August 1925
HF“ F R E E ! ^ F R E E ! ' n F R E E ! "Hi Send us only Four Annual Subscriptions for The King’s Business (At $1.25 Each for the U. S. or $1.50 for Foreign), and We’ll Enroll You FREE of Charge in the NEW SUPPLEMENTAL BIBLE COURSE PU T OUT BY OUR CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Both Young and Old will be Fascinated, Edified and Delighted with These Unique Studies Workers with Young People Find it a Marvelous Collection of Supplemental Material Adapted for Drill Work ADDRESS THE KING'S BUSINESS, 536 SO. HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. B E S T BOOKS FREEH Here is your chance to get those books you’ve been wanting absolutely free. We offer You the following books as Premiums for N ew Subscriptions to the King’s Business and S. S. Lesson Quarterly (S ubscriptions $1.25 in U. S. $1.50 fo r C anada an d Foreign 7 /-) FOR 1 N EW SUBSCRIPTION an y one of th e follow ing:—
W hy I Believe in th e V irgin B irth— Wm . E vans,...... cloth 1.00 Jesu s is Com ing— W . E.' B..........*.......................C loth $.75 W hy I R eject th e H elping H and of M illennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens..... ......... ....... .40 $1.15 FOR 4 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS an y one of the follow ing:— Fine Gold—-Josephine H ope W estervelt.....*..............cloth $1.25 The C onflict— E lizabeth K nauss..........................................clo th 1.25 In The Tw inkling of an Eye— Sydney W atso n ............ clo th 1.25 The M ark of th e B east— Sydney W a tso n ...^ ,............ clo th 1.25 S carlet an d Purple— Sydney W atso n .................. clo th 1.25 The P atm o s V ision— Geo. W . D avis...,...........................clo th 1.75 Jam ison’s C om prehensive Bible C h art........................... clo th 1.25 FOR 5 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of the follow ing:— In C h rist Jesu s; T he Sphere of th e Believer’s Life— A. T. P ierso n ................ e x tra clo th $1.50 The P assin g of ‘T h e W ord”— H elen H enshaw ....................1.50 Perplexing P assag es in th e F o u r G ospels— K eith L. B rooks......................clo th 1.50 P ersonal a n d P rac tic a l C hristian W ork T. C. H o rto n .......................... .............*____I:.,.*I....cl 6 th 1.50 D ivine U nity of th e S criptures— A dolph S ap h ir.........clo th 1.50 FOR 6 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of th e follow ing:—- K now ing th e S crip tu res— Dr. A. T. Pierson.............cloth $2.00 The Bible an d S p iritu al Life— Dr. A. T. P ierso n.........clo th 2.00 T he P eerless Poem s of D avid th e K ing— Jan e Copiey ‘‘ 1.75 Things New an d Old— Dr. C. I. Scofield.......................... clo th 2.00 Studies in th e Life and T eachings of O ur L ord— R. A. T o rrey ................................................clo th 2.00 The Summ arized Bible— K eith L. B rooks...-.i............ clo th 2.00 God’s B est S ecrets— A ndrew M urray...:....?!.;,.............. ..cloth 2.00 The P atm o s V ision— G eorge W . D avis............. .cloth 1.25 The W orld’s G reatest Need— T. E. H. Jones.............. clo th 2.00 The R evival a t B road Lane— K ate D rew.........................clo th 1.75 O r if you send in tw o o r m ore you can m ake up an y com b in atio n you w an t ju st so th e com bination p rice does n o t exceed 65c for 2, $1.15 for 3, $1.40 for 4, $1.65 for 5, $2.00 fo r 6, $2.40 fo r 7, $2.65 fo r 8, $3.15 fo r 9, $3.40 for 10, $3.65 for 11, o r $4.00 fo r 12. This is b o th delightful and profitable w ork and is su re to b rin g blessing from o u r L ord b o th in y o u r life an d those who subscribe. T his offer is only for a lim ited tim e so “ get b u sy ” a n d see w h at you can do. W E W ILL FURNISH ALL TH E SAMPLES YOU W A N T - ASK FOR THEM .
D eath D efeated and Defied— R. A. T o rery .............................. $ .25 C hristian Science an d th e W ord— F ran k H uling.........................25 T ru th fo r You— J. H. S a m m is..................... .........25 D iary of a D o cto r’s Son— K eith L. B rooks.........J - .......... .25 The G row ing C hurch— Cleland Boyd Mc.Afee..... .25 H igher C riticism— Dr. R. A. Torrey.....*....!.;,...................... . .25 Is S alvation Safe— K eith L. B rooks..................... . p P . ......... .25 K ey W ords to th e K ing’s T reasu ry com bined w ith W atch W ords for th e K ing’s S ervants— C. E. Paxon...... .25 The Shepherd P salm — Dr. R. A. T o rrey.......... 1.........1......... . .25 The L ord from H eaven— Sir R obert A nderson............................25 Jesus, P ro p h et, P rie st and K ing— Dr. R. A. Torrey..*.......... .35 M ysteries of th e K ingdom— W . C. Stevens.................... .35 T rium phs of th e C ross— W . C. S tevens..... ’..______ :..____ .35 The P ro p h et Jonah— D r. A. C. Dixon.............—..............................25 R ansacking the S crip tu res— K eith L. B rooks...................... .25 W h at S aith th e S crip tu res— K eith L. B rooks.............. ....... .25 W hy I R eject th e H elping H and of M illennial D aw n— W . C. Stevens............... ..............._....... .40 S atan— Lew is Sperry C hafer....:^.,.:.......... ........................-25 Sim ple Lessons in Bible M arking— K eith L. B rooks..... . .25 Strongholds of T ru th— W . H. Griffith Thomas..*..*....................25 The Tim e of the E nd— W . E. C aperton..... ______ .25 T hese P rem illennialists, W ho A re They— T. C. H orton.... .25 The Two Genealogies—-J. C. Stillion...... r ............ ...................... .25 FOR 2 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of th e follow ing:— The R etu rn of th e L ord Jesu s— R. A. T o rrey ------...paper .50 S crip tu ral In sp iratio n vs. Scientific Im agination — Riley .........................*,„....1...:.^..............•.................. p ap er .50 The L aym en’s H andbook of D aniel— G. A. B riegleb........ .50 ,Jesu s, P ro p h et, P rie st and K ing— Dr. R. A. T orrey..C loth .50 M atthew s Gospel Self In terp reted— K eith L. B rooks............... 50 The Son of God— K eith L. B rooks..... ;__......................... r ..............SO The Son of M an— K eith L. B rooks..^.....-._................................ 50 Suggestive Lessons on th e Tabernacle— M rs. A. L. D ennis................................ .50 W hy I Am A C hristian— Dr. A. C. Dixon........................ .50 Jesu s is Coming— W . E. B . ...................................... .p ap er .50 FOR 3 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS an y one of th e follow ing:—^ .Serm on Illu stratio n s from th e Bible— K. L. Brooks..*....... $1.00 Perplexing P assag es in th e F o u r G ospels— K. L. B rooks 1.00 The V irgin B irth— Wm . E vans.................... ............... .....Cloth 1 .0 0 The D ivine U nity of The S criptures— A S ap h ir................... 1.00 The L aym an’s H andbook of D aniel— G. A. Briegleb clo th 1.00 Old T estam en t Types— W . B. Riley....!?*.................... $ .40 P ro p h et P rie st an d K ing— Dr. R. A. Torrey...*..............65 $1.05
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