May, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
no room for interests which are not the State’s interests ; laws are futile if they allow such things to be” (p. 13). “ Every interest,” he says,, “ is subordinated to the over riding authority of the organized State. No State within the State can be admitted.” And then he quotes Mussolini’s motto: “A ll within the State; none outside the S tate; none against thè State” — and behold ! The head o f the State becomes your god ! As the Dawn (London) comments : The “ community interest”—excluding, on principle, any thought of God or Christ or sin or eternity—is the all- dominating creed . . . All morality, as all religion, is thus lodged in purely civic virtues, and the State becomes what Herr von Papen, when German Chancellor, called “the Holy German Reich, the Sacrum Imperium.” * ' Last January there was organized in Rome, with gov ernment support, the Central Council o f Action Committee fo r the University o f Rome — an organization pledged to spread the principles of Fascism to every nation. This council publishes a magazine— Universal Rome—a name significant enough for any student o f Bible prophecy. The civil program it seeks to have all nations adopt is (in part) : “ The reconstruction o f an Unitarian and powerful S ta te. . . [and] the collaboration o f production characterised by unity and solidarity.” And this, Mussolini announces, “ is the hope o f the world” ! And this gospel (Fascism) he determines to preach now throughout the world. Read this again : “ The reconstruction o f an Unitarian and powerful State.” Then reflect upon this : g rA nd power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:7). Also, read this again : “ The collaboration o f production charac terised by unity and solidarity.” Then meditate upon this : “ The ten horns . . . are ten kings . . . These have one mind, and shall'give their power and strength ùnto the beast” (Rev. 17:12, 13) ; “ And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark . . . that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark” (Rev. 13:16, 17). Now ponder this statement by Reichbishop Ludwig Mueller, Fascist head o f the official German Protestant Church: “ Every one should be forced into Nazi ranks, even though he does not quite understand National Social ism.” Then weigh this statement, made last year (June 17) by Otto Wagner of Germany, the Bavarian (Fascist) Minister o f the Interior : The greatest criticism of the State comes from the churches. It may happen that I’ll be compelled to use force [to silence critics of the Nazi regime]—and, in that event it will be enough, once and for all. Those who do not discharge their duty to the people have lost their right to live in Germany. One does not have to think twice to know the full meaning o f words such as these ! The iron grasp of Fascism as well as o f Communism is to be laid at last upon the throats o f those who testify of Christ. Moreover, our hearts find little reassurance when we contemplate the characters o f the dictators now sitting on seats o f power— Kemal Pasha in Turkey, Pilsudski in Poland, Horthy in Hungary, Von Schuschnigg in Austria, Stalin in Russia, Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, and others elsewhere — dictators who make unthinking, cowering wretches of beings once called men, reducing them to mere parts o f a * Times, London, October 4,1932.
[who] shall do according to his will.” Go search the Scrip tures ! They will tell you the rest o f the storyjj jr^l C ommunism ? D ictatorial ! When Russia’s-subtle representative, Litvinoff, came to America to bamboozle President Roosevelt into a recogni tion o f his blood-soaked mu-government, a godless Jew by the name o f Finkelstein arranged for a banquet in his honor at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. As Litvinoff “ waddled in” to take his seat under the cross made by the Red flag and what was left o f “ Old Glory,” the strains of “ The Star-Spangled Banner” brought all to their feet. And few sat down, we are told, when the organ switched into the Russian anthem, “ Internationale,” from which we quote: Arise, ye toilers o f all nations, . Condemned to misery and w oe; To Hell with humbleness and patience, Give deadly battle to your foe! Wipe out the ruling wealthy classes, Arise and slash your thralldom chains, Let power be wielded by the masses, Let those who labor hold the reins! It is hardly necessary to comment upon this national anthem. Communism demands nothing less than the abso lute “ dictatorship o f the proletariat,” which, inside or out side of Russia, means the despotic power of some one mind strong enough to drive the feebler-minded common herd. The dictator drives— either by sword, or by moving the mass emotions by means o f personality, slogans, ballyhoo, radio, or other devices— into a collective society, and then subjugates that society into absolute submission to his own imperious and arbitrary will. Only three days ago as we write (on April 3, 1935), Captain Anthony Eden, envoy o f Great Britain to Moscow, in agreement with Josef Stalin and the wily Foreign Com- missar Litvinoff, issued a joint communique, in which it was unitedly proclaimed to the world that “ it is more than ever necessary to pursue the endeavor to promote the build ing up of a system of collective security in Europe” ! Think upon that! Arch-butcher Josef Stalin, and bamboozler ex traordinary Litvinoff, leading Britain’s most astute states man in foreign affairs into their “ collective security” heaven! Has Mr. Eden no nose for decaying blood and bones? The great Russian bear believes in “ collective security” only when it collects into his own maw ! And, remember, the great Russian bear is no vegetarian! In Communistic Russia, the dream o f “ collective security” means nothing else and nothing less than the resurrection and imperialistic rule o f a prehistoric beast, famed chiefly for its blood-foaming jaws. In Russia or out o f Russia, “ collective security” through dictatorship means nothing less than administrative lawlessness and rank injustice. F ascism ? D ictatorial ! Fascism, the spawn o f Caesar, could not live twenty- four hours except within the fetid odor of a military despotism. Sir Oswald Mosley, a Fascist, and leader of Great Britain’s Black Shirt hosts, stamps a woodcut of the fasces on the opening page o f his Greater Britain , and defines Fascism as “ the steel creed o f an iron age.” Verily, the “ legs o f iron” (Dan. 2 :33 ) are stamping (Dan. 7:19) the earth again! Sir Oswald further deposes: “ There is
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