King's Business - 1925-08


August 1925


CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS (Continued from page .364) 6: I S ); for rulers, (1 Tim, 2:2, 3 ); for Israel, (Rom. 10:1; Psa. 122:6, 7 ); for those th a t persecute us, (Matt. 5: 44).; for all men, (1 Tim. 2 :1 ). There are scores of o ther references concern­ ing prayer which may be found w ith the aid of a concordance, and these should be looked up and classified. AUGUST 9 , 1925 The Benefits of Wholesome Play Mark 6:31, 3 2 ;-L uk e-2:52 Every Christian is constituted a Christian worker— every worker is obligated td his employer to keep him ­ self in th e best possible condition physically as well as mentally and spiritually. One im po rtan t factor in this is recreation, or good, clean, wholesome play. By th is the worn body is invigorated and new life is sent tingling th roughou t th e whole physical being, the jaded m ind is quickened and stim ulated, and the tired nerves are quieted. We are so made as to require a certain amount of play in order th a t we may be a t our best. L e t :us 'always keep in mind th a t “ the ^ame m ust be worth the candle.” If our play does not produce h arder muscles, stronger bodies, clearer eyes, keener minds, steadier nerves, and better sp irit and disposition then let us not play. Play must be a “ re-crea­ tion,” a “re-new ing,” to be of benefit to us. Any play th a t breaks our fellowship w ith God, th a t satiates and feeds the old carnal natu re, th a t takes away our zest for the things of God, th a t des­ troys or dulls our appetite for the study of th e Bible or th a t causes us to neglect prayer, is exceedingly danger­ ous and must be studiously avoided. EXCELLENT RESULTS FROM CORRESPONDENCE BIBLE STUDY F riends of th e In stitu te will be in­ terested to know th a t during the year ending a t commencement time, 163 persons received In stitu te certificates of courses completed in our Corres­ pondence School. These students were scattered in 31 states of the country and some were located in Canada, Porto Rico, Africa, China, F rance, Australia, Scotland, Philippine Islands, England and Canal Zone. F ifteen completed the Doctrine course; 21 th e course in the F ou r Gos­ pels; th ree the Old Testam ent Chapter Summary course; 10 th e Personal Work course; 15 the Synthesis course; 94 th e Beginners’ course, five the New Testam ent Chapter Summary course. There are a t th e present tim e over 1200 active students in our Correspon­ dence School. BMI In a recent personal le tte r to the editor from Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney, retiring moderator of the General Assembly of th e Presbyterian Church, he says: “The final decision of the Judicial Commission was a m ighty victory for ENCOURAGEMENT TO “STAND FAST”

More Money For Missions and O ther Church Benevolences H undreds of C hristian E ndeavor, M is­ sionary an d o th er chu rch societies have added $ 100.00 o r m ore to th eir tre a su ry by selling C hristm as C ards. N early every fam ­ ily uses from 50 to 200 C h ristm as G reeting C ards, seals, enclosure card s, tag s, etc. They w ould ra th e r b u y from th e m em bers of your society th an in the ru sh of a store. M rs. B lack’s C hristm as C ards a n d G ift Novelties are of th e finest sentim ents, a rt engraving an d sto ck of card s, paper, etc. Sim ply show th e book of sam ples an d tak e orders. These card s an d novelties sell them selves. 100% P rofit— No C apital R equired O ne-half of all th e m oney is y ours as profit. Y ou pay for th e c ard s you have delivered an d collected F o r com plete inform ation send coupon now. EUGENIE D. BLACK 117 South St. H arrisb u rg , P a. D ear M rs. B lack: Send m e com plete in ­ form ation a b o u t y o u r chu rch and society fund raisin g plan. Nam e ...................,........................... J.I A ddress .................................... ............... ............._ Society .......... P a sto r __ Wilson’sTopical and Textual Index For Preachers and Teachers B y th is system index th e b e st you read in books, an d file clippings. It it alm o st autom atic, an d is inexpensive. H ighly comm ended. C irculars.

i, a c t a s a ssist­ a n t p asto rs, speed u p c h u r c h w ork. O ur co -o p erativ e plan p ro ­ vides y o u r chu rch w ith a p a rish p ap er a t no expense. N ational R eligious P ress, G rand R apids, M ich. Send m e free p a rtic u la rs an d sam ples w ith o u t an y obligation on m y p a rt. N am e ............... ......................................._

S treet ' _____ C ity ___ .... K. B.— AUGUST

Full Gospel Sunday School Supplies


The paper for every member of your Sunday School. Five or more copies, 18c each per quarter. Jo y Bells For the boys and girls of the Prim ary Department.

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Sample Copy—30 Days’ Trial Send TODAY for returnable sample copypre- gaicU-Blue Vellum Paper, 60c; Silk Basket Tabernacle Publishing Co. Dept 5 ,2 9 S. LaSalle St., Chicago Distributin» e c Now York, Dallas,Atlanta and Los DEAGAN TOWER CHIMES PLAYED BY ORGANIST FROM ELECTRIC KEYBOARD THE MEMORIAL SUBLIME LITERATURE.INCLUDING TESTED PLAN FOR SECURING CHIM ES SEN T UPON REQUEST ' STANDARD SETS - $ 5.000 TO $10.000 J . C . D E A G A N . in c . 191 DEAGAN BUILDING, CHICAGO OBJECT LESSONS OF SCRIPTURE "T H E L IT T L E HANDMAIDS O F TH E BIBLE" Tw elve pam phlets. Illu strated . No. I to 12. 12 O bject L essons in E ach P am phlet. The set of 12, $1.80, p o stag e prepaid. P rice 15 cts. each, p o stag e 2 cen ts e*tra. O rder b y num ber. REV . C. EICKENBERG, 4029 N. H erm itage A ve., Chicago» 111.

Pipe-T one Folding O rgans 4-O ctave D ouble Reed In o rd er to in troduce ou r L a tM t Modal Liberty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs either le a th erette covered, o r 3-ply oak case. W e wili accep t fo r a lim ited tim e o rd ers a t $40.00 each (list price $70.00.) A. L. WHITE MFC. CO. 20S Englewood Ave., Chicago, IN.

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