Diocese of London - Senior Investment and Asset Manager

ground lease extensions and enfran- chisements, using specialist consultants as necessary. To take collective responsibility for the investment portfolio health and safety risk register (maintained by Cluttons). To prepare papers for, attend, and present at Property Guidance Group (non-executive property investment committee) meetings. To support the external Market Valuation of the Portfolio every 3 years (next one in December 2022) and annual interim desk top valuation review. To ensure that appropriate insurance is in place for all properties and review the insurance requirements annually with the LDF’s insurance Brokers. To identify ‘on-strategy’ operational housing sale and acquisition targets, negotiate with, persuade and secure support from key stakeholders, and effectively lead and manage those transactions. To manage existing planning and development pipeline through to successful completion of projects (e.g. residential conversions, residential new build). To identify other opportunities for capital release or income generation across the operational housing portfo- lio, and implement those strategies. To build close working relationships with Archdeacons who are key stakeholders in the development and execution of operational housing

strategy, keeping them well-informed at all times of proposed initiatives and seeking to secure their support at an early stage. To communicate and engage well with other stakeholders (e.g. clergy and parishes) at all times, clearly, accurately and empathetically communicating proposed initiatives to secure support. To monitor and report on the financial impact of asset management activities, both in terms of net capital released and new income streams. To work with and/or support the Par- ish Property Support department on development projects which include both parish and diocesan property. To prepare development and investment appraisals in support of business plans to demonstrate financial risks and returns of recommended strategies. To consider the execution/procure- ment options for development pro- jects and recommend the optimum delivery route, putting appropriate contracts and reliance documenta- tion in place with the contractor and professional team. To act as development manager on direct LDF development activities, ensuring successful project delivery. To ensure that all risks are identified, managed, reported and escalated as appropriate. To appoint and manage external consultants as necessary to assist in identifying/clarifying asset manage- ment opportunities and implementing


• To coordinate, work with, and monitor the perfor- mance of appointed professional advisors including but not limited to managing agents, solicitors, valuers, planning consultants, project managers, insurance brokers etc. • To comply with relevant charity and ecclesiastical legislation, in particular the Charities Act 2011 and Church Property Measure 2018, as applicable. • To develop ideas, seek approval and implement initia- tives that will year on year reduce the CO2 emission of the portfolio, to achieve Net Carbon Zero as soon as practical. • To prepare reports for Diocesan Finance Committee (trustee body) approval to proposed transactions or major capital projects, and attend and present at meetings if necessary. • To monitor emerging legislation which might impact on strategy, and the performance of and outlook for the various property sectors to inform hold/sell decisions, and keep wider team updated. • To support the effective management of our estate at all times e.g. correcting title registration defects when identified. • To work closely with the finance team and administra- tive support as necessary. •

Generally •

Operational Property Portfolio •

To take part in regular supervision meetings and annual appraisals, with an openness to learning and development, and continuous improvement. The post-holder may be required to undertake any other duties that are commensurate with the role. Early morning, evening or weekend work may be required on occasion.

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