and at the-same time the justifier o f those who had sinned and who had violated His law. God so loved the world—He didn’t look at the world as a whole and so love it, but he so loved each individual until he had included the whole—that He gave His only begotten Son for the redemption o f those who would believe on Him as their personal Savior. Man could not reach up to God and pull himself out o f his environment, consequently God reached down'to man through His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ. Christ came, He suffered, He died. Vicariously He bore our suffer ings, and vicariously He bore our penalties. The power o f the Godhead was exhausted in punishing Jesus Christ. There is no punishment God can administer to a redeemed child, because, the entire penalty was paid by Christ, and the power to pun ish sin was exhausted in punishing Christ. Ruined by the fall, but redeemed by Jesus Christ. MUST BE REGENERATED Redemption as a forensic act is not all o f salvation. The soul must be regenerated by the Holy Ghost. To pardon a man does not necessarily reinstate him as a good citizen into society. Redemption by Christ must be followed by regeneration in order that the man may become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Thereforej the Holy Ghost, the third person o f the Trinity, applies the blood o f Jesus Christ, hnd out o f the spiritual substance o f Jesus Christ,, in His own divine way, re-creates the soul, generates it and baptizes it into the spir itual body o f Christ. By that process the redeemed man has imparted to him in the regeneration o f his soul the nature of Christ, the 'mind o f the Master, and, becomes by birth, 'by generation, a child o f God. He is brought into existence as a child, and there is no power in this uni verse which can destroy his existence, his personality, his identity, his individuality as a child o f God. He is re-created, given a clean heart, a new heart, a new spirit, he is a new man in Christ Jesus by the regenerating act o f the Holy Ghost. A
new creation regenerated by the Holy Ghost. MISDIRECTED ENERGY W e are prone to consider, effects rather than causes. Large numbers o f our people are constantly working at the world’s refor mation. A great deal o f our work amounts to nothing. W e are expending our energies in the wrong direction.
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