May, 1935
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
tion, now that he had told them about Christ. This jar reminds me of Paul and his great statement to these unsaved people. You will notice that the face on the jar is clear. It reminds us o f Paul. The cross on the jar is red, reminding us o f the cross on which Christ died. The reason that Paul was clean, concerning his duty to these people, was that he had lifted up the cross of Christ. In telling o f Christ’s cross, he showed them how to be saved. No matter how I shake this jar, the cross comes out red, and the face clear. In all his trials, Paul was always conscious of being clear of his responsibility, because he had told the unsaved about Christ. Each one of us must tell of Christ’s death on the cross, if we want to be clear of our responsibility for the ones who do not know Him as Saviour. R omans 14:13-21; 1 C orinthians 8:9-13 Golden T ext: “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, orris o f fended, or is made weak” (Rom. 14:21). Outline and Exposition I. T he P ossession of L iberty (Rom. 14:13-21). E very Christian should be conscious o f the liberty possessed in Christ (vs. 13, 14). Through the death o f Christ, the believer has been set free from all rules suggested by the law o f “Touch not; taste not; handle not” (cf. Col. 2:20-22). The hindrance to this consciousness of lib erty is the natural legalism which inheres in every child of fallen Adam. Many Christians are continually wondering whether this or that thing be “clean” or “unclean." There should be a remembrance that for the Christian there is “nothing unclean of itself.” Every Christian should remember that the liberty he enjoys is the liberty o f Christ. There is full freedom, but it is a freedom to be of service to others. Knowledge alone does nothing but puff up its pos sessor, whereas love will build up both the possessor and all others, because “love worketh no ill to his neighbor” (v. 15; cf. Rom. 13 ;10). Thus the “good,” that is, the perception o f the liberty in Christ, will not be evil spoken of (v. 16). And this liberty will give freedom, in one’s own measure, to serve God as Christ did (vs. 17, 18). Here we have a valid reason for the control of our freedom in Christ. The “kingdom” mentioned in this lesson is not connected with mere eating and drinking; but it consists of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. If a certain thing is morally wrong, there would be no credit in abstaining from it; but if there is lib erty to engage in a thing, and that thing is put aside for the sake o f some_ other brother, that relinquishing o f the indivi dual’s right would be evidence that liberty in Christ was being enjoyed. There should be well-defined limits to the liberty possessed in Christ (vs. 19-21). Those limits may be suggested by three words of the lesson—“peace,” “ destroy,” and “brother.!’ The “peace” is that har mony which should exist between Chris tians, which in turn speaks o f the enjoy- JUNE 30, 1935 LIBERTY UNDER L AW (Temperance Lesson)
Object Lesson N ot G uilty
FOUR GREAT PROPHETIC SUMMER BIBLE CONFERENCES Montrose, Pa.; Vancouver, B.C.; Flat Rock, N.C.; and Lime Lake, N.Y. Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, Dr. David L. Cooper, Rev. W. H. Cauble, Rev. A. Evan M. Danks, Rev. M. B. Lindberg, Rev. W. H. Pike, Rev. Merrill 1. MacPherson, and Rev. Stillman W. Martin are some of the teachers. A spiritual feast awaits those who at tend. For information, write to . . . BIBLICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 4417 Bernice Street, Los Angeles, Calif. M O N TROSE F O * ïtG IRLSl College Preparatory Boarding School. Distinctive, attrac tive, homelike Christian atmosphere. Abundant Athletics. | Arts, Crafts, Music, Home Economics, Secretarial Training. | Moderate rates. Fall term opens September 24, 1935. BIBLE required study for graduation For further information write the Exec. Secy.,John H. Bowman, M A ., B.D. MONTROSESCHOOL FOR GIRLS _________ MONTROSE, PA.^
Objects: A pint jar, red gasoline, and clear water. (Cover the jar with light grey paint or paper, with the exception of an opening in the back about three inches wide, and two openings in the front—one the shape o f a cross near the top, and the other the profile of a face near the bottom. If red gasoline is not available, clear gaso line may be colored with bulletin red ground in oil, a color for paints.) Lesson: In thinking o f the words of Christ, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” it is well for us to remember that there is only one way to discharge this responsibility, and that one way is to obey. If we can not go in person, we can go by praying and paying. Paul was one of the world’s greatest missionaries. He prayed, he paid, and he went in person. When the people o f Cor inth had refused' to accept the gospel o f Christ as presented by Paul, he said: “Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean.” Paul meant that he was no longer responsible for their sinful condi-
L What b the New Birth. 1. 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal6:15. FIRST PROPOSITION: The New Birth is a
2. 1 Jno. 3:14, R. V.; Eph. 2:1, 4.-5. R. V.
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SECOND PROPOSITION: The new Birth is a passing out of XsnZo
X JL zs JsnTjsa/utorfZon/ o £ '
3. Rom. 122: Tit 3:5.'
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4. 2 Pet 1:4. R. V. FOURTH PROPOSITION: The New Birth is the
IL The Reraha of the New Birth. 1. 1Cor. 3:16; 1Cor.6:19. FIRST PROPOSITION: The one who is bom again becomes a and the Spirit of Cod
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