). 1. W ith benefits and blessings. 2. “Best of blessings He’ll provide us.” IV, Lacked Nothing^-HiS" P len tifu l Supply (Luke 22 :35 ). 1. “My God shall supply, all your need.” 2. “Take care of him ” (Luke 10: 35). V. Loved To th e End—His P erfect Love (John 1 3 :1 ). - 1. “A F riend who loveth a t all tim es.” 2. “ I have loved thee w ith an ever­ lasting love.” Jesus died my every debt to pay, He shed His blood to wash my sins away, And now He lives to keep me day by day— In heaven above. r—J. M.

“A SAVIOUR”— Luke 2:11

Not prim arily A Social R eform er...........Luke 11:14 A Teacher ..............................John 3:2 An E x am p le.,.............Matt. 14:28-31 B u t a Saviour Sympathetic ...... .................. Heb. 4:15 A lm ighty ........... ............... John 16:33 V igilant ...........Mark 6 :48 ; Psa. 121 In tim ate ...... Rev. 3:20; Luke 24:29 Only,.............„.John 14:6; Acts 4:12 Unchanging .................... Heb. 13:5-8 Returning....Phil. 3:20, 21; T itus 2: 3; 1 John 3 :2 ; Isa. 25:9, —W. C. J. WAYS OF PRAYING . Some tim e since we indicated seven different ways of giving: “The selfish way, equal way, proportionate way,” etc. I t has often occurred to us th a t th e Word of God h in ts many ways of praying- also, and th eir mention may show th e ir defect and necessary lack of prevailing power. F o r instance: : 1. The form al way—when prayer is a mere form of words, w ith little or no h e a rt; or when it is simply due to the force of a hab it which has lost its real motive power. 2. T h e h u rrie d w a y-Bhastening through it as a disagreeable and irk ­ some duty—-a duty indeed b u t not a delight, and to be .dismissed as quickly as may be. . 3. The selfish way——when the real motive is to consume the coveted bless­ ing upon ourselves— in some way to promote our own selfish advantage or pleasure. 4. The impulsive wayjfe-praying as th e feeling prompts, and when we feel so inclined—w ithout any definite plan of prayer in our lives, or devout habit. • 5. The faithless way—w ith no real dependence on the prom ises of God, or confident expectation of receiving w hat we ask or seek. 6. The though tfu l way— seeking to meditate upon God, and intelligently- understand both th e n atu re of prayer and the good we seek. 7. Tbe earn est w ayS-w ith the a tte n ­ tion of the m ind -and th e desire of the h ea rt absorbed in asking, w ith a deter­ m ination to persevere. 8. The tru stfu l way— coming in the sp irit of a child; first believing th a t God’s promises ju stify prayer, and then th a t we are coming to a F ath er, both able and willing. 9. The consistent way-—th a t is, liv­ ing as we pray, and so walking w ith God as to be in th e way of blessing, and by fellowship w ith God inviting it. 10. The sp iritual way— so cultivat­ ing acquaintance w ith the Holy Spirit th a t He can and does b reathe in us first th e desires we b reathe out ;in prayer. . . - 1 I t is easy to see why we so often fail, and how we may succeed.4#-The Missionary Review of the World.

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