August 1925
count for nothing. Love is very p atien t; very kind; love knows no jealousy; love makes no parade; gives itself no airs; is never rude, never selfish, never irritated , never resen tfu l; love is never glad when others go wrong; love is gladdened by goodness; always slow to expose,' always eager to believe the best; always hopeful; always patien t; love never faileth ,” and Jesus Christ very definitely said “By th is shall all men know th a t ye are My disciples if ye love one ano ther.” In this faith we stand and by th is badge we would be known to all men. F I N E G O L D (Continued from page 354) Did you ever look in the old safe ag ain ?” were the eager questions from the boy’s lips. “ I went up last week and looked in the old safe, bu t only my old le tte r left th a t summer was still there, so I do not believe he is in this country. Then for several weeks I have advertised for him, and have had no response from him .” “But why do you th ink he is living?” again questioned the boy. At th a t Jack Harmon sent him for a parcel in a certain draw er of his desk and said, “ Ju s t six weeks ago today this parcel came to me, addressed as you see in your fa th e r’s handw riting.” Eagerly th e boy took th e parcel, opened it, and was soon u tte rly oblivious to all else around him. (To be continued)
duty of the evangelical church to be a t least as well pre pared as the Catholic church or any other religious organi zation to do th is work. I t is no t enough to criticize others for being ready. One day we spoke to a Superintendent of Schools in one of our eastern cities about the employment of a cer tain class of teachers in th e public schools, suggesting th a t they were given more of an opportunity th a n they were entitled to. His crushing reply was th a t when a P ro testan t teacher is available, she was always given the preference, but, said he, “You P resbyterians are above train ing your children for teachers. You seem to have ambitions along o th er lines,” and he gave me to understand th a t if our evangelical men and women prepared for teaching th ere would be no question about th e ir having th eir opportunity in the schools— th e equal a t least wjith any other class of people. If we evangelicals are not w illing to consecrate our young people to the high task of teaching th e Word of God, and leadership among young people find give them the very best possible train ing for th e perform ance of th is task, let us not complain if others occupy the field. It seems to me th a t the tim e has come when we ought to “ either pu t up or sh u t up.” If we do not pu t up I know we shall be silent when we stand before th e g reat Judge before whom we must all stand and give an account. To this task we nbw dedicate ourselves anew in th is solemn service of installation. We w ant to do our p a rt in th e sp irit and love of Jesus Christ, and this is w hat th e Book itself says about th a t love— “ I may prophesy and fathom all mysteries and secret lore bu t if I have no love I
The King’s Business, 536-558 South H ope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
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