L GAINS STEADILY I I ns Up 100% PTIONS TO ALL SIGNERS For the entire school year................... -.....................$150.00 , For a semester................................ ............................... 75.00 ^ For a month.................. ......,...........- ........................... 20.00 For a week.......................... .......... —' -............ - 5.00 For a day............... ....................................:................... TOO Every dollar that you give helps to train a student. Whether you give little or much is not the question. But whether in the light o f Calvary each of the Lord’s people is obeying the entreaty o f the Lord is of supreme importance. • As the B io la
A N O L D FR IEND O F B IO LA RISES TO GREET THE C O M IN G O F THE H O N O R ROLL Los Angeles, Calif. April 2, 1935. Mr. O. Howard Lucy, Business Manager, Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dear Brother Lucy: Please accept my sincere apprecia tion for Certificate of membership in Biola Honor Roll. M y prayers have been answered by you in sending me the Certificate, so I am thanking God for using you in an swer to my prayers. Enclosed please find a new Five Dol lar bill for your missionary plan, the first of many to follow, is my prayer. I came to L. A . with my husband, . . . G o d took him home to glory some years ago. Then I spent three years in the Evening School; during the days I went around doing mission work which I am still doing, thank God. I hope soon to be able to call and see you; in the meanwhile the B. I. is my home. Now I have new work to get new members for the Biola Honor Roll, pray ing God will use me every day for His glory. . . . M ay every blessing attend your ef forts and work. Your plan is of G o d . . .. Your sister in Jesus Christ, M - S P •
Honor R o l l is merely a plan for the promotion of prayer and sys tematic' g iv in g , any o f the above o b j e c t s can be provided for in a series o f weekly or monthly gifts. Many f r i e nd s wi ll doubt l es s w i s h to g i ve small amounts— 10 cents to $1.00 w e e k l y o r mont h l y — and their g i f t s will always be grate f u l l y received. Special co i n en-
. . , velopes will be sent for convenience m mailing, if desired. The conditions of membership are very simple: One agrees (1 ) to pray for the work of the Bible Institute o f L ös A ngeles ; and (2 ) to contribute as regularly as possible to its support Membership is recognized in two ways. A beautiful Honor Roll Certificate suitable for framing will be sent to each member. Donors are also eligible to receive the K ing s B usiness ( regular subscription price $1.50) as follows. If you donate $1.00, 25 cents may be applied as a three months’ subscription. If you donate $2.00, 50 cents may be applied as a six months’ subscription, and if you donate $5.0Q
or more, 75 cents may be applied
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B IO LA HONOR ROLL Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California I hereby agree (1 ) to pray for the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and (2 ) to contri bute ______________ .... per month for a period of three, six, twelve (----------—------- ) months. Please place my name on the Biola Honor Roll. □ You may apply ^....... ------- — of my gift to ward a subscription to the K ing ’ s B usiness , sending me the magazine for ...-----.....-------months- Name........................... City..........-------State-------- — Street No..— ......... ......... ... Date.----------— ■—- Amount enclosed -------------------------------------------- —- The amount indicated may be discontinued, reduced, or increased at any time.
DLL CERTIFICATE China native evangelistic bands go from house to house with the gospel message.......... The text from Revelation 1:5 is deeply carved on the Institute's corner stone. Read it care fully, for it fully expresses the purpose of Biola's existence. The rays surrounding the picture represent the fact that there em anates from the Institute prayer for and gratitude to each member of that wide-spread family to which every giver and prayer-helper belongs.. . . Will you not join your prayers with others for the spiritual success of this great enterprise? The seal and the signature of Institute officials are an attestation of our joint union in Christ Jesus for evermore.
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