August 1925
tive, Mr. Cantrell did his very best in reading from the notes prepared by Professor Shipley, though they contained many strange names of beetles and birds, crawfish and creeping things,, and birds of- the air. Dr. Riley used hut few notes. He knew his ground and in his usual magnificent and gracious manner car ried the thinking people with him. He laid a solid foundation and erected a superstructure thereon which can never he moved. In his closing five minutes Professor Shipley brought what he termed “ indisputable proof” of the theory of evolution—a five-toed prehistoric horse (one, “ eohip- pus ’’.) which, according to this assertion, evolved into the one-toed horse whieh now romps in the pasture. Of course, this called forth a “ horse-laugh” from the audience, who demanded Something more in the, way of proof than the professor’s mere statement that it was so. The matter of decision was left to the audience, who were to vote on the merits of the arguments presented and not in accordance with any preconceived ideas they might have had. The vote was to he by risr ing, and it was estimated that about four hundred people voted for the affirmative (Professor Shipley), while the balance of the audience rose en masse for the negative (Dr. Riley). - The plan was to follow the debate in Los Angeles with one in Oakland, (Prof. Shipley’s home town) then Portland and Seattle, and the Oakland meeting was held at which time 200 voted for Dr. Shipley and 2000 for Dr. Riley, after which Dr. Shipley refused to com plete the program by going to Portland and Seattle. We felt a little sorry for the evolution professor, hut rejoiced in the sweeping victory for the Word of God. Pray for Dr. Riley. If possible, he should go through this country, meet the scientists (so-called) and put to silence their pretentious claims, which so far have never had any real foundation, YOKING THE YOUTH OF AMERICA The “ Better America Federation” -deserve the coop eration of all loyal citizens of our country. This organ ization is composed of practical business and profes sional men who have the best interests of our country at heart. It is void of any political prejudice and is serving in an unselfish and patriotic manner. In a recent “Weekly News Letter” the Federation called attention to the danger confronting the youth of our land in an item entitled “ Appeal to Youth,” as follows: “A subject worth note by every tru e American is the growth of the Youth Movement 'b ack ed and supported by radical groups. Today th ere are th e Young W orkers League, Young Communist League, League for Indu strial Democracy, the Fellowship of Youth for Peace, Young Peo ples Socialist League, P ioneer Youth of America, National Students Forum , Young Fabean Society, and various others •unsuspectingly influenced by surface idealism. “Under the surface we find purposes which aim a t the very destruction of our Government and, in fact, of the fo u n d a tio n s of civilization. Such organizations and foreign alliances as the Communist P arty, th e Indu strial W orkers of- th e World, the American Civil L iberties Union, the F el lowship of Reconciliation, th e Intercollegiate Socialist So ciety, the W orkers P arty of America, etc., are giving aid and direction. “This year, a self-styled ‘Conference of Youth Organiza tions’ was held in F a r Rockaway, Long Island. Among the -‘youth’ and tak ing the leading p art, were men identified w ith these radical organizations and well known for years as w riters and speakers for movements of obstruction and
destruction of governm ental m easures and policies. We wish to impress th e above facts upon your mind. We shall have more to say later. “The ‘Searchlight,’ (New York Commercial) in p art says: ‘I feel it is w ith Young America th a t the question tru ly lies. They alone can preserve clean and untarnished, those ideals and institutions handed down to us. They alone can prove to these malcontents th a t th e life blood of our F ath e rs was not shed in vain. They alone can preserve Americanism, the only “ism” in America.’ “ Young America, once again America has need of you. You must organize. Many groups, already organized, are spreading the proper teachings of tru e patriotism , b u t none are dealing directly w ith our question. Help organize a group, call it w hat you will, do w hat you will in it,, bu t organize.” One of the most effective ways to 'meet this propa ganda is through an agressive, Bible-founded organiza tion of young men, and such an organization can be found in the Fishermen’s Club which is now being extended throughout this and other lands. The object of this club is the saving and training of young men for definite soul saving service. Read the announcement below.
THE BOOK! The Book! W hat book? There is bu t o n e , The Book th a t tells of God’s own holy Son;
’Tis heaven’s revelation, A message of salvation,
The Book! The Book th a t all should read, both young and old; The Book about the Shepherd and th e fold. Its tru th s are worth much more th a n purest gold; Its tru th s the lives of men for heav’n will mould; Its tru th s are new though o’er and o’er they’re told;
The Book of books I hail, Its tru th s shall e’er prevail,
The Book!
David F. Nygren.
Those who have read the new plans for the F isherm en’s Club of Los Angeles as out lined in th e May and Ju ly issues of The King’s Business, will rejoice to hear th a t sev eral applications have already been deceived from different p arts of th e country for per mission to organize such a Club. The charters which will be issued to these new clubs by the T rustees of the In tern ation al F isherm en’s Club are now ready, and a sample charter will be sent to any one interested, together w ith suggested form of Constitution, “ Story of the Fisherm en Club,” and full Information regarding the steps necessary to organize. The need for th is extension work is urgent, especially in view of th e alarm ing conditions now prevalent among th e youth of our land, as outlined in th e editorial on th is page entitled, “Yoking th e Youth of America.” Address T. C. Horton, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.
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