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BIOLAHONOR RO In s -titu te B u sin ess St KING’S BUSINESS SUBSCR E v e r sin ce th e fo r m a t io n o f th e B IOLA HONOR ROLL a s a b o n d t o d r a w c lo s e r t o g e t h e r th o s e w h o r e m e m b e r th e w o r k o f th e BIBLE IN ST ITUTE a \ t / ^ i - t ■ i * * j 1. * !_ H a _ d i.1 . —_ -- ES9BHS m IRES d ^ ^w n 1 1o t o H OF LOS ANGELES in their prayers and their giving, evidence has accumulated that a responsive note has been struck. The prospect o f placing the work o f the Institute on a firm and enduring basis through multiple giving has vitalized every activity o f Biola. A few days after the meeting o f the entire Institute family on March 1 8 , when the hours o f the morning were spent in intercession, the business staff o f the Insti
Alhambra, Calif. April 3, 1935.
Mr. O . Howard Lucy, Business Manager, Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dear Friend:
M y wife and I wish to thank you for the Biola Honor Roll Certificate, and count it a great privilege to be able to help even in a small way in this work. W e are enclosing $ 1.00 in the envelope, and with God 's help will contribute $1.00 per month. Four years ago, we heard an address over the radio by Brother Brown on "W ill Ye Rob G o d ? " and immediately we realized that was what we had been doing. W e knelt and asked God 's for giveness and made a vow we would pay the tithe from then on, although at that time we were in poor financial straits, and it seemed humanly impossible to do it. But G o d made it possible. For the first few months I confess we didn't give it joyously, but now, thank God, it is a joy and a blessing to give, not only the tenth but all we can pos sibly give. A tenth is a very good begin ning for people to start with. Later on you won't be satisfied with just a tenth. M ay G o d abundantly bless the work of the Bible Institute and all those who are in any way connected with it.; Yours in His service, C ---------- and M ----------- E---------- .
tute held its own sectional meet ing a n d , a fte r prayer, s igned up 1 0 0% on the B I O L A HON O R R O L L — firmly believing that this plan, bom in prayer, is as sured ly of God. Why has this p lan been re ceived so enthu s ia s t ic a lly ? A num ber o f rea sons m igh t be given. Giving to such a work as that of the Bible In
stitute o f Los Angeles is far more than a routine duty. It is a prayerful privilege. It means that the giver has a part with God in the work o f reaching a lost world with the good news o f redemption. “ An ordinary contribution box,” said a noted preacher, “ has become an instrument by which the contribu tor as he sits in his pew, can touch every continent and do a work for Christ where his own footsteps never tread.” In a particular sense, this possibility is open also to every member o f the B IOLA HONOR ROLL . It is the motive, not the sequel, which determines the re sults o f giving. The chief end in view is not the material good done, but the glory that the giving may bring to God. This fact is made clear in Paul’s beautiful second letter to the Cor inthian Church where he prays : “ May ye be abundantly en riched so as to show every liberality, such as through our in strumentality brings thanksgiving to God. For the service rendered in the sacred gift not only helps to relieve the wants of God’s people, but it is also rich in its results in awakening a chorus o f thanksgiving to God” (2 Cor. 9:11, 12, Weymouth Translation). The Institute makes no tuition charge for its Bible study courses, other than slight incidental registration fees. It de pends upon the voluntary contributions o f its friends for support. Contributions may be made in one of several ways: outright gifts, endowments, and bequests. While the Institute offers board and room at cost, and makes no tuition charge to the students, the cost to the Insti tute o f training each student is approximately as follows:
BIOLA HONOR This Certificate (6" x 9 ") is to be mailed to every person contributing to the support of the Bible Institute of Los An geles. Please study the picture carefully and absorb its mes sage. The large building in the center is the imposing Bible Institute block located at 536-558 South Hope Street, Los An geles. This is the home of the Institute's Day, Evening, and Correspondence schools— and the registration in these three departments totaled over 2,000 for the year 1934-5. . . . The smaller building in the picture is the Hunan Bible Institute, the China Department of Bible Institute of Los Angeles, located at Changsha, in teeming Hunan Province, where there is a population of over 20,000,000. From this training school in
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