T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
May, 1935
“The Greek Student’s MONTHLY” is the only periodical dealing solely and exclusively with the study of N. T. Greek. Course for beginners started Oct., 1934. Other matter for a d v a n c e d students. One dollar a year, from Rev. J. E. Jackson, 20259 Santa Maria Ave., Hayward, Calif. Specimen copy from 29 Paternoster Row, London, E. C. 4—under the shadow of St. Paul’s Cathedral rr*“ Gleanings from the Greek,” 25c. Post free. Good service of second-hand books in addition. Chem ica l I llu s tra t ion s o f BIBLE TRUTHS IMPRESSIVE TALKS TO YOUNG PEOPLE Prepared powders, harmless, ready to use. With directions and interesting helps. Believing— Temperance— Contact— Influence—The Cigarette —Decision Day—Christ and Sin—Christ in Heart. Eight talks (with duplicate set) $1.00 Postpaid C. A. SCHMITT, 85 Summer Ave., Reading,Mass. The proceeds of the above ad will be applied toward the maintenance of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. EASY TO RAISE MONEY foryour FavoriteOrganization 40,000 organizations have raised much needed funds through the sale of Gott- schalk’s Metal Sponge. Our liberal co-opera tive plan will make it easy to obtain the money necessary to carry on your work. Gottschalk’s Metal Sponge is known to the housewife from coast to coast. It cleans and scours pots and pans twice as fast with half the effort. _ Keeps the hands dainty and white. This year, two new items will add
No ; ’tis slander, Whose edge is sharper than the sword; , whose tongue Outvenoms all the worms o f Nile. —S HAKES PEARE.
should long to be Christ’s friend, which means that one cannot be a “ friend of the world.” Christ’s plan for His disciples was that they should be in the world but not o f it (John 17:14, 15). Well has it been said, “ The boat is safe in the water when the water is not in the boat; likewise, a Chris tian is safe in the world when the world How does the Christian come to turn his gaze and his affections away from “the world” ? The change is wrought by God. If the Lord Jesus Christ so fills the vision that the eye is “single”—directed only to ward Him—the whole life will be “ full o f light” (cf. Matt. 6:22). That the term “light” is symbolical of holiness is shown by the contrasting description of darkness resulting from an “eye” that is “ evil” (Matt. 6:23). When Ged “ hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowl edge of the glory of God in the face -of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6 ), our eyes are turned toward the One altogether lovely. If, by an act of the will, we yield to Him at each revelation o f His plan for us, He increasingly satisfies our lives, and our eyes are drawn away from the world and directed to Him. Leader’s Helps I. T h e C h ristian and th e W orld What, then, should be the Christian’s relationship to the world? The answer is found in the Christian’s relationship to Christ. Christ and the Christian are one. They are joined together in such an ab solute identification of life that the Holy Spirit says the love relationship they bear to one another is analogous to that of marriage. Hobnobbing with the world in its pleas ures, entering into partnership with it in its pursuits, fashioning one’s life by its principles, working to carry out its pro gram—all these make one an accomplice o f the evil one against one’s own Beloved. ■— R u th P a xso n . II. A part F rom th e W orld The world is that disposition or power under which man has fallen through sin. And the god of this world, in order to deceive man, conceals himself under the form o f what God has created. The world with its pleasures surrounds the Christian each day with temptations. Our Lord calls us, as He called His disciples o f old, to leave all and follow Him. Christian, you live in a dangerous world. Cleave fast to the Lord Jesus. As He teaches you to shun the world and its attractions, your love will go out to Him in loyal-hearted service.— A ndrew M urray . III. A S n ap of th e F ingers An Eastern king had graven upon his tomb two fingers, represented as sounding upon each other with a snap, and under them the motto: “All is not worth that.” Such is the value men put upon the world when they come to die. “ For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?” (Lk. 9:25).— S elected . JUNE 30, 1935 W H A T MAKES A NATION GR E A T ? P roverbs 14:34 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“America the Beautiful.” Hymn— “My Country, ’Tis of Thee.” is not in the Christian.” “ Love not the world.”
IV. W h a t A re Y ou B roadcasting ?
Did you ever think how like a human being the radio it? Every one of us is both a receiving set and a broadcasting station. W e are always receiving and giving out. Even the broadcasting station gives out only what it receives. I f we are always tuning in to receive good, we broadcast good. It is true that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” but in influence it is also true that whatsoever he receives, that shall he also sow. No mind can con tinually expose itself to the reception of evil without revealing that with which the mind is filled. If we would avoid the habit of gossip, we must shrink from the hearing o f malicious tales. The knight ly ideal, “To speak no slander, no, nor listen to it” must be ours.— S elected . JUNE 23, 1935 CULT IVATING AN EYE FOR GOODNESS 1 J ohn 2:15-17; M atth ew 6:22, 23 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“ Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!” Hymn—“ In Heavenly Love Abiding,” Prayer. Hymn—“I Walk with the King.” - Scripture—1 John 2:15-17. Solo—“Jesus, Rose o f Sharon.” Leader’s Message. Testimonies. Hymn—-“Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” Benediction—Hebrews 13:20, 21. Meditation on the Lesson This passage in First John is one o f the most drastic commandments given in the New Testament. It is a sweeping state ment, taking in the world and all that is in it. “Love not the world’-’—it sounds like the thunderous tones from Mt. Sin^i, so concise is the command. One’s first thought would be, “What is ‘the world’ ?” Miss Ruth Paxson defines it thus: “The world is human life and society with God left out.” “The world” hated our Saviour. Listen to His words in John 15:18, 19: “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. I f ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not o f the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, there fore the world hateth you.” How then could we love that which hates our Lord? John enumerates the fundamentals of worldiness as “ the lust o f the flesh, and the lust o f the eyes, and the pride o f life.” In these three great divisions, we find every form and phase of sin. Here was the threefold temptation which the devil used to overthrow Eve. Again, when our Saviour was tempted, the devil advanced along these same lines. But, praise be to the name o f Christ, He overcame the enemy in every attack, and it is His voice which says: “ Love not the world.” Then still more solemn words follow : “If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” James makes a similar statement in the positive form : “Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy o f God.” “Enemy of God”—-does that expression startle us? It should have that result. Each o f us
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