King's Business - 1935-05

LESS. . . THAN THIRTY DAYS REMAIN f f f f f • • • • • The liberal CLUB OFFER of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS MAGAZINE expires on May 31st, 1935. UNTIL THAT DATE you may send us CLUBS of 3-6 at 75 cents or of 10 or more at 50 cents each. AFTER THAT DATE our regular price of $1.50 per subscription goes into effect. Get your Club in at once. Use this magazine as a sample, and fill in and mail the order form on this page. Additional copies and agency supplies will be sent on request. REMEMBER the clock is working against you. ACT TODAY!

CASH forYOU will be allowed club organizers for sending fen an­ nual subscriptions for the King's Business Magazine at $1.50 each. This allows you $1.00 on each $1.50 you collect. 50c 75c (Add 25c for Canadian and foreign subscriptions to cover cost of extra postage) A N N U A L SU B SCR IPT IO N S In Clubs of 10 or more, each. A N N U A L SU B SCR IPT IO N S In Clubs of 3 to 6, each_____—


Special "King’s Business”Club Order Form KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. S ent by _________________________________________________ Please send the K ing ’ s B usiness to each of the A ddress ________________________________________________________ following subscribers, for which I enclose $---------. 7 am retaining $----------- as per offer. NAHES ADDRESSES TO BEGIN 1.

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