August 1925
E ; D I T O
I A 1
If one stops to think about it, they are at once con fronted by a fatal fact—all men born into the world are born lost souls! There can be no refutation of the fact that children have an evil nature, one of its earliest manifestations being a rigid rebellion against rules. A child’s conduct is marked by steadfast stubbornness. When the parents say “ You must,” on the lips, if not spoken, can be seen the “ I won’t.” ’ “ Don’t touch i t !” is usually followed by the touch of the child, and this - should rightfully be followed by another touch—for memory’s sake—from the mother. What is the matter with the, child? Why, it has inherited the nature of Adam and Eve through its parents. Is punishment lawful?. Yes, it is commanded
The cover page uncovers a picture which is painted, we are sure, upon the pages of enduring memory in the hearts of many of our readers,—an old-fashioned gathering of an old-fashioned Christian family at the breakfast table, around the Word of God. This picture, of course, is only suggestive of those sacred scenes which are hidden in our hearts and which hold faces so dear and memories so precious that no artist couid ever adequately portray them; but it is significant in its meaning for the family of today.
What is the great need in our ■ land today? What do fathers and mothers and children need more than anything else? Is' it not a vital touch with God’s Word and united prayer? What wonders .would be wrought in the weaving of hearts into a family tie, strengthened by faith in the Bible, softened by the touch of the Holy Spirit, and cemented by an enduring and holy fellowship which would carry each member through the temptations and trials and priv ileges of the day in triumphant victory! What would it mean to the church if, from every Christian home represented in its member ship, the aroma of such a prayer life should ascend, and thus a bond of unbroken fellowship be formed? What would it mean
by God and exercised by Him through all His laws. “ The soul that sinneth it shall die. ” ' Men are lost,-‘-“ All have sin ned.” God has pronounced judgment and given the sen tence ; Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity. * * * * There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” But men can be saved. God has a simple, practical but costly method of salvation. He s a v e s them through sacrifice. He paid the penalty of sin by the sacrifice of Himself. He bore the sins of men in His own body. on the pross. He purchased them with His own blood.
Feár not, O little flock, the foe Who madly seeks your Overthrow ; Dread not his rage and power: What tho’ yóur courage sometimes faints His seeming triumph o’er God’s saints Lasts but a little hour. As true as God’s own Word is true, Not earth nor hell with all their crew Against us shall prevail. A jest and by-word are they grown: God is *with u s; we are His own; Our victory cannot fail. Amén, Lord Jesus,,grant our prayer! Great Captain, now Thine arm make bare; Fight! tpr. us once again! So shall Thy saints and martyrs raise A mighty chorus to Thy praise, World without end, Amen. Writtenl631 J acob F abricius
Therefore,^;1Ye are not your own; ye are bought with a price.” What price? “ The pre cious blood of Christ.” Saved men belong to God, then, and every blood-bought one is under orders. He is God’s “ business agent.” , What are the orders? “ Occupy (do business) till I come.” What is the business? Saving the lostB-the men and women and children who are without the fold, in the cursed world and doomed to eternal woe unless some one shall save them. Does acceptance of Christ as Sayiour involve an obligation to do what God commands? Yes, for— remember— you are not your own. You belong to God’s family and are bound by the most sacred ties. Write it in large letters and put it upon the wall of your room: “ I WAS A LOST SOUL. GOD LOVED ME. CHRIST DIED FOR ME. I AM HIS BY PURCHASE. I AM UNDER ORDERS. HE HAS ORDERED ME TO DO BUSINESS, AND HIS BUSINESS IS SOUL SAVING. HIS BUSINESS • IS MY BUSINESS. THEREFORE I MUST BE ABOUT MY BUSINESS WHICH IS SOUL-SAVING.” If we do not recognize these facts we will be under condemnation and will suffer loss throughout eternity.
to the pastor who had a heart for his flock and weighed down with the burdens he niust carry if he knew that in every family in his church he was carried daily to the Throne of Grace? What would it mean to the prayerless, Christless world into which the family must daily enter, if the members went from bended knees to manifest their faith in the unchanging love of God to restless, help less, hopeless humanity? And—most of all—what would it mean to Him who gave Himself for us and who daily longs for our fellowship? Would it not give Him great joy? Look at the cover again and—remembering all these things—pray that many new “ old-fashioned”, family altars may be established where many “ old-fashioned” Christians shall be developed among old and young who may be able to set an example, by lip and life, that' will incite admiration and emulation. SERVICE, THE SAINTS' OBLIGATION Any one who reads and studies the Bible cannot fail to be impressed with the definiteness of God’s dealing with the sons of men.
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