May, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
JUNE 20 The Measuring Rod “ Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal. 6:2 ). Examine yourselves, then, I entreat you, by that unerring standard by which you are to be judged at the great day o f final retribution. Do you live unto the Lord ? Is a regard to the authority of your Supreme Legislator the great principle by which your actions are governed? . . . Do you endeavor to obey the whole will o f G od; or is your obedience confined to those duties which are agreeable to your inclina tion, or calculated to promote your tem poral interests ? . . . Are you ardently desir ous to obtain from the sorrows of life those lessons of godliness which they are calculated to teach; or is it your only anxiety that your distresses may be re moved ? . . . Such are some of the marks- by which you are to examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith. — J o h n H un ter . JUNE 21 Peniel “And Jacob called the name o f the place Peniel [God’s fa c e]: fo r I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved" (Gen. 32:30). What an experience for Jacob in that lone night at the brook of Jabbok, when he was suddenly seized by a mysterious antagonist I Only after having been crippled in the struggle did he become aware of being in the grip o f God. Cun ning self-dependence had been the evil genius o f his life. He needed to be broken and to be brought into total dependence upon God. He was changed. Something new had come into his life. Not merely a new name (Israel, prevailing with God), but a new spirit Not until we give up our imperious will, and yield absolutely to God, do we become strong in the power of His might.— Baptist Herald. JUNE 22 Faithful and True “In him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). Picture, if you can. the incomprehensible loss, the utter blank it would be if we could think that any single word o f Christ’s might haply fail, through frailty or incom petence, to say nothing o f the incompar ably greater woe o f a misgiving as to whether a single word might not be mis leading, evasive, exaggerated! . . . Let us ponder it over and over until the unspeak able comfort o f it has saturated our very being, in its deepest depths. To the very end, He will bear this proud title, “ Faithful and True.”— L u cy A. B en n ett . JUNE 23 Quietness “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength" (Isa. 30:15). Not one thing is accomplished unless there is time spent in doing that thing. This is true in all walks of life. Often Jesus left the multitudes o f people in order to go into quiet solitudes to pray. He took time to speak to His Father in the secret place, in order that He might be strength ened for the tasks ahead. As children, many o f our habits were patterned after those o f our fathers; surely, as God’s chil dren through faith in Christ, we ought to pattern our lives after Him who is the Perfect One. “Take time to be holy, The world rushes o n ;
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JUNE 24 Plowed and Sown
“Doth he that ploweth to sow plow con tinually?" (Isa. 28:24, R. V .). “ Ye are God’s filled land" (1 Cor. 3 :9, R. V .) . “Ye are God’s tilled land” says Paul, catching up the prophet’s conception. Change, adversity, loss, misunderstanding, disappointment, trial—they all tell that God’s plowshare is at work in the soul. God is breaking up the clods of our dull souls—not for the joy o f seeing us miser- ble, tormented, helpless. He does not plow continually. He plows straight, deep, rigorously, but He plows to sow. My God, even as Thou hast not spared the plow, so, O Lord, spare not the seed also. And then, Lord, in the end, find in me a harvest to the glory o f Thy grace. Let Thy tilled land be worthy o f Thy toil, and the joy of Thy heart forever.—W . D. M. JUNE 25 True Happiness “ Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he” (Prov. 16:20). From whence shall we enjoy a real and permanent happiness? By living to the Lord 1 It is a principle o f grace implanted in the soul by the power of the Holy Ghost, and exhibiting itself in all the virtues of the Christian character, which gives to the human mind the dignified satisfaction of fulfilling the great end o f its existence . . . It is this which enlivens the joys o f pros perity, cheers the gloom o f adversity,' imparts hope at the hour o f death, and pre pares the soul for admission into the pres ence o f its God . . . It is this which consti tutes the very bliss o f heaven itself; for what is grace, but glory begun? and what is glory, but grace perfected? . . . Disciple o f Jesus, grovel not on earth, but raise thine eye to the place where thy Master dwells.— J o h n H u n ter . JUNE 26 Rest in the Shadow of His Wing “ When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid" (Prov. 3 :24). This is-the promise, but this may not be our actual experience. We may hold the truth as it here stands in God’s Word. But the truth may not hold us in the experience o f daily life. Instead o f lying down to rest, we may be in the habit of lying down to worry . . God’s pardoned ones need not be afraid when they lie under the shadow o f His wing. The Lord not only com mands us, saying, “Fear not,” but He also assures us by giving us the reason or the
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