May, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
ground of our confidence, “for I am with thee.” . . . What is needed is that the mind shall be “ stayed” on God. This means an attitude of simple trust, casting all one’s care and putting the whole weight of every burden on the Lord.-— S elected . JUNE 27 Living on the Father’s Plan “And why take ye thought. . . ?” (Matt. 6:28). When a man is living on God’s plan, he has no need to worry himself about his . trade, of about his clothing, or about his house, or about anything that belongs to him . . . Do not look at your own faith; look at God’s faithfulness. Do not look around on circumstances, but keep looking at the resources of the infinite God. The only thing a man may be anxious about in ’this life is whether he is working on God’s plan, doing God’s work; and if that is so, all the care o f everything else is back on God.— F . B. M eyer . JUNE 28 Grow! “ Grow in grace, and in th e,knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 3:18). The. great test question with which the believer should start each day, and with which he should close each day, is this: Am I more like my Lord than I was ? It is a question of fire, testing the motives and actions, a question'of arraignment, setting the soul before a great tribunal. Am I more like Jesus Christ than I was? Who is to answer the question ? I am to answer it, not in the public ear, but in the shrine of my own spirit, and in the presence of my Lord—to tell Him. . . . The text does not mean, grow into the grace, or into the knowledge. It means exactly what it says, and may be stated in this wise: Being in grace—grow. Being in knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ—grow. —G. C am pbe ll M organ . JUNE 29 Preparing for His Own “I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2). Our Lord has prepared a place. It is the Bridegroom getting the house ready for the bride . . . The preparations are not made grudgingly and with slow reluctance. Everything is o f the best, and done with the swift delight of love . . . And our Lord will fetch His bride to the prepared place. “I am the way,” He said. W e become so wrapped up in Him that nothing else counts. I once traveled through the Black Country with a fascinating friend, and I never saw it! And we can become so absorbed in our glorious Bridegroom that we shall be almost oblivious o f adverse cir cumstances which may beset us. . . . Final ly, the last obscuring veil is to be rent, and we are to see Him “ face to face.” — J. H . J owett . JUNE 30 Harvest “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; fo r they are white already to har v e s t (John 4:35). With every harvest, there comes a mani festation o f divine power. In Noah’s day, there began a miracle of grace which con tinues to this day. Following the flood, although God knew that “imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth,” He ordained that “while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest . . . shall not cease.”
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