King's Business - 1935-05


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

May, 1935

the fire of the furnace, polished by the hand of the workman, and becomes a noble mirror—the most splendid ornament in the palaces of kings. Thus it is with the sin­ ner ; God raises him from the rubbish o f the fall, melts him by the power of His Word, polishes him by the graces of His Spirit, and places him in the zenith of glory, the noblest mirror, in which are reflected all the perfections of God. ■—H owels . JUNE 17 Prayer That Magnifies Christ’s Greatness “ I f ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do if” (John 14:14). T o ask a right in Christ’s name is to stake all our hopes o f success at the throne o f grace upon the work that Christ has wrought out in our stead, to rest with an undivided mind upon that, to feel that it is infinitely meritorious, and that the merit of it appears with infinitely more distinct­ ness to the Father than it can to any creat­ ure. It is to believe that Christ has made propitiation ample for all our sins, for all our depravity. It is to be strong in His strength, holy in His holiness; to put on His Sonship, His royalty, His influence at the court of heaven ... . Oh, let us feel the necessity of showing the unsurpassable greatness of our Christ by the greatness of our supplications!— -G eorge B owen . JUNE 18 Omnipotence “ The Lord God omnipotent reigneth" (Rev. 19:6). Omnipotence may build a thousand worlds, and fill them with bounties; Omni­ potence may powder mountains into dust, and burn the sea, and consume the sky, but Omnipotence cannot do an unloving thing toward a believer. Oh, rest quite sure, Christian, a hard thing, an unloving thing from God toward one o f His own people is quite impossible. He is as kind to you when He casts you into prison as when He takes you into a palace; He is as good when He sends famine into your house as when He fills your barns with plenty. The only question is, Art thou His child? If so, . . . there is love in His chastisement. ' Mi ~ C harles H addon S purgeon ; Through waves, through clouds and storms God gently clears the way; W e wait His time; so shall the night Soon end in blissful day. — G erhardt . JUNE 19 The Effect of Following Christ “ The disciple is not above his master” (Matt. 10:24). As Jesus came down from Tabor, that He might advance in His marvelous career of service and suffering onward to Calvary, so are we privileged, often, to go up to “the mountain of the Lord’s house,” not that we may there always abide, however good it be to be there, but that we may be thereby prepared for coming down to the scene of trial, and prosecuting a course of duty and conflict even to life’s end. W e are required to deny ourselves, and take up our cross and follow Christ—to over­ come, like Him, as well as by Him—and to be faithful, even unto death. And truly, though never called to agonize as He did, the sight o f Him, as bleeding arid dying for our salvation, cannot but dispose us to welcome, and incline us to obey, every call to serve and to suffer in His cause. ' —D avid D avidson .

I choose Thy will, Lord Jesus, I choose Thy way complete; All that would keep me from Thee I lay now at Thy feet. —A lice E. S herwood . JUNE 13 Life’s Melody “Rest in the Lord” (Psa. 37:7). There is no music in a rest but there is the making of music in it. In our whole life’s melody, the music is broken off here and there by rests, and we foolishly lament. God sends a time o f forced leisure, sickness, disappointed plans, frustrated efforts, and makes ; sudden pause in the music of our lives, and we lament that our voices must be silefit and our part missing in the music He delights in. How does the musician read the rests ? See him beat­ ing time with unvarying count, catching up the next note true and steady as if no breaking time had come between. Not without design does God write the music of every Christian life. Be ifou rs to learn the time, and not to be dismayed at the rests. If we look up, God Himself will beat time for us. With the eye on Him, we shall strike the next note full and clear. — S elected . JUNE 14 Bring Your Emptiness to God ‘‘Be still, and know that I dm God” (Psa. 46:10). It is not your activity, but your receptiv­ ity that God seeks. He will enter to work mightily in you,, and then you will work effectively in virtue of that strength. “Be still, and know that I am God.” The con­ verse o f this is also true. “Without me ye can do nothing.” These words were spoken to His own believing ones; they were not meant for those who were spiritually dead. It is with Him—that is, having Him in us Ij-that we shall know what real work means. He is then the Worker. Bring your emptiness to God. Let Him fill you with His own power, and the gracious work you long for shall be accomplished. Alliance Weekly. JUNE 15 Our Glory and Our Sacrifice “ The unsearchable riches o f Christ” (Eph. 3:8 ). The glory of the inexhaustible riches of Christ is found in their immediate applica­ bility to all the changes o f our changing years. We can begin to use them when we are young. It is beautiful, and to me always very wonderful, that our little ones.can begin to handle the unsearchable wealth o f Christ. Our “weeniest bairns” paddle in the unsearchable sea; and if you lift your eyes, you may see that same ocean carrying the great liner . . . When we grow older, and the apprehension is a little more matured, larger resources are disclosed to our larger capacity, and the riches are plentiful to the vaster need . . . W e can never get to the end of the '‘‘unsearchable riches” o f Christ. They are our glory in time; they will be our endless* sunrise in eternity.-— J. H. J owett . i JUNE 16 Transformation “H e brought me up also out o f a horrible pit . . . and established my goings” (Psa. 40:2). While the sand is lying on the moun­ tain’s side, it is a vile and rejected thing, trodden under foot o f man and beast. It is carried to the laboratory, submitted to

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