King's Business - 1925-08

August 1925



joy and h ea rtfe lt g ratitu d e could only find adequate expression in pressing a tw enty dollar bill upon th e astonished student. ä st m WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H . R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings H eld in Shops, F actories, C ar-B arns an d F ire Engine H ouses in Los A ngeles.

John Brown University CO EDU CA T IONA L INT ERDENOM INAT IONAL EVANGEL ICAL L ocated in S u lp h u r Springs, A rkansas, th e b e au ty sp o t of th e O zarks. H ealth center, w ith m any fam ous m edicinal springs. E nvironm ents absolutely w hole­ some, h ealth y and clean. H ighest lite ra ry stan d ard s. Full courses from first y e a r hig h school up. Specialized courses in vocational train in g . Bible study com pulsory. School pledged to th e old evangelical faith. M odernism , in te r­ collegiate ath letics and frate rn ities b a rre d . P red elin q u en ts an d u n ru ly stu ­ dents n o t accepted. A w holesom e fam ily life, w ith a w holesom e p ro g ram of re cre atio n a n d am usem ent. School owns golf course, lake, p a rk s and w onderful springs. L arge, m o d ern buildings. T ables served from o u r own Jersey herd, g ard en s an d p o u ltry y ards. T uition, room , b o a rd a n d lau n d ry $50 0 .0 0 . H ig h objective th a t of tra in in g y o u n g p eo p le in a w ell-rounded and th o ro u g h ly g rounded C h ristian life. S tu d e n t body lim ited, to 250 students, W R I T E T H E JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY, Sulphur Springs, Arkansas E vangelist John E. Brown, P resident. THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS in)CHURCH FURNITURE U[_ Everything fo r Church and Sunday School use. FromFactory to You. Finecatalogfree. DeMoulin Bros, 8C Co. I 1151 South4thSt., Greenville,Illinois ' I SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E v an g elists a n d Bible W om en who are being su p p o rted fo r from 80c to $ 2 .0 0 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literatu re. Beautiful Girlhood Things Every G irl in th e Teens should know. Parents are enthusiastic in their praise. “ One of th e m o st b eau tifu l books for young girls 4 th a t I have ever read ,’’ say s M rs. L ydia M. Beyer. “Every BY MABEL HALE In vario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C h ristian m ay b e su p p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an en tire y e a r for from $15. to $600. L iteratu re free. PAU L H . TABER, Sec., Box K, 2007 F o ster Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. THE MEGAPHONE tr u th a b o u t Amusements,Gambling;,Sabbath Desecration,Prohibition,Pastors’ Sal-T aries,etc., in a safe,sound,sincere,sensible,helpfulway. Established in 1011.Read andcirculate it. Trialsubscription with extra freecopies 25c. Order today. TH E MEGAPHONE, Dept. 25, EVANSTON, ILLIN O IS.

NE of the m arks of the last days is the peculiar situa­ tion existing in indu strial affairs. Everywhere and on every side, th e problem of

capital and labor has been pushed to the fron t by the two factions and every g reat leader in th e political and indu strial world senses the need, and is seeking for a solution of it. W ith each camp organizing to bring about peace, b u t seemingly getting fa rth e r ap art, may I give an illu stra­ tion of w hat I believe to be the proper solution. F o r several years, week after wbek, it has been our privilege to go into the different shops, preaching the Gospel of Christ. Many of th e men have been visited in th e ir homes, and /-»+ o fo u r Vi q v q q P.V ir is t a s Saviour. In the fifth chapter of Jam es we find one of the best treatises on the subject of capital and labor, given almost two thousand years ago, yet applicable in our own day. Note a few things th ere stated which clearly depict the tim e in which we live. It will be a tim e when riches will be hoarded together. It will he a tim e when th e rich will live in luxury. It will be a tim e when the poor will live In misery. It will be a tim e when the laborers will be defrauded. It will be a tim e when they will cry out for help. It will be a tim e when they need Jesus, and He will retu rn . W hat is it th a t will bring a happy solution to th e problems of life, in relation to the employer and em­ ployee? It is Jesus Christ. He is coming again to solve th is problem. Yet may we not do something in the meantime? Yes. We believe th a t we can go into the different shops, and bring a message of cheer and comfort. Through the preaching of th e Gospel men are saved, and as a consequence take a different a ttitu d e to th e ir work and fellow w orkers and th e ir employ­ ers. Employers who know and love Christ tak e a different a ttitu d e to those who work for them , and this surely points to th e best means of ad ju sting differences. The other day in speaking of the splendid sp irit among the men on a certain railroad line, th e man in charge of them said, “T h at sp irit is brought about, sir, by the work th a t is being done by th e Bible In stitu te Shop D epartm ent.” If th is be tru e, and I believe th a t it is, then th e crying need of th e hou r is th a t th e Gospel he taken to the indu strial w orkers everywhere. To th is end we covet your prayers, in th e g reat work th a t God has com­ m itted to us.

m o th er owes it to h er d au g h ter to o b tain for h er th is w onderful book. T he sacrifice it m ay c b st h er is far too sm all in com parison to th e help h er d a u g h ter will get from th e book. It can n o t be too highly recomm ended.” .Gift book style. 232 p ages p rin ted in tw o colors, bound in beautiful, blue cloth w ith colored m edallion on fro n t cover— p o st paid, $ 1 . 0 0 . THRILLING STORIES O ur new series of “C hristian H ero" Books F or Y oung People include a num ber of title s by recognized au th o rs. T hese books a re th e life sto ries of g re a t C hristian heroes, w ritten in a gripping, graphic style. Jo h n W esley..... ...1 _____ b y Elsie E. Egerm eier Jo h n P a to n ................¿.'....—by B essie L. By rum M artin Luther..:............b y Jam es A. M orrison Jam es H. T ay lo G loria H unes C loth bound, 130 pages to 160 pages each, postpaid, 75c “IN NATURE’S HAUNTS” W ith y outhful m inds by W . A. Bixler can n o t be recom ­ m ended too highly. It b roadens th e m ind, an d helps one to converse intelligently on in terestin g su b jects on life as found in n atu re. Gives fa c ts and explanations of m any of n a tu re ’s m iracles. C loth bound, 191 pages, p o st paid $ 1 . 00 .

Send fo r o u r com plete c a t­ alog illu stra tin g books th a t build c h arac te r and teach high ideals of life, a s well as com plete Sunday School and C hurch supplies, g reet­ ing c ard s, b eautiful m o t­ toes, bibles, etc., sen t free on request.

GOSPEL TRUMPET CO. Dept« Anderson, Ind. B ranches: Pom ona, Cal., 7 th S treet an d C arey A ve.; K ansas C ity, Mo., 15th & P ro sp e c t; A tlan ta, Ga., 638 Edgew ood A ve.; Y akim a, W ash., 10 So.uth 7 th Ave. '"There's a Wholesome Moral in Every Gospel Trumpet Book” No. 2

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