T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
May, 1935
Prayer. Hymn—“God o f Our Fathers.” Hymn—“All Hail the Power.” Scripture—Proverbs 14:27-35, Quartet—“ O Beautiful Land.” Testimonies. Leader's Message. Quiet Hour. Hymn—“ O Worship the King.” Benediction—Jude 24, 25. Meditation on the Lesson
All these may be, and yet the state In the eye of God be far from great. That land is great which knows the Lord, Whose songs are guided by His Word Where justice rules ’twixt man and man, Where love controls in art and plan; Where, breathing in his native air, Each soul finds joy in praise and prayer— Thus may our country, good and great, Be God’s delight—man’s best estate. — A lexander B lackburn . II. A merica ’ s N eed 1. The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that dis regards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained. — G eorge W ashington . 2. The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible. I speak as a man of the world to men o f the world, and I say to you, “ Search the Scriptures.” The earlier my children begin to read it, the more confi dent will be my hopes that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respect able members of society. ^ ^ B J o h n Q u in c y A d a m s . 3. The more profoundly we study this wonderful Book, and the more closely we observe its divine precepts, the better citi zens we will become and the higher will be our destiny as a nation. —W illiam M c K in l e y . III. . W h a t G od H a s S aid In the Word of God, the passages which deal with national government usually apply to Israel, frequently in a prophetic sense. But in that revelation there are in cluded many principles which show the will o f the Lord concerning national life. Among them are the following: 1. Sincere ■worship as evidenced by just and unselfish dealings (Isa. 58). 2. A recognition that the nation’s true defense is . provided by the Lord (Psa. 33:12, 16-22 ; 51:18). 3. Man’s responsibility for intercession for the nation, that the period o f God’s grace may be prolonged (Ezek. 22:30). 4. Subjection o f Christian citizens to authority (Rom. 13:1-7).— S elected . John Bunyan’s “ Instruction for the Inquirer” Frank M. Stearns, Burlington, Vt., has reprinted, in a booklet of convenient size, a series of questions and answers prepared by John Bunyan, covering the subject of Christian doctrine. Written in the unique style o f the author of Pilgrim’s Progress, this seventy-two page booklet, illustrated with quaint drawings, presents the plan o f salvation clearly. The low price—fif teen cents each or two; copies for twenty- five cents—makes the work of special value to Sunday-school teachers .and other per sonal workers. The Unchangeable Word The Word o f God shall abide. The present heavens and earth shall be replaced by the new heavens and the new earth, wherein dwell righteousness, but “thus saith the Lord” is settled forever. The law cannot be shaken. The prophecies of the O ld ; and New Testaments cannot be broken. But those who scoff at them shall be broken. The theories o f men change with the seasons, but the promises o f God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus our Lord. How foolish not to believe the Bible! — R oy T alm age B rum baugh .
“Righteousness exalteth a nation : but sin is a reproach to any people.” In this terse, pithy sentence we have the correct answer to the question which forms our subject: “What makes a nation great?” We find that righteousness is the essential quality. Truly, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice” (Prov. 29:2). A retrospect of history reminds us of the fall of nations as a result o f neglect o f God, or departure from Him. The history o f Israel is a pathetic record of the fate of a people who had an unusual opportunity to be a great nation, and yet who through sin—terrible, continuous sin —brought reproach, not only upon them selves, but also upon their God.- Their great King Solomon, the writer of our text, was renowned among the nations for his wisdom, and yet he was one of the very .ones who by his sinful alliances brought reproach to his people. A roll call o f the nations o f the earth to ascertain which ones have contributed the most to the upbuilding and betterment of mankind is indeed revealing. Though falling far short of the New Testament standard, the so-called Christian nations are conspicuously in the forefront in truly humanitarian movements. Life is regarded as more precious, women are respected more, the sick receive care, unfortunates are placed in institutions, and education is fostered in the nations which honor God. “ Righteousness exalteth." Even if- the glowing reports issuing from Sòvièt lead ers in Russia were true, the social “re forms” thus advertised are nevertheless purely materialistic in their aim. And the nation which believes that it can defy God and His Commandments is doomed. By the grace o f God, Great Britain and the United States today are outstanding nations because o f their heritage o f men and women who were loyal to God and His command. If these nations will be true to Him and His ideals, they will remain great. But, sad to say, sin, crime, and graft are making rapid progress in America and, unless checked, will succeed in dragging down our country into re proach, for “sin is a reproach to any people.” As we pray for deliverance for America, let us not be satisfied with an abstract atti tude of “ In God We Trust,” for God is not satisfied with anything less than saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). May God give to us the true patriotism which longs that our nation may be worthy o f His approval and blessing. Leader’s Helps I. W h a t M akes a N ation G reat ? Not serried ranks with flags unfurled, Not armored ships that gird the world, Not hoarded wealth nor busy mills, Not cattle on a thousand hills, Not sages wise, nor schools, nor'laws, Not boasted deed in freedom’s cause—
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2. Perfect. 3. Eternal.
— P au l P richard .
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