Clinical Governance Standard
The NSLHD Clinical Audit Schedule has been developed for all sites and services within NSLHD to support the monitoring and evaluation of clinical care processes and to provide support for clinical quality improvement activities across NSLHD. Download the complete 2022-23 NSLHD Clinical Audit Schedule. Note: The Schedule is divided into three categories (NSLHD acute, sub-acute, MHDA and PACH). Visit the clinical audit intranet page for more information.
Clinical audits required to be completed this month are listed below.
December 2022 QARS Audits (entry links)
NSLHD_03_Aseptic Technique
St 3
St 4
NSLHD_4_Monthly Accountable Drug (S4D_S8) Register Audit (RNSH | HKH | Ryde | MVH | MHDA)
NLSHD_08_Monthly inspection for resuscitation trolley/ Resuscitaire equipment checklists
Hypoglycaemic Kit and Glucometer Audit v2_Dec_2022 (MHDA) (RNSH | HKH | Ryde | MV | MHDA | PACH)
St 8
New look PPG Intranet site
The NSLHD Policies, Procedures & Guidelines Intranet site has recently undergone a transformation to cater for a more user friendly experience. The new site provides staff and PPG Authors improved navigation with the PPG process and Prompt, the portal that houses NSLHD's Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Standing Orders.
You can access the new site here.
New, updated and recently published district-wide PPGs. Click on the links below to download documents from the Prompt document system. Refer to the NSLHD weekly bulletin in your inbox to access the most up-to-date list of PPGs
Enterprise Risk Management Procedure - NSLHD Enterprise Risk Management Guideline - NSLHD Access and Use of Electronic Mobile Devices in Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Inpatient Units - MHDA Subcutaneous Use of Elastomeric Infusers for Palliative Care Symptom Management
SAFETY ALERTS New, updated and recently published
SN:024/22 - P hilips 12-Lead Chest Lead-set Defect - issued 5 December 2022 SN:023/22 - N ewly registered Australian product: Risks associated with lorazepam 4 mg/1 mL solution for injection - issued 1 December 2022 SN:022/22 - Discontinuation of Jurnista® (HYDROmorphone hydrochloride) modified release tablets in Australia - issued 29 November 2022 SI:011/22 - Philips Respironics CPAP and bi-level masks containing magnets - issued 25 November 2022
Safety Alert (SA) - Requires immediate attention and action Safety Notice (SN) - Requires risk assessment at the district level Safety Information (SI) - Ensuring that lessons learned from state-wide, national or international sources are shared actively across NSW health system
For more information, contact:
Medication Safety Updates Medication Safety Updates including medication shortages are available on the CEC website.
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