
A little rain won’t stop these walkers COMMUNAUTÉ • COMMUN I TY GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

about 8000. %at includes residents in both Russell Township, the site for one of 've fundraiser walks held in the region, and also in the surrounding Five Counties area. «We have a good support group here,» she said, «but we would like, we need to be able to o!er more.» Among the local goals for the Parkinson’s support group in the Five Counties region is to provide more physical exercise and the- rapy programs for people dealing with the disease. %e group also wants to 'nd space where such programs could take place, and also try to bring in a regular speech therapy program for people with Parkinson’s. «%at’s very important,» she noted, ad- ding that those sorts of physical therapy programs canmeanmore than just learning how to control muscles that allow a person to walk and talk. «Dance, music, and sin- ging are all good for people too. It all helps to energize them, and we like people to be energized.» During the past two years, the annual Parkinson’s Walk in Russell County has seen several dozen participants, including people dealing with the disease and their families, as well as people in support of the overall program. Each year the Embrun Parkinson’s Walk has raised about $6000 to help with support programs and research. More information on Parkinson’s Disease, the society itself, and the annual walks is at

A steady drip drip drip of rain water rol- led o# the edges of the roof of the gazebo shelter at Yahoo Park in Embrun Sunday morning. But the grey skies and steady showers could not dampen the spirits of everyone turning out with raincoats and umbrellas to take part in the$ird Annual Parkinson’s Walk. «We have one super group here,» said Ginette Trottier, organizer of the event for the Eastern Ontario branch of the Parkinson Society of Canada. Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenera- tive disorder that a!ects a person’s motor skills, including their ability to walk, grasp and hold objects, and even talk. %ere are somemedications and surgical procedures that may relieve the symptoms of Parkin- son’s but for most people a&icted with the disease, the main source of help is through physical therapy and support programs for both them and their families. %e annual Parkinson’s Walk is one me- thod for the society to both promote public awareness of the disease and also help raise funds to assist with further research into Parkinson’s Syndrome with the twin goals of both relief for those who su!er from it and 'nding a cure for the disease. Trottier noted that the current estimate for people dealing with Parkinson’s Syn- drome in Eastern Ontario alone numbers

Walker Brenda Tobin (right) and volunteer Joan Gibson are stylin’ for Sunday’s#ird Annual Parkinson’s Walk. Écrire sa vie Vous avez le goût d’écrire votre vie? Vous désirez laisser à vos petits-enfants des souvenirs et des anecdotes de votre enfance? J’écris Ma Vie est une association qui peut vous aider.. Il y aura une soirée d’information le 22 septembre prochain, à 19 h, au gymnase du Pavillon La Croisée, 1215, St-Augustin à Embrun. Pour de plus amples détails, les intéressés peuvent communiquer avec Noëlla Lacelle, 613-322-4868, ou – Annie Lafortune

Le DISTRICT 45 EstaRiO est dynamique et il se préoccupe de sa communauté Les enseignantes et enseignants retraités et les travailleurs de l’éducation à la retraite sont des gens engagés …

Gagnante du I-Pad mini à l'atelier de préparation à la retraite (APR) en octobre 2014 à Casselman

Une trésorière et un président à leurs a!aires. Philippe et Claire

On s'amuse lors de la présentation d'un livre

Hommage à nos aînés

Relais pour la Vie 2014 Groupe EstaRIO 45

Bourse EstaRIO 2015

Passation des pouvoirs

Bye bye cloche 2015

Gagnante : Monique Neveu

(AGA) Assemblée générale d’automne : 8 octobre 2015 (9h00) (APR) Atelier de préparation à la retraite : 8 octobre 2015 (16h30) Party de Noël : 3 décembre 2015 (9h30) 1 ère réunion (exécutif et conseil général) : 11 décembre 2015 19 e Tournoi de golf «Marcel Brunet» : 25 mai 2016 Relais pour la vie : à déterminer en 2016 AG du printemps : à déterminer en 2016 (Secteur Est) Bye bye cloche : 1 ère journée de classe en 2016

Activité! à venir 2015-2016

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