King's Business - 1925-08


August 1925



C o mm e n t s by Rev. V. V. Morgan

C h r i s t i a n E n d e a v o r T o p i c s

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attainm en t of some kind or in success, wealth or ch aracter and the like. It is one of the most common of all sins and quite prevalent among Christian workers, always w ith the most devas­ tatin g results. The antidote is lové, for “ love envieth no t” (1 Cor. 13 :4 ). Love and envy cannot dwell together in the same h ea rt (Job 5 :2 ; :Prov. 14: 30; 27 :4 ; Rom. 13:13; 1 Cor. 3:3;iJ 2 Cor. 12:20; Jas. 3:14, 16; 1 Tim. 6 :4 ; Jas. 4 :5 ; 1 Pet. 2 :1 ). While envy is usually of long dura­ tion, anger is more often sudden and brief. Billy Sunday said, “A woman told me she knew she had a bad tem ­ per, b u t she ‘was over it in a m inute.’ So is a gatling gun, bu t it blows every­ thing to pieces” (Prov. 15:1, 18; 16: 32; 27 :4 ; Col. 3 :8 ; Eph. 4:26, 31). H atred is lingering and continuous, and always has a demoralizing effect upon th e mind and character of th e one who cherished it. God classifies hate as m urder (1 John 3 :15 ; Gal. 5 :20 ; Prov. 10:12; 1 John 2:9, 11; 1 John 4 :2 0 ). The Divine safeguard against these perils is such a complete su rrend er to th e Holy Spirit th a t He ' may produce His gracious fru it in us (See Gal. 5: 22, .23').. AUGUST 30, 1925 W hat Is The Gospel? Why P reach It? 1 Cor. 15:1-11; 9:16-23 (M issionary Meeting) The Gospel is th e “Good News” th a t God so loved us th a t He gave His only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the sinner’s substitute, who died as a propitiatory sacrifice to deliver us from THE PENALTY OF SIN in the daily life (Heb. 7 :25 ; Heb. Heb. 9 :28 ; 1 Pet. 2 :24 ; 1 Pet. 3:18; Col. 2 :14 ; Rom. 3:25, 26; Rom. 5: 6-8; Gal. 3 :13 ; Col. 1:20, 21). The “ Good News” th a t— th e Lord Jesus was raised from the dead and th a t He now ever lives to deliver us who tru st Him from THE POWER OF SIN in the daily life (Heb. 7:25; Heb. 1 :3 ; 4 :14 ; Acts 10:40, 41; Rom. 4: 25; Acts 1 :3 ; 2:23, 24; 3:13-15; 1 Cor. 5 :7 ; 9 :1 ; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20, 21; 2 :6 ; John 20:11-29; 1 John 2: 1 , 2 ) . The “ Good News” th a t th is same Saviour is coming again some glad day to deliver His own from THE VERY PRESENCE OF SIN (John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; 1 Thess. 4:14-18; Heb. 9: 28; Phil. 3:20, 21; T itus 2:11-14; 1 John 2 :28 ; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Rev. 2 :5 ). Why preach it? We are to preach th is Gospel because Christ commanded us to (Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:18, 19; Acts 1 :8 ; 5:32; 2 Cor. 5:18, 19; John 17 :18 ). Love would impel us to preach the Gospel (2 Cor. 5 :1 4 ). The new n atu re th a t we received when we were born again will n a tu r­ ally and w ithout effort send us forth

to preach the Gospel. Obedience to Him demands th a t we preach the Gos­ pel. A lost world needs the preaching of the Gospel, for th e -Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only remedy for the sins of men. G ratitude to the loving God who made th is Gospel possible would move us out to proclaim th e “Good News.” Matt. 6:5-15 (Consecration Meeting) Most of us are tiny babes in the school of prayer. We have no t yet reached the kindergarten. We know little from personal, practical expe­ rience of the exercise of th e loftiest and most powerful function in the Christian life. “To th e h ea rt tru ly desirous of praying th ere are two g reat things to do. The first is to ASK and the sec­ ond is to PRAY. The first is to ask,— and by th a t is m eant th a t in th is par­ ticu lar m atter direct request should be made.' Too many people try to a tta in to a state of streng th and power by resolution and strenuous endeavor. Instead of th is w hat they have to do is to obtain it from God. P ray er is a definite factor, and to pray for the gift of prayer is to accentuate the element of definiteness. Besides th e necessity of direct ask­ ing for th is blessing, there is some­ th ing else to do, th a t is to pray. By this is m eant to g iv e -o n e’s self to prayer, to make a business of it. To go on praying despite the seeming dis­ couragements and notw ithstanding w hat may seem to the soul the w ant of response from th e Lord. He is never apath etic bu t He does not give away His best gifts unless they are highly esteemed. So the g reat simple rule is ju st to pray, pray, pray. Keep on praying. Stumble along as we did when we learned to walk as children. Push along somehow as we did when we first learned to ride a bicycle. Strike out, even w ith fear as we did when we first learned to swim. Keep a t it w ith resolution, w ith pur­ poseful determ ination and w ith readi­ ness to sacrifice, for th is is worth pu t­ ting one’s self out for. Here then are th e .two g reat secrets of successful prayer,— simple, childlike, humble, believing, asking for th e grace; and resolute, definite and self-sacrificing movement along th e path of prayer (G. G ranger F lem ing). The Holy Spirit is our teacher (Rom. 8 :26-27), and th e Bible our text book in the school of prayer. F o r whom should we pray? For ourselves, (2 Cor. 12:7, 8 ); for fel­ low-believers, (Jas. 5 :1 6 ); for Chris­ tian workers, (2 Thess. 3:1-12; Acts 13 :2 -3 ); for th e sick breth ren , (Jas. 5 :1 4 -1 6 ); for th e sinning bro ther, (1 John 5 :1 6 ); for all believers, (Eph. (Continued on page 369) SEPTEMBER 6, 1925 Learning How to P ray

AUGUST 16, 1925 Rules: fo r th e Game of l i f e 2 Tim. 2:5, 15; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; 1 P eter 2:11-17

The contestants in th e game of life are those who have been born again. R egeneration is an essential qualifica­ tion, and all those who have been born again have an equal chance. The Holy Spirit is our tra in e r and coach, and th e Bible the infallible Guide Book. Every competitor must practice self-denial (1 Cor. 9 :2 5 ). Certain things may be lawful and harm less in themselves bu t may become harm ful if carried to excess. Even food may be decidedly harm fu l if too much is eaten or the wrong kind chosen. Our condition or fitness is impor­ tan t. A feeble, sickly player is not successful in any game of physical strength, and the game of life de­ mands great, strong, godly charac­ ters. Therefore we m ust study to avoid those actions, thoughts and amusements which would weaken us spiritually. We must starve thé old sinful, carnal n atu re and feed and nourish th e new life received from God a t our new birth. Enthusiasm , or zeal, has a very large place in the game of life. If the player’s h ea rt is no t in it, victory will not be for him. Team-work is valuable. F o r in the game of lifé we do not play a lonely part. There are many on th e team to “bear one ano th er’s burdens,’1’ esteem ­ ing “ others b etter th an themselves.” Of course, we must be constantly a lert to see or hear th e signals of the Captain, w ith implicit and unquestion­ ing obedience to those commands. Love is th e g reat, impelling force in th e game of life. Love for God, love for lost souls. Where- th ere is love th e re is eagerness to play hon­ orably, to play hard, to make any sacrifice; power to overcome any enemy, to surm ount any obstacle. In ­ tense, abounding love for God and a passionate love for souls will help you to w in in th e game of life. Stam ina is essential. Staying power counts. So many sta rt well, eager and enthusiastic, bu t soon quit. Good fin­ ishers, as well as good sta rters are. needed. “ Run th e race w ith patience.” AUGUST 23, 1925 P erils of Envy, Anger and H atred Matt. 5:21, 22; 1 John 3:11-15 In the Bible, envy is associated w ith th e meanest and the grossest of sins (Rom. 1 :29 ; Gal. 5 :21 ; T itus 3 :3 ). Envy is one of the crhelest of all sins and incites men to commit th e most diabolical deeds (Acts 7 :9 ; 13:45; Matt, 27:18; Mark 1 5 :1 0 ). To envy is to cherish ill-will and evil thoughts tow ard ano ther who is superior in

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