August 1925
ers as well as m inisters who are not burdened w ith an over-abundance of m aterial and who wish to be able to pu t th e ir hands upon a given item when it is needed. Mr. Brooks, who as a w riter and teacher has worked out the most sim ple and efficient methods for locating m aterial for his own use, decided to give others the benefit of his plans. His topical index, comprising a strong canvas-bound pinchback binder, (not ring binder) w ith a supply of special ruled sheets for indexing, can be pur-
ohased complete for only $3.00. F o r the ordinary worker th is outfit will be sufficient for a lifetime of gathering, bu t the system can be bu ilt up indefi nitely by simply purchasing additional index paper. Mr. Brooks contends th a t it is b etter to have a dozen illus tration s th a t can be in stan tly located th an a million th a t must be ransacked un til one develops nervous p ro stra tion. Anyone interested may w rite to Mr. Brooks, who is secretary of the Correspondence School of th e Bible In stitu te.
AS TOLD B Y T H EM S E L V E S Let those who doubt th a t in te rn a tional influences are concentrating th e ir power upon the United States consider: 1st, T h at Soviet Russia has organ-' ized six Soviets representing 150 mil lions of people and has extended or ganizations which now direct one-sixth of th e te rrito ry and population of the world; 2nd, T hat th e Communist P arty in P rance has become a m ilitan t p arty ; 3rd, T hat the Communist P arty in Germany is the leader of th e prole ta ria t; 4th, T hat in G reat B ritain, the left wing of th e Labor P arty is working for Communist control; 5th, That the Communist P arty of America is back of the form ation of the F ederated F arm er-Labor P arty, Trade Union Educational League, F riends of Soviet Russia, and the Con ference for Progressive Political Action. It is self-evident th a t “a mere hand ful of revolutionaries” has not w rought these vast results, bu t th a t they are the outcome of deep-seated forces Which for years have intrenched themselves and have today a united front' in th e principal countries of Europe and in the United States. It is only common sense for Amer icans who regard lightly a summary of evidences and who deride possibil ities of serious danger to realize th a t th e menace has been g reatly under estimated. W ith th e avowed purpose of “ destroying every modern form of government except Sovietism,” abol ishing “capitalism ” a n d creating “ class h a tre d ” and “ class ru le,” it is tragic th a t anyone who believes in conserving th e stabilities of civiliza tion should blindly approve issues which involve nation-wide calam ities. — B etter America Federation. T H E NA T IONA L D E B T The gross debt of the United States August 31st, 1919, was $26,596,701,- 648. June 30th, 1924, it was $21,- 250,812,980, a reduction of over five and a q u arte r billions^ of dollars. The T reasury D epartm ent states th a t under its program , w ith consis te n t economies and no unforeseen haz ards, the entire public debt should be cancelled in a period of 25 years. N EW E F F IC IE N C Y TOOL A member of our faculty, Mr. K eith L. Brooks, has ju st perfected a labor- saving device for the use o f preachers and teachers which we believe will prove, a g reat blessing to Christian workers in systematizing th e ir work. There are various indexing systems on the m arket to assist w orkers in tabu lating th e ir m aterial for ready refer ence bu t some of these have been found too complicated and expensive for the ordinary person. F o r those who have compiled a vast am ount of m aterial, such a system as the Wilson Topical and Textual Index is neces sary, bu t th ere has been an increasing demand for a simpler system th a t could be used by Sunday school teach
How to B
Neu), Successful Methods that Progressive Teachers Are Employing H UNDREDS of Bible teachers are filling their classes and holding interest as never before by applying the principles laid down in the Synthetic Bible Course of the Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School. Through the use of this course their methods of Bible teaching are undergoing a change—are being system atized and improved. Teachers are studying with well- defined objects in mindjipupils are finding new inter est-classes are enlarged and revitalized. This course explains each book of the Bible, in its relation to others. Like the rest of the Moody Bible Institute Home Study Courses, it illuminates the text while stimulating the mind. It is of untold value to the teacher in the successful building of a big, interested class. “Benefits Beyond Estimate—Above Price” Moody Bible Institute Courses have been perfected over thirty-nine years by eminent Bible scholars. 32,000 students of every nation have been benefited by them. One pupil said, “The benefits I have received from the Synthetic Course are beyond estimate and above price.” There are ten courses—all non-sectarian—sold below cost to earnest men and women. Aipong them is one for you. Read the outlines of the courses in the coupon. Choose the one best fitted for your needs. Decide that you will really know the Bible. Then send for our prospectus. The coupon is for your convenience. Use it.
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