King's Business - 1916-06



and at the-same time the justifier o f those who had sinned and who had violated His law. God so loved the world—He didn’t look at the world as a whole and so love it, but he so loved each individual until he had included the whole—that He gave His only begotten Son for the redemption o f those who would believe on Him as their personal Savior. Man could not reach up to God and pull himself out o f his environment, consequently God reached down'to man through His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ. Christ came, He suffered, He died. Vicariously He bore our suffer­ ings, and vicariously He bore our penalties. The power o f the Godhead was exhausted in punishing Jesus Christ. There is no punishment God can administer to a redeemed child, because, the entire penalty was paid by Christ, and the power to pun­ ish sin was exhausted in punishing Christ. Ruined by the fall, but redeemed by Jesus Christ. MUST BE REGENERATED Redemption as a forensic act is not all o f salvation. The soul must be regenerated by the Holy Ghost. To pardon a man does not necessarily reinstate him as a good citizen into society. Redemption by Christ must be followed by regeneration in order that the man may become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Thereforej the Holy Ghost, the third person o f the Trinity, applies the blood o f Jesus Christ, hnd out o f the spiritual substance o f Jesus Christ,, in His own divine way, re-creates the soul, generates it and baptizes it into the spir­ itual body o f Christ. By that process the redeemed man has imparted to him in the regeneration o f his soul the nature of Christ, the 'mind o f the Master, and, becomes by birth, 'by generation, a child o f God. He is brought into existence as a child, and there is no power in this uni­ verse which can destroy his existence, his personality, his identity, his individuality as a child o f God. He is re-created, given a clean heart, a new heart, a new spirit, he is a new man in Christ Jesus by the regenerating act o f the Holy Ghost. A

new creation regenerated by the Holy Ghost. MISDIRECTED ENERGY W e are prone to consider, effects rather than causes. Large numbers o f our people are constantly working at the world’s refor­ mation. A great deal o f our work amounts to nothing. W e are expending our energies in the wrong direction.

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