General Safety continued ...
We are monitoring the company contracted to test and paint our hydrants - testing is ongoing per the required schedules. Help us keep our park safe and secure. Put the Security Guards <direct> phone number in your contacts.
Your Safety and Security Committee has been hard at work:
Disaster Drills
Gatehouse Direct - 760 - 770 - 0065
We have tested all our emergency equipment and are working on a better storage solution. There is lots of gear - radios, jump kits, medical equipment, rescue gear, and various lighting and power equipment. All is working well. Communications gear and Ham radios have been tested and allow us to communicate throughout the valley. The Roster of available search and rescue, medical, radio team responders, and incident commanders have been updated, and new members have been recruited. A full - scale disaster exercise will be held in March. Please come and watch! A full access study of all perimeter walls is complete. Each wall and fence have been checked for soft spots. As a result, we have identified 20 areas providing too - easy intruder access. We have submitted to the Board a prioritized action plan for new wrought iron barriers and prickly vegetation that will fix these problems and discourage intruders. Intruder Security We have identified missing stop signs and pavement markings and are nearly done installing all the missing elements. We have conducted many traffic and speeding studies and have a large body of data allowing security to go to work at the specific problem times, and on the problem streets. We have deployed new radar speeding signs, which also record data, and they are working quite well to discourage speeding. We are having a new crosswalk painted and considering a pilot program of bike/pedestrian lanes on our larger streets. Each ORPS first aid station and each defib unit has been inspected, and supplies are on order to bring them up to standard. Each Fire extinguisher has also been located and checked for correct operation. Road Safety General Safety
ORPS Volunteer Responders Checking Emergency Equipment and Supplies
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