Over 600,000 of these Gospels Have Already Been Distributed
E very
and a p p re ciative letters from users of th e “ L ittle Red
A business m an in A u stra • lia has c au g h t th e vision of w h at it is possi ble to accom plish w ith them , a n d says in his le tte r enclosing the “A Mr.------------, an evangelist
Gospel of Jo h n “ specially a rra n g e d f o r u s e i n soul soul stre n g th e n in g w o r k .
s a v l n g w hom God used to lead over eight h undred souls to C h rist last y ear, w ould like to p re sen t one of these Gospels to each of his converts durin g th e p re sen t y e ar. I am su re you will a g ree th a t this is an excellent w ay of ‘defending th e faith,* for the F undam entals of C hristian ity a re set fo rth so plainly th erein th a t they m ust pro v e of g re at benefit to one ju st sta rtin g ou t in the C h ristian life. H e w ishes m e to o btain 1000 of these Gospels a t this tim e fo r his w ork. 1, too, am w anting ab o u t 350 to d istribute th ro u g h th e post in this district. C onditions a re very bad in this district and I am hoping by this m eans a revival m ay result and m any souls be b ro u g h t to C h rist.’* In the sam e m ail w ith this A u stra lia letter, cam e one from a T exas evangelist w ho is p ro p o sin g to follow th e sam e p lan w ith his converts. It w orks. T ry it. God’s Plan of Salvation Made Plain in the Gospel of John
CHA PTER TITLES an d DIVISIONS m ake it easy to com prehend. T he HELPS a re designed to ASSIST CHR ISTIAN WORKERS in th eir p erso n al endeavor to W IN SOULS, by using this G ospel w ith them ; and also to m ake it possible fo r an y one into w hose hands this G ospel falls to find God’s p lan of salvation stated in th e term s of th e Gospel itself. A ll NECESSARY INFORMATION fo r dealing w ith th e UNSAVED is given, a n d th e passages cited a re all from th e GOSPEL O F JOHN . YOU CAN HAVE THE JOY OF WINNING SOULS D o you desire th a t Joy? T h en secure a Gospel a n d go to w ork. Send for a Sam ple, accom panying w hich will be sent you Suggestions on “H ow to p rom o te a R eal R evival’’ in school an d ch u rch .— A lso th e leaflet, “ T he M essage of th e King.** Single copies, 5c; 100 copies, $4.00 p o stpaid; 1000 copies, $30.00 n o t prep aid , i.e., D elivery E x tra B I O L A B O O K R O O M S36-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.
HOW TO DEFEND the FUNDAMEN TALS of our FAITH. Use this edition of the Gospel of John. Some of the doctrines given are: INSPIRATION OF GOD'S WORD John 6:63; 8:26; 12:50 DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST Eternal God, John 1:12 Omnipotent, 5:25 Omniscient, 2:24, 25 Omnipresent, 3:13 Creator, 1:3 One with the Father, 14:9 God manifest, 1:18 God in human form, 1:14 God worshipped, 9:35,36 ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST John 1:29; 12:24; 6:51 RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST John 20:19, 20; 20:26-29 ASCENSION OF JESUS CHRIST John 16:7; 14:12 SECOND COMING OF JESUS John 14:3; 21:22,23 Also, the Doctrines of the Eternal Life of Believers, the Personality of Satan, Eternal Punishment.
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