King's Business - 1935-05

May, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


) (Consider, once, the ever-increasing multitude of young men and women, befooled, because of weak thinking ap­ paratuses, into soothing their nerves, smoothing their throats, sweetening their breath, whitening their teeth, strengthening their muscles, stimulating their brains, with cigarettes! It would not seem so sad wereLit not for the fact that they think that they think!)Consider, also, the appalling number o f men sitting upon legislative, execu­ tive, and judicial seats who have surrendered their thinking paraphernalia to some “ Brain Trust” in return for a rub­ ber stamp! They do not even think that they think, for that would be thinking! Consider, again, the millions of Americans— thousands of them college bred—who hon­ estly believe that rum will lower the tax load, that you can Create wealth by destroying it, and that you can spend your­ self rich ! “ Believe it or not,” they, too, think that they think ! In all seriousness, we affirm that the constantly weakening mentality o f the human race, so evident the world around, is paving the way for the “ conscription of

great politico-religious machine. Are we to be classed as wild fanatics when we warn that the day may be close at hand when people who do not “ discharge their duty to the people” by bowing down to Nebuchadnezzar’s image will be denied— not only in Germany, but anywhere else in the world— “ the right to live” ? “ T he C onscription of the M ind ” Bear in mind that the aim o f these latter-day politico- religious isms now sweeping the world is to destroy the individual’s right to think! Believe it or not, your right to think apart from the “ collective society” is being chal­ lenged by these modern political philosophies. The mil­ itarization of the mind is the supreme purpose o f these modern dictators in building again their Caesarian States upon the ashes of the democracies destroyed in the flames o f the World War. Mussolini now begins his work of militarizing the mind by conscripting Italian boys for mili­ tary training when they are but eight years o f age. The militarization of the mind cannot be thoroughly brought

about until a re­ ligious philosophy compatible with it is i n c u l c a t e d . Therefore, there is the rejection of the P r i n c e o f Peace, and the re­ ception o f Nietz­ sche. The drama­ tic critic o f the L o n d o n Times (June 21, 1934) was right when he summed u p h i s impressions, after a tour o f Germany and Central Eu­ rope, thus: The truth,

the m ind ” by a great “ Dictator of Thought’J JC oms, he w ill! For, it is w r itt e n : “ The king shall do ac­ cording to his will [thought]” ; and, “ All that dwell Upon t h e earth shall w o r s h i p him.” Man does not worship until he has surrender­ ed his thought to the g od he wor­ ships. “ S tand B y To C rash !” Just before the giant d ir ig ib le Akron fell into the sea, the com- manding officer’s

A W O R D A B O U T F U T U R E . . . A R T I C L E S . . . Or. Bauman plans to furnish two more articles on the subject of "Socialism, Communism, Fascism.” "The last one," he states, "will deal wholly with the subject of Armageddon. In the light of present events in Ethiopia (cf. Dan. II), this message should be of special interest to the student of present-day events in the light of prophecy." Why not send the magazine, containing the com­ plete series, to some friend who needs this message?

little un d er­ stood in Eng­ land, to which every experi­ ence of this

journey points, is that what is at stake in Europe is not boundaries, armaments, and political systems only, not even peace and war as they have been formerly under­ stood, but the freedom or the conscription o f the mind. The above statement from the London Time's receives abundant emphasis in an order that was issued by Fritz Sauckel, the Reich’s statthalter or governor for the State o f Thuringia, when in an address to a congress o f his Nazi (Fascist) leaders he said: I command you not to tolerate anything else. Dis­ cussion o f things touching on the life and existence o f our people must cease. Those daring to doubt the rightness o f the Nazi principles ought to be branded as traitors. If that is not “ conscription o f mind,” then what is it? A “ D ictator of T hought ” Nor do these subtle powers o f hell expect to confine “ the conscription o f the mind” to the dictator-cursed peo­ ples o f Europe. The Morning P ost (London, August 20, 1932), in commenting upon the doctrinal chaos in the churches, made bold to say: “N ecessity [must] produce an intellectual colossus — a dictator of thought ." And, ap­ parently, the world is fast ripening for the coming o f just that— “A Dictator o f Thought” ! For when men and women lack the power or lack the will to think for themselves, then some one else is going to think for them.

voice rang out: “ Stand by to crash!” [Civilization today is aquiver, shuddering from stem to stern. Long, long ago, the story o f the coming crash was told : “ Behold a great image. . . . Thou sawest. . . a stone . . . cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his f e e t . . . and brake them to pieces” (Dan. 2:31, 34). Man’s glory crashes to arise no m o r e !!§ - / / 5 "I T he C hildren of G od H ave N o F ear /T h e children of God welcome the crash! They know that when the dust o f man’s glory shall pass away with the winds, then “ shall the God o f heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed” (Dan. 2 :44). They know that they are the heirs o f that kingdom^'Their ears are attuned to hear, from the vaulted blue, the voice o f their Be­ loved: “ Neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid” (Isa. 8 :12 ). “ Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1). “ Surely I come quickly” (Rev. 22 :20). And, when He comes, He “ shall break in pieces the oppressor . . . and his enemies shall lick the dust . . . He shall spare the poor and needy, . . . He shall re­ deem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight . . . all nations shall call him blessed. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be his glo­ rious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen, and Amen” (Psa. 72:4^19).

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