August 1925
L ast week a man climbed up to our little “p rophet’s chamber” whose face was fam iliar bu t we could not recall his name or th e peculiar circumstances under which he had crossed our path. He began to te ll us of how over th ree years ago he had drifted into Biola Hall. We had met his temporal needs. We had opened the Scriptures and made plain God’s simple, ^ unin cumbered way of life. He said he had professed to receive and p u t his faith in Jesus Christ, bu t adm itted his h eart was un rep en tan t and his life was filled w ith reservations. He brokenly adm it ted th at, like God’s an cien t people, his feet were tread ing the wilderness plains and his h ea rt was still back in Egypt, and the “ leeks, onions and melons” were : more attractiv e and allu ring th a n the manna and w ater from the Sm itten Rock. Of course, the inevitable followed, for, when the big tem ptation suddenly stru ck him, n atu rally down he went, and sank lower and lower till he stru ck bottom . Why he did it, he couldn’t say. Some strong, strange, uncontrollable impulse gripped him and then he awoke to th e terrib le con sequences. Panic stricken, in desper ation, he fled, ineffectually trying to cover his tracks th rough disguisé and a fictitious name, and like his prede cessor, Cain, he became a fugitive from justice in dread and horrible expectation th a t the iron hand of the law would eventually grip him. The te rro r and cries of an awakened con science were too much, a shattered reputation and stripping of every ves tige of decency and self respect finally drove him to su rrend er to th e law, and now th e higher law of A lm ighty God sunk into his very soul. There was no evading th a t; and no peace, till he retu rn ed to the place where th ree years previously he had falsely pledged his allegiance to th e soon coming Judge of all th e earth , and here in th e very spot, upon th e very old rug, up in th e little- prophet’s chamber, “He yielded himself to His tender embrace; And faith, tak ing hold of the Word, His fetters fell off and he anchored his soul In Jesus, the haven of rest.” H allelujah, w hat a Saviour! There is ano th er class of men who in early life have professed faith in the Son of God, bu t lacking any real knowledge of th e ir Bibles, under the tem ptations assailing them w ithin and w ithout have gone down to defeat, and then th e g rea t enemy of souls has whispered “w h at’s the use? Now you see, it is impossible for you to lead a Christian life. Ju st throw it all over. Eat, drink and be m erry.” Such a one came to us a fte r tw enty years of h ea rt wandering, so completely hopeless as to tru ly believe there was no salvation for him. It took over two hours of prayerfully and repeatedly going over the Word, making him read it for him self, and close questioning, to convince him of the difference between' an unbeliever, an apostate, and à back slider; bu t when finally the Holy Spirit enlightened him, th e te ars of
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 359), so these shipm ates left our harbor, sailing now w ith a tru e chart, a tru e compass, th e ir lives guided and guard ed by the Master Mariner. And though they sail far away, am id isolation, dis tresses and fierce temptations, th eir h earts are no longer dark and sad, but full of ligh t and happy peace. A Jap anese Convert Visiting another vessel, this time from Japan, we learned th a t this was her maiden voyage. How careful we were to see th a t every room had a Gos pel and some tracts. How much we wish th a t we m ight reach every vessel and place in the hands of every sailor a portion of God’s unchangeable liv ing Word. One never knows when stepping up on a vessel ju st where and when he will find God’s man, or men, eager to listen to a message. We had visited a huge oil tank er one afternoon, leav ing literatu re everywhere, but we had had only a sho rt conversation w ith one man. As we entered the last room we were invited to sit down. Here, line upon line, and precept upon pre cept, God’s plan of salvation was re viewed, and finally an affirmative deci sion was received to the question, “W hat w ill.you do w ith Jesus who died for you? W ill you accept Him now?” And so ano th er life was moored in the safe w aters of God’s atoning love, and for th is we give thank s to God and to you who are so loyally helping and praying, and rejoicingly we reach, out for g reater blessing to the increas ing glory of H is Name. F o r g reater things are a t hand. I t is for us to press forw ard and present w ith ever increasing zeal th e glorious Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, and to light anew in our h earts th e lamp of faith, the lamp of love, and above all, the lamp of hope, th a t those wandering in th e darkness of the far country may see th e L ight shining in us, and so reach the safe harbo r of God’s love. BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission fo r Men in the center of Los A ngeles. M eetings co n tinuous from 10. a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting. GREAT w riter once p u t into Awfl mouth of one of his char- Hv a ° ters the question “what good have I done to this ' man th a t he should hate me?” The answer is clearly se t forth in the Book of books, and when we know experimentally the depths to which man, through the fall, has sunk, we need not be surprised when some of those who have professed to receive the Lord Christ tu rn and hate the hand which fed them. All Christian workers have had experiences which prove th e u tte r depravity of th e carnal mind and we a t Biola H all could fill the pages of The K ing’s Business w ith sad illu stration s along th is line, so th a t when b rea d cast upon th e w aters does eventually come back we can tru ly ring out a deeper note of praise and thanksgiving.
A Ch r is tian Cannot Be an Evo lu tion ist
R ead D r. Jam es M. G ray ’s a rticle in th e A u g u st issue of th e M o o d y Bible Institute M onthly. D r. G ray s h o w s w h a t E volution is an d w h at C h ristian ity is in sim ple term s, a n d th en leaves th e re a d e r to ju d g e. T o a serious in q u ire r th e a rticle is w o rth m ore th an a y e a r’s su b scrip tio n to the M onthly.
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