King's Business - 1916-06



go right up. The plan is to have it up by May, ready for a Ibig evangelistie campaign and with no debt. I believe that Mr. Fujita has been called o f God for this work, and that he is exactly the right man for the

place at this juncture. I f any o f you feel inclined to help in this great pioneer work, I am sure you will find it a dividend pay­ ing enterprise, payable in the coin o f the Kingdom.”

-------------- O -------------- WORDS OF PRAISE

Charles C. Boland, Seattle: “ I acknowl­ edge with appreciation and gratitude the December number o f T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness , which I found to be a veritable mine o f good things. It is attractively written, and holds clear, strong and plain the TRUTH as found in the Bible. I hand you with pleasure enclosed postal mtiney order for $1.00, for which kindly send me the same for one year, commencing with January, 1916.” A. A. Chapman, Casper, W y o .: “ I am sending money for another year’s subscrip­ tion to T he K ing ’ s B usiness . I think T he K ing ’ s B usiness is next to the Bible. Of all the literature I have found, I get more help from it.” Margaret H., Omaha, N eb.: “ I wish to thank you for the magazine. It has helped to clear up the dark cloud that had troubled me for some time. I thank God for the enlightenment I got from that article, ‘The Virgin Birth o f Jesus Christ.’ ” Rev. H. E. Lininger, Ogallalla, Neb.: “As a reader o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness I want to bear testimony to my apprecia­ tion o f its contents. It is far in advance o f any magazine o f its kind. The studies, ‘Thru the Bible,’ are splendid and will furnish a mine o f material and suggestion to the student who* follows them.” Eugene A. Walker, Kettle Falls, Wash.: “Allow me to say that your ‘Exposition and Practical Applications,’ o f the Inter­ national Lessons goes far and away ahead o f anything I have yet read in its way, for

clarity and making plain the sense o f the Scripture. This applies also to the ‘Daily Devotional Studies in the New Testament for Individual Meditation and Family Worship,’ and I think these studies ought to be published in book fprm, for they are o f permanent value for their helpfulness' to the common reader o f the Scriptures.” ----------O— ------ Are They Blind Leaders? The following letter received from Min­ neapolis is given not alone for its com -, mendation o f this magazine, but also for its comments upon present tendencies toward a compromise with Romanism and its errors. Very many o f the most thought­ ful evangelicals are feeling exactly as the writer o f the letter does. He says: “ I am enclosing $1 for a year’s sub­ scription to T he K ing ’ s B usiness . The magazine grows better and better with each issue. Truly, Roman Catholicism is being revived at a great rate, when representa­ tives o f seventeen denominations meet to consider overtures from the Pope, looking toward the one Roman Catholic church as the fold for all! What is to be done about this? Presbyterians and Baptists had rep­ resentatives there. Is' no protest to be made from any authoritative source. Are the followers o f Knox and Calvin to sit still while Rome carries out ,her program, ‘America must be Catholic?’ ^Whither are our leaders!?) leading the church in this ‘Federation o f the Churches o f America’ movement ?”

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