August 1925
\m T k e F a m i l y C i r c l e W. R. H A L E
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ousy.”— Rom. 11:11. P ra y fo r Dr. Chas. A. B lanchard and Wheaton Col lege. MONDAY, 10 God’s Gifts and Calling. “F o r the gifts and calling of God are w ithout repentance,”— Rom. 11:29. P ra y fo r Dean Maclnnis and B.I.O.L.A. TUESDAY, 11 Of Him! Through Him! To Him! “F o r of him and th rough him, and to him, are all th in g s: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”— Rom. 11:36. P ray fo r Chas. G. T rum bull and th e S. S. Times. WEDNESDAY, 12 H is Depths Unsearchable. “ O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God.! how unsearch able are his judgm ents, and his ways past finding o u t!”— Rom. 11:33. P ra y fo r W. L. Tucker and “The Won d erfu l Word.” THURSDAY, 13 The Strong B ear th e Weak. “We then th a t are strong ought to bear the infirm ities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”jfcRom. .15:1. P ray fo r Dr. Gaebelein and “Our Hope.” FRIDAY, 14 Love of th e Spirit. “Now I beseech you, b rethren, for th e Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, and for th e love of the Spirit, th a t ye strive together w ith me in your prayers to God for me.” — Rom. 15:30. P ra y for H arry Hill and his K orean M inistry. SATURDAY, 15 Only W ise One.|S“To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever.”-—Rom. 16:27. P ray fo r Dr. P h ilp o tt and th e Moody Church. SUNDAY, 16 H ea rt and Mouth Service. “ For with the h ea rt man believeth unto rig h t eousness; and w ith th e mouth confes sion is made unto salvation.’^ -R om . 10:10. P ra y fo r Dr. Massee a n d Tre- mont Temple, Boston. MONDAY, 17 Contenders fo r th e F aith . “W hat shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against u s?”-—:Rom. 8:31. P r a y for Dan Craw ford and th e W ork in Africa. TUESDAY, 18 Conquerors. “Nay, in all these things we are more th a n conquerors through him th a t loved us.”||-R om . 8:37. P ra y fo r th e Christian F u n d a m entals Association. WEDNESDAY, 19 Christ Our Life. “And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; bu t the Spirit is life because of righteousness.”— Rom. 8:10. P r a y fo r Dr. R euben Saillens and th e P aris Bible In stitu te. THURSDAY, 20 S piritual Intercession. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirm ities: for we know not what we should pray
The W o r d— the Foundation for Prayer “How read est th o u ? ” Luke 10:26 “When th o u h a st sh u t thy door, p ray .” (Matt. 6 :6 ) A-Ù-G-U-S-T SATURDAY, 1 Judg e Not. “Who is he th a t con- demneth? It is Christ th a t died, yea rath e r, th a t is risen again, who is even a t the rig h t hand of God, who also m aketh intercession for us.”—-Rom. 8:34. P ra y fo r Rev. Howard Taylor and China In land Mission. SUNDAY, 2 Our Judgm ent. “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.’g —Rom. 14:12. P ra y fo r Rev. Chas. H u rlb u rt and A frica In land Mis sion. MONDAY, 3 Be Careful. “L et not then your good be evil spoken of.”— Rom. 14:16. P ra y for Mr. and Mrs. R alph Norton and th e Belgian Work. TUESDAY, 4 No Condemnation. “There is th e re fore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not afte r the flesh, bu t after the Spirit.”—-Rom. 8:1. P ra y fo r Rev. an d Mrs. F ra n k A. K eller and H unan Bible In stitu te. WEDNESDAY, 5 F lesh vs. Spirit. “F o r they th a t are afte r the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; bu t they th a t are after the Spirit, th e things of th e Spirit.”— Rom. 8:5. P ra y fo r Dr. Jas. M. Gray and Moody Bible In stitu te. THURSDAY, 6 One Thing We Know. “And we know th a t all things work together for good to them th a t love God, to them who are th e called according to his purpose.’IS-Rom. 8:28. P ra y fo r Dr. W. B. Riley and Northw estern Bible and M issionary T raining School. FRIDAY, 7 No Separation. “Who shall separ ate us from th e love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sw ord?”-—Rom. 8:35. P ray fo r Don O. Shelton and National Bible In stitu te of New York. SATURDAY, 8 Heaven’s Passport. “T hat if thou shalt confess w ith thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in th ine h ea rt th a t God h ath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”— Rom. 10:9. P ra y fo r W. M. D anner and th e Leper Work. SUNDAY, 9 Jew s’ Loss— Our Gain. “ I say then, Have they stumbled th a t they should fall? God forbid: but ra th e r through th eir fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jeal
for as we o u g h t:. bu t the Spirit itself m aketh intercession for us w ith groanings which cannot be u tte red .” .-—Rom. 8:26. P ra y fo r F a ith Missions. FRIDAY, 21 He th e Judge. “Who shall lay any thing to th e charge of God’s elect? It is God th a t justifieth.SI—Rom. 8:33. P ra y fo r Dr. R obert Dick W ilson of P rinceton Seminary. SATURDAY, 22 Justified. “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from w rath th rough him .”— Rom. 5:9. P ra y fo r a W orld Revival. SUNDAY, 23 F a ith Conquered. “He staggered not a t the promise of God through un belief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.”— Rom. 4:20. P ra y for Dr. R. A. Hadden and th e Christian Fundam entals League. MONDAY, 24 P erfect Peace. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace w ith God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” — Rom. 5:1. P ra y fo r Real Peace. TUESDAY, 25 Rewards. “Who will rend er to every man according to his deeds.”— Rom. 2:6. P ra y for Miss Cameron and h e r W ork Among th e Chinese in San Francisco. WEDNESDAY, 26 Ashamed? “F o r I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: fo r it is the power of God unto salvation to every one th a t believeth; to th e Jew first, and also to the Greek.”— Rom. 1:16. P ra y fo r Young Believers. THURSDAY, 27 God Your W itness. “F o r God is my witness, whom I serve w ith my spirit in the gospel of his Son, th a t w ithout ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers.-’|H-Rom. 1:9. P ray fo r Dr. W. W. W hite and New York Bib lical Seminary. FRIDAY, 28 Are You a D ebtor? “ I am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to th e B arbar ians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.’’-----Rom. 1:14. P ra y fo r Dean P ettin g ill of th e Ph iladelph ia School of th e Bible. SATURDAY, 29 Delivered and Raised. “Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.’’— Rom. 4:25. P ra y fo r Rev. Van Edd- ings and th e Orinoco R iver Mission. SUNDAY, 30 Wages! “F o r th e wages of sin is death; but th e gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”— Rom. 6:23. P ra y fo r E vangelist John E . Brown and h is Schools. MONDAY, 31 Not fo r Self Alone. “F o r none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to him self.”— Rom. 14:7. P ra y fo r Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer an d th e Southwestern Theological Seminary.
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