King's Business - 1925-08



August 1925

HBOOK LOVERS^ M in is te rs , M iss io n a rie s, S tu d e n ts , W o rk e rs , E v e ry b o d y LOOK AT THESE Special Combination Offers H e r e is y o u r o p p o r tu n ity to o b ta in s o m e o f th e B E S T B O O K S p u b lis h e d , a t g re a tly re d u c e d p ric e s FOR ONLY $ 1 .5 0 Y o u c a n h a v e a n y o f th e fo llo w in g c o m b in a tio n s , o r y o u c a n c h a n g e th e c o m b in a tio n to s u it y o u rs e lf, ju s t so it d o e s n o t r u n o v e r $ 1 .9 5 K ing's B usiness one y e ar an d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 W hy I Believe in the V irgin B irth— Wm. E vans..... ........p a p er .60 $1.85 K ing's B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Quarterly....;...'.—.$1.25 T he Two Genealogies of Jesus— J. .C. Stillion..........25- T ru th for You— J. H. Sam m is.............................................;............— .25 $1.75 K ing’s B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 The R etu rn of the L ord Jesu s— R. A. T orrey----¿.¿.pap er .50 $1.75 K ing’s B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 M atthew s G ospel Self In terp reted— K eith L. B rooks...... p a p er .50 $1.75 K ing's B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly.............$1.25 The M ysteries of th e K ingdom— W . C. S tevens............ p ap er .35 The T rium phs of th e C ross— W . C. Stevens....................... p ap er .35 $1.95 K ing's B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 The L aym an's H andbook of D aniel — D r. G. A. B riegleb ——— ...—1 .........gO--';---.;— — ....paper .50 FOR ONLY $ 2 .0 0 You can have any of the following combinations $1.75 K ing's B usiness one y e a r an d S. S. L esson Q uarterly........— $1.25 Fine Gold— Josephine H ope W esterv elt...................clo th $1.25 $2.50 K ing's B usiness one y e ar an d S. S. L esson Q u arterly— i.......$1.25 In The Tw inkling of an Eye— Sydney D. W atso n ..... — ......... 1.25 $2.50 K ing's B usiness one y e ar and S. S. L esson Q u arterly..... ........$1.25 The M ark of the B east— Sydney D. W atson................................ 1.25 $2.50 K ing's B usiness one y e a r an d S. S. L esson Q uarterly.............$1.25 The Conflict— Elizabeth K nauss..... .— ................... ............ 1.25 $2.50 K in g 's B usiness one y e a r an d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 Serm on Illu stratio n s of th e Bible— K eith L. B rooks.............. 1.03 The W orld an d Its God— Philip M auro.......... ....................pap er .35 $2.60 K ing's B usiness one y e ar an d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..... ........$1.25 P erplexing P assag es in th e four G ospels— K eith L. B rooks.. 1.50 $2.75 K ing's B usiness one y e ar an d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 P erso n al and P ra c tic a l C h ristian W ork— T. C. Hor t on— 1.53 H $2.75 K ing's B usiness one y e a r a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..... - ......$1.25 The P atm o s V ision——G eorge W . D avis..................................... . 1.75 $3.00 K ing's B usiness one y e a r a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 The Summ arized Bible, C loth— K eith L. Brooks...-............ 1.75 $3.00 FOR ONLY $ 2 .5 0 Y ou can have any of th e follow ing com binations K ing’s B usiness one y e ar an d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 K now ing th e S criptures— Dr* A. T. P ierso n..... ....................... 2 .0 0 $3.25 K ing’s B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 God’s B est Secrets— A ndrew M urray............................- ............... 2.00 $3.25 K ing's B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Q uarterly....'...;—.$1.25 S tudies in the Life an d T eachings of O ur L ord— Torrey...... 2.00 $3.25 K ing's B usiness one y e ar a n d S. S. L esson Q u arterly..............$1.25 The W orld’s G reatest N eed— T. E. Jones........................................ 2.00 $3.25 N ote— A dd 25c o r 1£ fo r Foreign po stag e Y ou can have th e .K ing's B usiness sen t to one ad d ress and the books to a n o th er if you desire. Tell y o u r friends of these splendid offers also and get them to subscribe. D on’t F o rg e t - - - D on’t P u t It Off DO IT NOW !!! THE KING’S BUSINESS 5 3 6 -5 5 8 So . Hope S t. L o s Angeles, Calif.

IN S T A L L A T IO N O F D E A N , B . I. O . L . A . (Continued from page 352)

th e men and women who under God made th is place and work possible. The names of Lyman Stewart, consecrated layman w ith a h ea rt of love, and of T. C. Horton, who put his very life into w hat has been bu ilt up hëre, can never be divorced from this holy 'en terp rise. To them , Dr. Torrey, and to all who have been associated w ith them in making this opportunity possible we acknowledge our obligations and th ank God for th e ir g reat devotion, and self-sacrificing services. In the acknow ledgment of th a t obligation we wislx to solemnly emphasize, th a t it is our sincere desire and purpose to carry out the original purpose and intention of the In stitu te to its fullest possible realization. Not a line or a word of our Statem ent of Doctrine has been changed. So far as I know, the Board of D irectors and those they have called to be associated w ith them have never so much as suggested such a change. To th is S tatem ent of Doctrine the Associate Dean an-d myself have th is afternoon sincerely and w ithout reservation or equivocation solemnly sub­ scribed. Here we stand. We have no wish to do otherwise. Third,- It is a responsibility to th e church of Christ. This responsibility is marked by the Christian duty of a hearty co-operation which is expressed in a genuine service. We are here as the servan t of the church and it is our sincere desire to so serve th a t every evangelical church and m in­ ister in California will find it easier to do th eir work because we are here. We w ant to be recognized as a p a rt of thé church of Jesus Christ and it is our fixed purpose to meet the responsibilities of such a recognition. As a member of th e body of Christ we cannot be indifferent to th e highest welfare of every other member. “The hand cannot say to th e foot, I have no need of thee.” F o u rth , It is a responsibility to the future. We feel this is one of the most challenging elements in th is whole m at­ ter. I t is our conviction th a t every boy and g irl coming into th e world ought to have a fair chance, and th a t no child can have the highest chance to a tru e life w ithout a knowledge of Jesus Christ as He is set fo rth in this Book of books. There are many things we cannot settle or agree upon bu t it seems to me th a t we must be agreed upon this— th a t it is the solemn duty of the church of Jesus Christ to do its utm ost to give every child in America a chance to at least know thé tru th about Christ. It is our desire to do our little p art in train ing the best young people in the church so th a t this obligation to the fu tu re may be met. O ther things are necessary bu t th is is one th ing we cannot neglect w ithout jeopardizing th e very life of the church. To me it seems th a t th e g reatest opportunity of a t least more th a n a hundred years is now before th e church. W hat­ ever is the real explanation of th e fact th ere can be little d oub t-th at a t the present tim e th ere is a w idespread desire upon a p a rt of the ran k and file of the people of America to make it possible for boys and girls to have a chance to know the Bible. Already in more th an fifteen hundred towns and cities th e Bible is being tau g h t to children from one to th ree hours a week in school time. There may be considerable differences of opinion as to how best to do this bu t th ere can be no reasonable question among evangel­ icals th a t it ought to be done. In the ligh t of th is fact we ought to be ready to take full advantage of any oppor­ tu n ity th a t opens up for us to do this. In order th a t we may be ready, we w ant to do all we possibly can to train young men and women in th e Bible and methods of work on lines th a t will be ju st as thorough and adequate as any followed in secular education. When th e opportunity to teach the Bible to th e children of America comes it is the

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