King's Business - 1935-05

May, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

1TheBible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

(Frieda H. Claassen, ’30) already have -found a place in the hearts of members of the Arlington Christian Church, Arlington, Calif., where' their father is minister. 15. LeRoy, age 10 months, and Mar­ vin, age 7, are the sons o f John W. ( ’25) and Mrs. FrieSen (Anna Kliewer, ’20) and live in Los Angeles. For the past five years, their parents have been helping in the work at the City Terrace Mission, Mr. Friesen having charge of the music, and Mrs.'Friesen assisting at the piano. 16. The three daughters o f Karl D. (T8) and Mrs. Hummel (Guelph Mc- Quinn, ’19). are: (left to right) Marjorie Louise, age 12; Carolyn Mae, age 14; and Ruth Emma, age 9. Marjorie and Carolyn were born in Nicaragua, Central America, the field of their parents’ missionary serv­ ice. Mr. and Mrs. Hummel are members of the Central America Mission, of which Mr. Hummel is secretary. Their home is now in Dallas, Tex. 17. There was a happy reunion in Ruling, Kiangsi, China, last summer when Mrs. O. G. Whipple, who has been visiting in China, was able to spend several weeks in the hills with her son> Elden C. Whipple, ’24, her daughter, Mrs. Nathan Walton (Lois Whipple, ’29), and their families. The group picture shows: (seated) Elden C. and Mrs. Whipple ( ’29) and their boy, “ Sonny” ; (standing) Mrs. O. G. Whipple, Mrs. Nathan Walton, and Nathan W al­ ton, ’29; and, in the center, Barbara Ann Walton, whose Chinese name means “ Precious Peace.” Last ,September, a daughter, Lorna Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elden Whipple. Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ton are at Wuhu, Anhwei, China, and Mr. and Mrs. Elden Whipple have been sta­ tioned at Hwoshan, Anhwei, China. Both . families are affiliated with the China Inland Mission. 18. All born in the Congo, where their parents, Allan G. ( ’24) and Mrs. McIn­ tosh (Marjorie Phair), have been serving under the Unevangelized Africa Mission, these three happy girls are fitting into American life during the furlough which the family have been spending in Canada and in Los Angeles. From left to right, they are: Catherine, age 3; Marjorie Rose, age 5 (and Janet, age 6. 19. Maurice Reuben, age 10, and Audrey Elise, age 8, are the children of John ( ’22) and Mrs. Roos (Alice Hamil­ ton, ’22) of Hope, Kans., where Mr. Roos is pastor of the Presbyterian Church and has been Moderator o f the Presbytery. The work has been particularly encouraging in spiritual results during the past church year. Alumni News R exford ( ’27) and Mrs. Smith. (Grace H. Weller, ’26) have been doing a faith work among the Mexican peo­ ple of Coachella Valley. Within the past two years they have organized a little church which now has twenty-eight mem- [Continued on page 176]


W herever homes are dedicated to God, there Christ is honored and true Christian joy abounds. The chil­ dren and the family groups pictured on the opposite page are representative o f the hundreds of homes in the widening fellow­ ship of former students of the Bible Insti­ tute o f Los Angeles. Happy Christian homes, established by friends of Biola, may be found in almost every country of the world. On foreign mission fields or in preparation for such service, in pastoral or other special witnessing for Christ, and in so-called “secular” work which is a spirit­ ual service because it is done as unto the .Lord, members o f the Bible Institute cir­ cle are earnestly desirous that their homes may be a testimony of the Lord’s grace and love. And the bright faces o f the boys and girls testify to the fulfillment o f that desire. As the month of May centers thought upon the subject o f the Christian home, may there be much prayer for both parents and Children in the hundreds of Institute homes, that the world may be given evidence of the power o f the living Lord. Friends of the former students whose homes are represented may find new in­ formation in the following facts-: 1. Carl H. Wintersteen snapped this picture o f Mrs. Wintersteen (Ellen V. Hoffman, ’20) and their two children, Mel­ vin, age 18 months, and Elna, age 5, shortly before the family left Bolivia for their furlough about nine months ago. The family were on their way to hold Sunday- school in an Indian village. Mr. and Mrs. Wintersteen are with the Bolivian Indian Mission and have been living in Los An­ geles. 2. Mrs. Earle L. Ferris (Kathryn C. Smith, ’30) and Carol Ann (at present six ,months old) live in Pasadena, Calif., where Dr. Ferris is an optometrist. The photograph is by A. E. Arnold, Pasadena. 3. Ernest E. ( ’24) and Mrs. Nichols (Hope M. Hepburne, ’25)' and their two sons, Norman Robert, age 2, and Paul Ernest, age 6, are living in Torrance, Calif., where Mr. Nichols is now in his third year in the pastorate of the Keystone Baptist Church. A number o f Institute graduates have helped recently in special services at the church. 4. Virginia Jackson, age 6, is caring for Marjorie Janet, age 9 months. They are daughters of George W . ( ’25) and Mrs. Jackson (Agnes Hosie, ’26). The sister of Virginia and Marjorie Janet is pic­ tured elsewhere on the page (No. 8). Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and their family are living in Los Angeles, where Mr. Jackson is serving as General Secretary of the Orinoco River Mission. 5. W . F. ( ’29) and Mrs. Templin (Es­ ther Kliewer) and their two-year-old son, David William, are living in Vaughnsville, Ohio, where Mr. Templin is ministering to

a church of some 250 people. Mr. and Mrs. Templin are rejoicing in the Lord’s leading in the work of the church. 6. The family of Charles A. and Mrs. Roberts (Grace M. Pike, ’21) are mem­ bers o f the Bible Institute circle in a spe­ cial way, for both Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are engaged in the work of the Hunan Bi­ ble Institute, the China department o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, located in Changsha, Hunan, China. 7. Harold Amstutz, Jr., now sixteen months old, may soon be brightening a missionary home in Africa, if the Lord so. wills, for his parents, Harold D. ( ’29) and Mrs, Amstutz (Janet Yeths, ’32), are ac­ cepted candidates of the Africa Inland Mission and are eager to be thrust forth into that field as soon as the Lord opens the way. Mr. and Mrsi Amstutz live in Los Angeles, Calif. 8. Gwendolyn Jackson, age 5, is one of the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jackson. 9 . David R. and Mrs. Johnson (Doris Klint, ’25) and their three-year-old son, Klinton Devere, live in Los Angeles, where Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are busy in serving the Lord in the Swedish Mission Tabernacle. 10. This photograph o f David Paul Sheldon, son of Chauncey B. ( ’21) and Mrs. Sheldon (Hattie Louise Cope, ’22), taken with a little native boy in French Equatorial Africa, was made when David- was two and one-half years old. A year later, January 6, 1935, just a month after the return o f the family to America for their furlough, David went to be with the Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon are under the Brethren Board of Foreign Missions and have been living in La Verne, Calif. 11. Roy H. and Mrs. Fuller (Rebecca Harrison, ’27), o f the Orinoco River Mis­ sion, on furlough in Inglewood, Calif., have two children, Gordon Stewart, whose present age is seven months, and Ruth Wynola, age 4. Ruth Wynola was born in Venezuela, South America. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller have been greatly disappointed to receive word that Mrs. Fuller’s health will not permit their return to Venezuela for the present, at least. They have been much encouraged by the Lord’s leading in open­ ing another door for Spanish work. They have been hoping to leave for this service, a faith work in the Coachella Valley, Calif., by about May 1. 12 . L. V. and Mrs. Kirsch (Melissa Alice Flack, T5), who are living in Los Angeles, have three children. From left to right, they are: Glen, whose present age is eight years; LeRoy, age 5; and Hazel, age 9. 13. Nathan Walton, ’29, is pictured with his daughter, Barbara Ann, who will be two years old in July. 14. Four years old on April 12, Elden and Helen Buck, the twin son and daugh­ ter o f Carlton C. ( ’30) and Mrs. Buck

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