One of many picturesque trails that lead to the mountains and to the sea, near Pacific Palisades. Physical Rest and Spiritual Blessing at the S U M M E R B IB L E CON FER EN CE of the BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds, Near Santa Mon ica,Calif., Aug . IO to Sept. 2, IÇ 3 5
left free for recreation, for which there are many facilities convenient to the assembly grounds. Ocean bathing —within a mile and a half of the Conference Grounds. A hike down the beautiful Temescal Canyon brings one to the ocean front. Bath houses are conveniently near. Lifeguard protection is afforded at all hours. Fishing — by line from the beach, or from the barges anchored off the coast, or from the numerous fishing boats that journey daily to and from the fishing grounds. Boating — in the still waters of Santa Monica Harbor, two miles up the bathing beach, easily reached by bus service along the ocean highway. Riding -—miles of winding trails through the Santa Monica mountains. Riding academy is conveniently located within a mile of the assembly grounds. Arrangements can be made to have car call for riders and bring them back after the ride. Golf — at the Municipal Golf Course at Clover Field, within four miles of the assembly grounds. Motoring — to many points of interest. Numerous tours may be arranged, with Pacific Palisades as a convenient center. The Ocean Front Highway, which extends from San Diego through Northern California, passes by the assembly grounds. Beverly Boulevard gives easy access to Los Angeles. One- day tours to Santa Catalina Island, Santa Barbara, or San Diego— the scene of the California Pacific International Exposition—may easily be arranged. L O C A T IO N O F THE C O N F E R E N C E G R O U N D S No more beautiful or convenient spot could have been selected than the parked and shaded grounds of the Pacific Palisades Assembly. Old oaks and sycamores spread leafy arms over a tumbling mountain stream that winds from the mountains to the sea. On the left bank of the stream, a great audi torium, half hidden by foliage, is located on a convenient hillside; while casitas, tent houses, cabins, rustic classrooms, a large restaurant building, and a gymnasium are spaced at intervals along the winding canyon floor. Yet all this isolation is located within twenty-one miles of busy Los Angeles. R EA SO N A B LE H O U S IN G A C C O M M O D A T IO N S For a family of two, a ten-day vacation in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equipment, means an outlay of only $11.50. For twenty-one days, the rate would be $20.50. If three persons be included for the ten-day period, the cost is only $14.50; and for the twenty-one day period, $26.00. The only additional expenses would be the purchasing of provisions, as the tents are fully equipped for housekeeping. If preferred, reasonable meals may be obtained at the near-by cafe or local restaurant. There are, of course, more elaborate accommodations, including rustic casitas and artistically furnished cabins, at slightly higher prices. IN F O R M A T IO N G L A D L Y FU RN ISH ED If you .desire that full information regarding reservations, program, and other features of the conference shall be sent to you, mail the coupon.
Plans are rapidly maturing for the Bible conference, announced recendy in the KING’S BUSINESS, to be held under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, August 10 to September 2. A busy committee, of which William G. Nyman, Treasurer of the Institute, is the chairman, is at work on program features which will appeal to Christian people everywhere. THE SPEAKERS Louis T. Talbot, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and Pastor of the Church of the Open Door— whose church is cooperating in this conference— plans to be present at all the meetings. Arthur I. Brown, M.D., writer, preacher, and popular speaker on scientific and prophetic subjects, will be heard in stirring addresses on favorite themes. Dr. Brown’s message appeals strongly to young people of university age. Elbert L. McCreery, Vice-President and Dean of the Bible Institute, will add scholarly studies on important Bible topics. With years of experi ence as a missionary, as a pastor, and as a Bible Institute instructor, Dr. McCreery is able to speak with authority on many subjects. Henry C. Thiessen, Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis, Evangelical Theological College, Dallas, Tex., will be welcomed for his clear exposition of the Word. Other speakers have been invited, and are now endeavoring to arrange their schedules in order to be present at Pacific Palisades. Among these leaders are Mr. Mitchell, of Portland, Ore., and Mr. Lowry, of Chicago, 111. Jack Mitchell, known as the founder of hundreds of Bible classes in the Pacific Northwest, possesses a wealth of experience gained in the organiza tion and teaching of these classes. Oscar Lowry, author and Bible teacher, has helped many people— young and old— to memorize God’s Word. His simple, workable plan is popular everywhere. DA ILY V A C A T IO N BIBLE S C H O O L One of the chief attractions of the Bible conference will be the Daily Vacation Bible School, which will be directed by an expert in that field. With a full corps of trained teachers and workers, the school will convene each morning. While
"1 their boys and girls I are thus happily en- | gaged, parents will be I free to attend other I meetings. Each day j will begin with a J sunrise service, to be J followed by teaching j and preaching sessions j in the large audi- I torium. ] RECREA T IO N As far as possible, i the afternoons will be
BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Friends: Please send full information about the First Summer Bible Conference held under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Name......................... ................. ........................... Address........... ......................................................
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