King's Business - 1935-05

May, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Socialism, Communism, Fascism “ THREE UNCLEAN SPIR ITS L IKE FROGS” B y LOUIS S. BAUMAN Long Beach, California

who immediately preceded its present “ benevolent dictator” both cautioned us o f the peril. Chief Justice Hughes, of our Supreme Court, also solemnly warned us of the menaceTJ j Several years ago, he said: Destructive forces now operating throughout the world may invoke the name of liberty, but their object is not to make men free, but to oppress; not to establish the self-government o f a people, but the dictatorship of a class; not to promote the cooperative endeavor o f a free community engaged in a common cause, but to secure an arbitrary control over the lives and liberties o f others,, albeit through new forms. Against these latest and most insidious assaults we must build our redoubts and man them with patriots o f peace, equipped with common sense and the teachings of past struggles, and fired with as un­ quenchable a zeal as that o f heroes in arms. 1 /Socialism. Communism, and Fascism all are imbued witnthe spirit o f dictatorship. It may be dictatorship by a collective group or by an individual, by the aristocracy, or by the bourgeoisie, or by the proletariat. But dictatorship it is— the dictatorship that would swamp all individuality into one solid mass— a mass with completely subjugated mind, living one uniform life under iron discipline and rigid custom, yielding blind obedience to one great chieftainTj j, y J

A W orld Headed for Dictatorship N othing so c le a r ly betokens the sunset of Gentile dominion as the fact that Gentile dominion the world over is being exercised more and more through dictator­ ships, and that these national dictatorships themselves are o f necessity heading toward a' world dictatorship. |£on- sciously or unconsciously, all mankind is on the verge of merging into one great collective society as the only means o f preserving man’s civilization. A t the head o f this col­ lective society will stand one single super-minaTj ^ , Note the “ sure word o f prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise” (2 Pet. 1 :19) “ with healing in his wings” (Mai. 4 :2). “And the ten horns out o f this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; . . . And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand” (Dan. 7 :24, 25). “And the king shall do according to his w ill; . . . and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper” (Dan. 11:36). “ The coming o f our Lord Jesus Christ, and . . . our gathering together unto him [i. e., the translation of the church] . . . shall not come, except . . . that man of sin be revealed, the son o f per­ dition ; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God . . . so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thess. 2:1-4), “And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat [R.V., "throne” ], and great authority . . . and all the world wondered after the beast . . . saying, . . . who is able to make war with him? . . . and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:2-7). “And the ten horns . . . are ten kings . . . These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Rev. 17:12, 13). £Tf these words do not affirm that our age is to end the reign o f a powerful Antichristian world dictator— a Satanically controlled “ man o f sin”—who shall proclaim himself a god and spill the blood o f all who dare to oppose him, then words have ceased to have any meaning. The only comfort we find is that his reign will be brief, and-that, if the rapture has not already occurred, the inauguration o f the reign o f the “man of sin” will be the signal for the up-calling o f all true believers to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4 :17 )— caught away as was Enoch before the flood cameTf fe f A few years, ago we were engaged in a titanic struggle involving practically all nations, aimed to “ make the world safe fo r dem ocracy” There were those among us who, knowing that “ the Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35 ), took that popular slogan with the proverbial “ grain o f salt.” Behold! What now do we see ? Any nations not already in the grasp o f dictatorships are rushing pell- mell thereinto, as if fearing they would not arrive in time for the march to Armageddon. Not a few o f the world’s foremost statesmen bewail this situation, but none seem able to prevent it. • ( The two Presidents o f the United States o f America

S ocialism ? D ictatorial !

/ Qur own government provides sufficient evidence'that Socialism is not opposed to the spirit o f dictatorship. Last year, Congressman Evans (C a li f o r n ia ) affirmed that America, under the controlling influence o f “ young radical reform college professors o f the strongest type o f Social­ istic tendencies,” is daily making “ astonishing strides to­ ward Socialism ” which, he predicted, eventually will lead _DxuJictatorshinXSenator Dickinson, of Iowa, recently, from g ) the flooFcrLtht Senate, declared that T. V . A . (Tennessee , i V a l l e y Authority) funds have been used for Socialistic unaen propaganda in our American schools. Dr. Robert A . Milli­ kan, world-renowned scientist, and head o f the California Institute o f Technology, in a nation-wide broadcast a few days ago warned our nation that “ if we do not stay the tendencies toward despotism that are creeping in on us, from many directions, we shall destroy our free America.” These “ tendencies” are chiefly Socialistic. Former Senator James A . Reed, speaking in Kansas City (March 29), asserted that America is “ near the border line of a dictator­ ship.” Bainbridge Colby, former Secretary o f State under President Wilson, avows that “ we are headed for a planned economy. This,” he adds, “ means, and can only mean, regimentation.” Regimentation, in its final analysis, means, and can only mean, political and economic dictatorship. In a recent interview, the great Italian dictator, Mussolini, said: “ You ask me if central planning can succeed in the United States. I say, Yes, provided you find the man for it. My philosophy is that the man is necessary!” Exactly so— the man! ( Thus, our America, once the boasted “ land o f the free andtne home o f the brave,” is cravenly moving along with the rest o f the world toward the surrender o f our precious blood-bought heritage o f freedom to the man — “ the king

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