King's Business - 1925-08

August 1925



We need the watchmen upon the walls, the words of warning. Modernism may be painted with glowing colors; it may be voiced in sweet and peaceful strains, but every note is a stab at the heart of our beloved Lord. Blow the trumpet! Sound the alarm! Reprove, rebuke, with all long-suffering, for the dark day Of the world’s gloom approaches. It must be that offences come, but WOE unto those through whom they come. CHEATING THE CHURCH OF ITS CHRIST Most Christians are so busy with the daily duties that they have but little.time or opportunity to study or even know church conditions. For the most part,

We need . to tell you so?

If the Bible is true, then these false teachers and preachers are facing an awful fate (2 Peter 2:3). *A PATHETIC PICTURE It was five o’clock in the evening. The doors of the great auditorium were to be open at seven o’clock, but a crowd of people waited and increased until at the appointed time a surging mass of humanity pressed through the entrances to the three different floors and in ten minutes every seat was taken and every avail­ able bit of standing room occupied. Nearly five thou­ sand people waited for the opening of the service. it was to be a debate on the subject: “Resolved, that the earth and all life thereon is the result of

the sheep depend on t h e under-shepherd for instructions a n d s p i r i t u a l advice. Many a r e therefore unconscious that they are being robbed of their Christ. The m e a n i n g of C h r i s t i s “ t h e Anointed. ’■’ It is the official appellation of the promised Saviour, denoting His kingly authority a n d H is mediatorial position as the Servant of the Lord. The common name by w h i c h He was known was Jesus (Saviour), b u t He was God manifest in the flesh (1 Tim. 3: 16 ). r-v In these apostate days many pulpits are being dishonored by m en w ho use the name, J e s u s , b u t avoid an honest con­ fession to their people that they ' do not be­ lieve in His virgin birth. By. the use of smooth, soft religious messages t h e y a r e

evolution.’’) P r o f . Maynard S h i p l e y , President of the Sci­ ence League of Amer­ ica, was to speak for the' affirmaitive, and Dr. W. B. Riley, of Minneapolis, Execu­ tive Secretary of the Christian Fundamen­ tals Association, for the negative. The meeting h a d been well advertised, for the “ scientists ’’ had sent messages to the teachers in the schools and universi­ ties, a n d t h o s e churches in sympathy with them, to be pres­ ent. A number of Bol­ shevists were On hand, also, evidently with the intention of creat­ ing a disturbance, but the presence of a num­ ber of policemen as­ sured order. The Science League was born for this oc­ casion. Dr. Riley had repeatedly endeavor­ ed to secure some one who would d e b a t e


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able to deceive the people. Others, in process of time succeed in convincing their flocks that it is not essen­ tial to believe' that Jesus is virgin born. The Scripture has warned us concerning false teach­ ers of this kind (2 Peter 2 :1, 2) : “ * * * th e re shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in dam nable heresies, even denying th e Lord th a t bought them , and b ring upon themselves sw ift destruction. “And many shall follow th e ir pernicious ways; by reason of whom th e way of tru th shall be evil spoken of.” And we want to help our readers and warn them : Do not allow any preacher or teacher—man or woman to deceive you. Either Jesus Christ was God, or else the Bible is untrue. If the Bible is untrue, why waste your time in going to ¿ “ meeting house” and waste your funds in paying the salary 6f a preacher

with him on this question, but somehow the professors seemed to be a little backward in coming forward. One of their number did, indeed, accept a challenge from Dr. Riley some months ago, but cancelled the engagement at the last moment. We do not blame them. It is quite easy to handle a group of students and make them believe that the- Bible is a back number, but Dr. Riley is quite another matter. Professor Shipley had been . “ under the weather ’’-—so he said—and had been advised by his physician to refrain from straining his voice, so that the opening address which had been written by Pro­ fessor Shipley was read by Mr. Edward Cantrell. The arrangement was that affirmative and negative should each have forty-five minutes, then fifteen min­ utes for the affirmative, twenty minutes for the nega­ tive, closing with the last five minutes for the affirma-

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