King's Business - 1925-08



August 1925

D a lla s , T e x a s 1 "The church must recover its faith. It must recover its passion fo r the souls of men. It must re tu rn to an aggressive evangelism, must not be satisfied w ith only the train ing of chil­ dren— bu t must also go aften the souls of lost men.” the evangelical cause. I t gives not merely a deliverance but a judicial decision upon which to ground pro­ tests against th e licensing of men who refuse to affirm our doctrines. I t has been a hard battle and th ere have been many adversaries. We must all continue to stand together for the his­ toric w itness of th e P resbyterian Church and th e faith once delivered to the sain ts.” SUMMER BIBLE CONFERENCES The Sixth Annual Bible Conference of th e Central Pennsylvania Bible Conference will be held th is year at Lakemont P ark, August 1 to 9 inclu­ sive. , This conference has become nationally known as one of the most helpful and inspiring of all summer conferences, The place of meeting is situated in th e very h ea rt of th e Alleghenies. It is estim ated th a t over five thousand people attended la st year, coming from several states, as well as locally. The list of speakers this year includes such well known men as Rev. F. W. F a rr, pastor Calvary B aptist Church, Los A n g ele s^ Rev. H arris H. Gregg, form erly pasto r of Dr. Jam es H. Brookes’ church a t St. Louis, Mo.; Rev. W. P. W hite and C. E. Putnam of th e Extension , D epartm ent of the Moody Bible In stitu te; Rev. Charles C. E llis, Vice P residen t of Ju n ia ta Col­ lege. In addition Several retu rned m issionaries will give inspirational addresses. MISSIONARIES WANTED AT ONCE! The U tah Gospel Mission, w ith h eadquarters a t Cleveland, Ohio, is doing an extremely im po rtan t work among th e Mormons of U tah and Idaho, by which about 500,000 Mor­ mons and some others receive almost th e ir only direct Gospel message. L ast year 169 settlem ents were visited, of which only about 14 had local Gospel work, and th e Mormons will seldom ttend even in. such places. But meet­ ings held by the Mission had 27,000 in attendance; while 12,000 homes re­ ceived colporteur calls, and nearly one and one-fourth m illion pages of Gos­ pel lite ra tu re were -carefully used. The work is done from g reat Gospel autos and wagons, requiring three men each. Vacancies in our force make new workers necessary a t once. It is a work for single men or others w ithout fam ily responsibilities, unsel­ fish, dead-in-earnest, and w ith reason­ able education. Such men who m ight come and could give a t least one year of faith fu l service w ith only all ex­ penses provided are desired to w rite a t once, giving full details. Address Rev. J. D. Nutting, General Delivery, Idaho Falls, Idaho, during August and September.

“Tke Fiftk

Sparrow” 'James H. McConkey’s latest devotional message. A companion to “T h e S u r e S h e p h e r d.” “A faith-strengthening, heart-quickening message,”, says an appre­ ciative reader. Do not fail to write for it. S e n t absolutely free. Address— . SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY, D ept. M, B essem er Building, P ittsb u rg h , P enna.

STONY BROOK SCHOOL A bo y ’s college p re p a ra to ry school th a t is d istin ctly C hristian. F acu lty of college train ed m en w ho do intensive w ork. Small classes. $ 100,000 adm in istratio n building (show n above) ju st com pleted. O ther m od­ ern buildings including new gym nasium on fine large cam pus. Supervised indoor and O utdoor sp o rts. F o r catalo g ad d ress th e P rincipal. B o x E , S to n y B r o o k ,

L o n g I s la n d , N . Y .

H e l p s t h a t H e l p I Christian Life Series I SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLIES AND PAPERS is a series th a t insures scriptural and spiritual teaching in the Sunday School. It stands for all the fundamentals of the Christian Faith. The pastor of one Sunday School using the Series, writes: A number of our boys and girls have been saved, and I have no doubt that sound teaching in the Sunday School has been the means of leading them to Christ.” Examine them for yourself. A sample pack of the full line will be sent free on request. The


Box 680,



MAKE YOUR S P A R E T IM E PA Y I A n ? N T C ^ e need intelligent m en ^ and women. W ork all or Hme- SeUBiblea— B o o k s— C alendars— Make big m oney. No experience necessary. L ib ­ eral discounts.

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A B o o k T h a tS in g s Itte lf!

4 3 3 S . D e a r b o r n S t.,

C h ic a g o , 111.

Evangelical Theological College (F o u n d e d in 1924. D enom inationally U n related ) Dallas, Texas

F IR S T Y E A R F A C U L T Y L ew is S p e r r y C h a f e r , W m . M . A n d e r s o n , J r ., D . D ., A . H . P e r p e tu o , A . M ., T h . M ., A . B . W in c h e s te r , W . I. C a r r o ll, D . D ., A . C . G a e b e le in , D . D ., B . B . S u tc iif f e , H . A . I r o n ­ s id e , R o llin T . C h a f e r , B . S ., T h . M . O th e r s t o b e a n n o u n c e d f o r t h e S e c o n d Y e a r .

S tro n g R esident F aculty offering C u rricu lum of T heological C ourses leading to T h. B. and T h. M. D egrees. E xceptional S eriatim Bible C ourses tau g h t by w idely know n T each ers. E xpository P reach in g an d T each in g em phasized. L it­ e ra tu re an d u n ab rid g ed D octrinal S tatem en t sen t on request. FREE TUITION AND DORMITORY ROOMS. BOARD AT COST A d d r e s s t h e R E G IS T R A R , 1 5 1 9 - 2 3 H u g h e s C ir c le , - - - -

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